Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1674 Too stingy

Chapter 1674 Too stingy
Qin An said disgustedly, "Go, go, you still want to drink my wine, how much did you pay for my wine?"

"Brother, you don't need to be so stingy, right? Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone is drinking together and having a good time. If you have wine, why don't you take it out and drink it together? Why hide it?

It's hard for us brothers to have a drink together, there's no need to do this! "The third brother said.

Qin An felt that Qin Fang just stood up and talked without pain in his back, so he replied to Qin Fang lightly, "Third brother, you said this lightly. If it was your money, would you be willing to take it out and share it with us brothers?"

Don't even think about it, I definitely don't want to.

He doesn't know how stingy his third brother is.

It is easy to tell others, but it is difficult to do some things yourself.

Qin An didn't want his two brothers to take advantage of him.

Qin Fang said, "Brother, if I have money like you and wine, then I don't need to ask, I'm sure I'd like to drink it together. Isn't it because there is no wine?"

"Hehe, you just said it, doesn't it mean you said it for nothing? Anyway, you didn't. It's just a matter of using your mouth. How easy is it? But I have to take out the wine and drink it together!" Qin An snorted lightly, in every possible way unwilling.

Yin Cuihua on the side persuaded, "Boss, take out the wine, it's rare for brothers to have a drink, how much money you get back will be on my head, and I will travel with this money?"

What Yin Cuihua said made Qin An feel a little embarrassed, and it seemed that he was too stingy.

The second brother and the third brother hurriedly patted Yin Cuihua's ass and said, "Mother should be more generous."

Qin An felt even more embarrassed, and finally said, "Forget it, mother, you don't need to come out. I, the eldest brother, treat my brother to a few drinks."

Although he was a bit reluctant to part with these good wines, but when the news spread later, he really had no face in the village.

Simply forget it, it's a rare one, it doesn't happen every time, it's a little loss, but it's rare for brothers to drink together and be happy.

The second brother and the third brother took advantage of the situation and patted Qin An's flattery, and the atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and several of them started eating together at the dinner table.

It was also rare for the children to eat such a good meal. They lay down in front of the table and ate happily.

There are two chicken legs in a chicken roasted today.

Normally, Yin Cuihua definitely wanted to give Qin Kui both chicken legs to eat.

Today it was rare for Su Qingyao to chop the chicken legs into pieces, so that after being divided into several pieces, they could be shared among several children.

Qin Kui wanted to eat, so he picked chicken legs from the bowl, but when he failed to find one, he asked Yin Cuihua, "Mother, why is there no chicken legs on this plate? I want to eat chicken legs!"

Yin Cuihua replied, "The chicken legs are almost chopped."

"Ah? Why? Mother, you know that I like chicken legs the most. Just give me one. Why did you chop my chicken legs into pieces? Then I have to pick and eat them piece by piece. How troublesome it is." !"

After Qin Kui complained, he looked at Su Qingyao and asked angrily, "Sister-in-law fifth, did you chop it up on purpose?"

Su Qingyao thought it was funny, and replied to Qin Kui, "Of course it wasn't my idea."

Qin Kui didn't believe it, and Yin Cuihua said, "It's really not your fifth sister-in-law's idea, it was your mother who asked her to do this. Don't misunderstand your fifth sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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