Chapter 1673

Before, they were all arguing over trivial matters.

Of course, most of them are because of other people.

Su Qingyao's character is that if people don't attack me, I will not attack others. If people attack me, I will attack them.

If others treat him kindly, Su Qingyao will not be too embarrassing.

Now that Wu Shi and Yin Cuihua are not finding fault, naturally there will be no conflicts.

After the meal was ready, the sky slowly darkened.

At night in the countryside, the sounds of insects are everywhere, croaking, croaking, which is really interesting.

Unlike the 21st century, there is no such feeling at all.

It's cool outside, and you can watch the moon.

So I decided to eat outside for dinner, trying to get an atmosphere and feeling.

It just so happened that there was a big round table at home, and after the meals were prepared, they were brought over one by one and placed on the table.

Looking at such a sumptuous meal, the second and third brothers were so greedy that they swallowed.

They didn't know how long it had been since they had such a good meal.

There are meat, chicken, and eggs on the table, and such a rich meal can only be eaten during the New Year and festivals.

On weekdays, the second and third brothers can hardly eat white rice, so most of them just drink some porridge and eat some wild vegetables.

They don't want to do this either, and it's not all because they are too poor and have no money to eat. If they have money, they won't be like this.

It's rare to have such a good dinner now.

Later they must eat well, be full and full, and be able to last for several days.

The life of the eldest couple is slightly better than that of the second and third brothers, but not much better.

For the Dafang couple, a table of meals today is indeed rich enough.

These meals are mainly cooked by Su Qingyao. Su Qingyao's cooking skills are better than those in restaurants.

After setting up the dishes, the second brother said to Qin An, "Brother, with such a table of good dishes today, we brothers must not get drunk and never go home. I am so happy."

Qin An nodded in response, "Yeah, it's a rare holiday, and it's a rare time to eat together. We brothers should really have a few more drinks."

After finishing speaking, Qin An looked at the table and said, "Mother, why is there no wine? If there is no wine, how can we brothers drink?"

Yin Cuihua said, "I've already ordered the dishes for this table, where can I get wine? Your sixth younger brother doesn't drink alcohol, let alone me as an old woman, and I don't have any at home."

Qin An was a little disappointed.

The third brother said, "Brother, there is no wine in my mother's place. Don't you have several jars of wine in your house? I heard that it's been a long time. I've smelled it before, but it smells good. Why don't you take it out and have a drink with us brothers? Otherwise If so, where do you get wine?"

Thinking of the jars of wine in his room, Qin An was naturally reluctant.

Those wines were all good wines, bought from the town, and a jar of wine cost two or three hundred renminbi.

Usually when I drink it by myself, I just make a small cup and taste it slowly, and I don't want to drink more at all, so now I am naturally reluctant to share it with my second and third brothers.

Good things should be tasted and drunk secretly. Wouldn't it be silly to give others to drink?
His second and third younger brothers didn't give him any good things on weekdays, so why did he suffer this loss and take out such a good wine to drink with them?

(End of this chapter)

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