Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1626 The Difference Between Sea Country and Great Zhou Country

Chapter 1626 The Difference Between Sea Country and Great Zhou Country

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man named Zhang Quandan. In Da Zhou, Zhang Quandan worked in the Escort Bureau when he was young. Later, he was dismissed by the Escort Bureau because of broken fingers and had to return to the village.

However, Zhang Quandan's ambition is relatively lofty, and he wants to do something big. The reason why he joined Qin Sheng's team was because he saw the potential of the soap business that Qin Sheng was going to start. Look down on.

So even if he leaves his hometown, Zhang Quandan is still willing to come out and work hard with Qin Sheng even though he may endure hardships.

Because Zhang Quandan knew that this was an opportunity to follow Qin Sheng. Once he succeeded, he would enjoy endless wealth in the future.

Anyway, I still have time to work hard, so I might as well give it a try.

If you miss this opportunity, it is almost impossible to think about it later.

Since Zhang Quandan had worked in the bodyguard bureau before, Zhang Quandan had traveled far and wide, and was much more knowledgeable than the average person in the village.

Zhang Quandan has traveled to many places in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and now he is in Haiguo. After comparing the two countries, he understands why others say that Haiguo is rich, and it is true when he comes here, and the gap is bigger than imagined. Some.

Those novelty items in Haiguo Market have never been seen in Da Zhou Kingdom.

Others in the same team also sighed, "Yes, this sea country is really not ordinary rich, people come and go on the street, they have everything, and everyone seems to be very rich.

Unlike our Great Zhou Kingdom, there is nothing different in the town, and there are very few villagers with money in their hands. "

"If we don't come out for a walk, we're like frogs in a well, we don't know what's going on in the outside world at all."

"Yeah, this time I came out with Brother Qin Sheng, the big guy has gained a lot of knowledge.

Let's take a look at the novelty things here, and we can tell the people in the village later, probably many people have never heard of it. "

"haha, yes!"



Qin Sheng and his team walked on the street, looking left and right, they were very curious about many things.

The clothes worn by the people of the Hai Kingdom are different from those of the people of the Great Zhou Kingdom. It is probably because the folk customs are more open. The clothes of the people of the Hai Kingdom are more revealing, while the clothes of the people of the Great Zhou Kingdom are more conservative.

The relatively conservative people of the Great Zhou Kingdom naturally couldn't understand the dressing style of the people of the Hai Kingdom, and the few men chattered a few words together.

Passing by some girls, I saw that some girls had their arms and thighs exposed, and they all sighed.

However, as a man, when he saw the young girl showing her arms and legs, he still looked for a few more interested ones, and there was a little more obscenity in her eyes.

Anyway, if people wear it, if people see it, they will look at it openly. In Dazhou, there is no such kind of beauty.

Qin Sheng had no interest in these young and beautiful women at all.

Even though the revealing clothes were displayed in front of him, he still didn't take a second look.

These women are good-looking, but compared to his daughter-in-law, they are far worse than a single finger.

Since Qin Sheng didn't even glance at the men who were traveling with him, he couldn't help joking, "Brother Qin Cheng, look at these young and beautiful girls in Haiguo. They are all wearing revealing clothes. Why don't you look at them? In our Great Zhou Kingdom, you can’t see it even if you want to!”

(End of this chapter)

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