Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1728 Go together with Su Qingyao

Chapter 1728 Go back with Su Qingyao

Because it was already the end of the year and the new year was about to come, Su Qingyao bought the new year's goods in this area, so that she didn't have to worry about the new year's goods when she went back.

After some preparations, Su Qingyao's spacious carriage was directly stuffed to the brim, and people sitting in it couldn't move their bodies.

Cao sighed, "I didn't think it was too much when I bought it, but now I think it's a lot when they're all piled up together."

Su Qingyao followed suit and said, "Hey, yes, there are quite a lot. But you have to buy what you need to buy, and you have to ship it back together no matter what."

"Well, I finally went back, and I really should bring more things."

Not only Su Qingyao bought a lot, but Cao also bought a lot.

During this period of time, she followed Su Qingyao to the capital, and the child was handed over to Shen Shi to help take care of it, so Cao Shi had to bring some more gifts to Shen Shi when she went back this time to express her gratitude.

If it weren't for Shen Shi, she wouldn't have had the chance to come out with Su Qingyao, and it would be impossible for her to meet so many people in the world as she has in the past few months.

Early the next morning, Su Qingyao set off to go back with Cao Shi.

Wen'er followed Su Qingyao and said, "Miss, don't you take Wen'er with you when you go back?"

Su Qingyao smiled slightly, "You stay in the capital, and you can be with your brothers and sisters after the Chinese New Year. What are you going to do with me?"

Wen'er bit her lower lip, and replied to Su Qingyao, "Wen'er can serve the young lady with the young lady, but now that the young lady is alone when she goes back, isn't there no one around to serve her? Wen'er is really worried, so miss you Let Wen'er go back with you?"

It turned out that this girl was worried about this matter...

Su Qingyao smiled and replied to Wen'er, "It's okay, I'm used to being independent, I don't need to be served by others, and I'm not so coquettish. This is not a rich lady. You can take care of your own affairs, so don't worry. New Year's Eve It must be brothers and sisters, and the relatives at home should be together."

Wen'er knew that Su Qingyao was considerate of herself, so she still shook her head stubbornly, "Miss, I'm still worried, just let Wen'er follow."

"Why are you following me to celebrate the New Year with your relatives?" Su Qingyao felt a little distressed. Isn't this girl being stupid because of her?

"Miss, it's okay, we brothers and sisters usually spend time together, now we can just live with Miss.

Miss, it's just Chinese New Year alone, it's not as good as serving behind the lady. " Wen'er said with a serious face.

Looking at the girl's stubborn look, if Su Qingyao disagreed, it might not be possible.

Su Qingyao sighed, and asked Wen'er, "Do you really want to follow me back?"

Wen'er nodded heavily, "Well, I think, as long as you can follow Miss, Wen'er can go wherever Miss goes."

Su Qingyao nodded and said, "Okay then, go and pack your luggage, and come back with us."

"it is good!"

Hearing that Su Qingyao agreed, Wen'er was full of joy, and then hurried back to her room and began to pack her luggage.

After simply bringing a few clothes, Wen'er went back with Su Qingyao's carriage.

Because there is a lot of road between the capital and the village, Su Qingyao arrived at the village after three days despite traveling all the way.

After returning home, my whole body was sore and my bones were about to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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