Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1691 Changed Head

Chapter 1691 Changed Head
After all, it cannot follow the cosmetic effect of the 21st century.

It's really good to be able to achieve the current effect.

Compared with those cosmetics in ancient times, it is many levels higher.

After Su Qingyao took a few satisfied glances, she smiled and asked Wang Jinlan and Shen Shi, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, sister Zhu, both of you come and see, how does it work?"

Wang Jinlan and Shen exclaimed, "Sister Qingyao, you are not putting makeup on people, you are changing the face of your third sister-in-law!

Hey, anyway, if you let me recognize it, I can't recognize it at all. "

Shen Shi also nodded in response, "Yeah, it's really like changing your head.

But as Yaomei you said, it is really beautiful!She looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. "

"If this is walking on the road, can't the man be fascinated to death?"

Hearing Wang Jinlan and Shen's high evaluation, Su Qingyao was also happy.

The words of the two made Mrs. Cao anxious, and hurriedly asked Su Qingyao, "Sister Qingyao, where is your mirror? Let me take a look at it, and I have to see what I look like."

For the praise of Wang Jinlan and Shen Shi, Cao Shi didn't quite believe it, and only felt that the two people had a lot of flattery.So if you want to look in the mirror for yourself, you can see what it looks like.

Su Qingyao moved the mirror over and asked Cao to look after it herself.

The ancient bronze mirrors are not as easy as the mirrors of the 21st century, but they can still be seen vaguely.

Mrs. Cao took the mirror and looked at it carefully.

If she hadn't seen it herself, she wouldn't have believed that the person in the mirror was herself.

" is this possible?" Cao touched her face, not daring to believe it, "How did you become so beautiful?

Hey, my appearance now is considered a flower, right? "

Cao didn't feel ashamed, so she just praised herself directly.

In reality, with her current appearance, she could indeed be regarded as a flower in the village.

No, it should be said that she is a big beauty!
In this way, who else in the village can compare to her except Su Qingyao?

Mrs. Cao held the mirror, muttered while looking at her mouth, she couldn't appreciate it enough.

"I didn't expect that after being ugly for so many years, I could still become beautiful one day? It's really amazing... Fifth sibling, what did you use, how can you change a person's head, and teach me later? I can change my face every day. If you mess up like this yourself, which man will not come over and talk to me when he sees me?"

Cao was just joking.

But as a normal woman, there are few who do not love beauty.

In the past, because of Cao's unattractive appearance, Qin Fang often talked about it.

Now suddenly there is a feeling of being out of breath.

In any case, Qin Fang must be fascinated by her current appearance.

Su Qingyao smiled and said, "It's just using the things I developed. Third sister-in-law, if you like it, I will teach you later. In addition to wasting some time, putting on makeup can indeed make you more beautiful."

Mrs. Cao was very interested and said, "Okay, fifth brother and sister, if you have time later, you can teach me. Such a good thing, I will definitely follow you to learn."

As he said that, he was still a little excited, and praised Su Qingyao, "But after all, you are better than the fifth brother and sister, how can you make so many good things?"

(End of this chapter)

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