Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1698 I also want to have a child

Chapter 1698 I also want to have a child
But Su Qingyao was so nervous.

But it's understandable, after all, Su Qingyao has no children, so it's normal not to hug her like this often.

"It's so cute. It's like a small glutinous rice dumpling. It's sweet and fragrant. You can't help but want to take a bite!"

Su Qingyao looked at the child in her arms and sighed.

I don't know if it's because of the flood of maternal love, but seeing such a beautiful and lovely child born by Zhao Hongxiu, Su Qingyao is envious.

Zhao Hongxiu smiled and said, "Sister, if you like it, you can give birth to one for fun.

Before I had children, I saw other people's children being naughty, and thought that I might not like children very much.

But after having a child, I found that this was not the case.

Looking at my own children, I feel good no matter what.

Now that we have kids, it feels more like a home.

There seems to be a bond between me and your fourth brother. "

Su Qingyao was a little moved by Zhao Hongxiu's words.

Qin Sheng didn't want a child, but she wanted it very much.

Especially after seeing Zhao Hongxiu's child, Su Qingyao thought that she could give birth to one for fun.

The arrival of a small life is a very wonderful thing, and Su Qingyao also hopes that she can have one more relative in this world.

"Okay, when Qin Sheng comes back, we'll discuss getting one."

"Haha, good. Sister, for this woman, you have to give birth as early as possible. The younger you are, the easier it is to give birth, and the better the recovery. The older you are, the easier it is to recover, you know?" Zhao Hongxiu reminded.

In fact, I have lingering fears about this dystocia.

She is a bit old, if she came younger, this situation might not have happened.

According to her age, it was indeed relatively late to have children in ancient times.

Fortunately, Su Qingyao was there, otherwise Zhao Hongxiu wouldn't know if she was still alive.

That's why she came over to remind Su Qingyao that if Su Qingyao wanted a child, he should hurry up.

"Yes, Miss Hong, I know."

As a person in the 21st century, Su Qingyao is also very clear.

The earlier a woman gives birth, the faster her recovery will be.

It is indeed very dangerous for older pregnant women to give birth.

Su Qingyao never thought of not having a child. Since she was going to have a child, she wanted to have a child more, and it would be better to have a child earlier.

After chatting with Zhao Hongxiu, Su Qingyao tidied up and left in Zhao Hongxiu's reluctance.

This time when going to Kyoto, Su Qingyao took some familiar people from the village with him.

Mrs. Cao entrusted her two children to Mrs. Shen, fearing that there would be no one reliable around her, so she clamored to go to the capital with Su Qingyao, so Su Qingyao had no choice but to let Mrs. Cao go with her.

There is really no need to worry about entrusting the child to Shen.

Mrs. Cao herself knew that her madness was not as good as Mrs. Shen's ability to take care of the child.

Naturally, I can rest assured that I will hand it over to Shen Shi.

Although Mrs. Cao was a bit reluctant to leave behind three children, especially Qin Zhanpeng was so young.

But Cao was worried about Su Qingyao.

When she was in the most difficult time, it was Su Qingyao who helped her through it.

Now Su Qingyao is going to do big things, and there is no one around her who she can completely trust.

She went with Su Qingyao, so she could rest assured.

She doesn't have much ability, at least she will finish what Su Qingyao told her well, she can be more or less a big hand, and she is more reliable than some people.

(End of this chapter)

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