Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1697 Prepare to go to Kyoto

Chapter 1697 Prepare to go to Kyoto

Seeing that the two brothers were arguing fiercely, even wanting to fight, Cao was a little helpless.

These two men disgusted her very much, and she had already seen through what they were trying to do.

So she didn't want any of them to help, so she said lightly, "You two don't need to help, don't fight, it's not like I can't do it, I can't do it, is it your turn to help?

Besides, I've never seen you guys being so attentive, but today we're enthusiastic together, hehe, don't pretend to be swaying in front of me, you'll feel annoyed when you see it. "

"Third brother and sister, what are you talking about..."

"Damn Zhanpeng, why do you say that..."

Seeing that the two of them were still trying to tangle with each other with shameless faces, Mrs. Cao poured a basin of water out.

"Get off, if you don't get off, I'm going to lose my temper."

As soon as Cao's furious, Qin Fang and Qin Han became a little scared, and left unwillingly.

After gaining tranquility, the Cao family can finally be busy with their own affairs.

It seems that sometimes you can't be too beautiful. If you are too beautiful, those stinky men like to cling to them.

Tomorrow she will not dress up like this, she will still be the same as usual.

However, in the next few days, Qin Fang and Qin Han still wanted to be courteous, and came to please Cao Shi from time to time.

Because of the success of cosmetics, Su Qingyao produced a little more during this period, and then began to prepare to go to Kyoto to visit soap shops.

Because Qin Sheng was not at home, basically everything had to be done by Su Qingyao herself.

Without anyone to lend a helping hand, it would be a bit tiring to be busy alone.

Fortunately, Su Qingyao has always been used to being independent, and she can handle many things alone, not the kind of coquettish person.

Before going to Kyoto, Su Qingyao went to find Zhao Hongxiu.

She estimated that she would have to stay in Kyoto for a while this time, and naturally she would have to spend a little more time thinking about opening the shop in Kyoto.

Some things here, Su Qingyao handed over to Wang Jinlan and Liu Dazhu. Although these two people are reliable, they have never done business before, and they may not know how to deal with new problems in many cases.

In terms of business and controlling the overall situation, he is definitely not as good as Zhao Hongxiu.

Therefore, Su Qingyao can only entrust some big things to Zhao Hongxiu, knowing that Zhao Hongxiu will definitely be able to help her do well.

At this time, Zhao Hongxiu had been out of confinement for a while.

The child is several months old.

Su Qingyao saw it a few times along the way, and every time she saw the baby, she would grow a little bit.

Children grow up fast, and they feel very different after not seeing each other for a long time.

But Zhao Hongxiu's child is white and tender, with exquisite facial features, small and very cute.

The milk baby didn't feel strange when she saw Su Qingyao, and smiled at Su Qingyao when she saw Su Qingyao.

The sweet smile almost melted Su Qingyao's heart.

Su Qingyao looked at the baby, and couldn't help reaching out her hand to hug her.

Giving Su Qingyao a hug, Zhao Hongxiu was relieved and handed the child directly to Su Qingyao.

Don't look at Su Qingyao's ability to do other things, even if she doesn't know how to do it, she will be calm and calm.

Only not for such a milk doll.

She didn't know how to hold the child, so Zhao Hongxiu handed the child into her hands. Su Qingyao was very nervous, for fear of hurting the child.

When holding the child, the arms were a little stiff and did not dare to move.

Seeing Su Qingyao's appearance, Zhao Hongxiu couldn't help laughing a few words.

In fact, children are not so precious, and nothing will happen to them if they are hugged.

(End of this chapter)

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