Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1692 Find a handsome young man

Chapter 1692 Find a handsome young man
Wang Jinlan also said admiringly, "Yeah, sister Qingyao, how did you come up with all these good things? What on earth is in your head? How can you have so many novelty things? These things make us wonder. I can’t even imagine it, let alone develop it myself.”

Su Qingyao smiled, not knowing how to explain it.

I can't say that I have traveled from the 21st century. These things are not attributed to me at all, but developed by myself based on what others have done.

Otherwise, she would not be able to imagine something out of thin air.

"Haha, just make fun of it." Su Qingyao said something intimidating, and then said to Wang Jinlan and Shen Shi, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, sister Zhu, come and try it too?"

"Okay!" Wang Jinlan agreed without hesitation, eager to try.

Seeing that Cao's make-up is so beautiful, she also wants to see the effect of her own make-up.

Even Shen Shi nodded.

She is a little plain on weekdays, and doesn't dress herself up very much.

But as a woman, who doesn't want to be more beautiful?
To become beautiful, you don't have to show men to attract men's attention.

Just looking at it for yourself is pleasing to the eye.

Su Qingyao first put on makeup for Wang Jinlan.

Wang Jinlan's foundation is not bad, and she looks like a grand girl after putting on makeup.

Shen Shi is a little more gentle, and after putting on makeup, she becomes like Xiaojiabiyu's type.

Three people stand together, each with its own characteristics.

A look at the past, quite eye-catching.

Especially in ancient times when many women were disheartened, they looked better than ordinary people with a little make-up, not to mention such delicate makeup.

"They're all pretty." Su Qingyao clapped her hands in satisfaction.

The three women admired each other and looked at the mirror by the way.

It is said that the day when a woman gets married is the most beautiful moment of her life, but now it seems that the most beautiful moment of the three of them may be now.

It's so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off it.

"Fifth brother and sister, you are too powerful. I have seen it today.

With things like you in the future, I have learned that I can pretend to be a great beauty wherever I go.

Haha, maybe I can find a handsome young man! "Cao joked.

Now that she has reconciled with Qin Fang, it is not impossible to find another one.

If you really want to look as beautiful as you are now, there will definitely be many men behind you.

Su Qingyao smiled and said, "Haha, sister-in-law, don't talk about finding a handsome young man like this, you can find ten or eight of them."

"Fifth brother and sister, you are the only one with a sweet mouth. You put on makeup for us all, do you want to try it again? I think it will be even more beautiful!" Mrs. Cao couldn't wait to see Su Qingyao's appearance after makeup.

"Girl Qingyao doesn't need to put on makeup anymore. She is so beautiful now. If she puts on makeup again, she will look like a fairy. It is too dangerous to go out. What if some man misses her? Brother Qin Sheng is not here, and there is no one to guard her. "Wang Jinlan also joked.

Su Qingyao herself does not intend to wear makeup.

First of all, there is really no need for makeup on her face. Her appearance without makeup is more natural.

In addition, the mirror is not very good, and it is not very clear to see.It's not so easy for her to apply makeup on herself, so it's better to help others.

Anyway, someone has already tried the effects of cosmetics for her, so there is no need to bother.

(End of this chapter)

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