Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1729 The Smartest Dog

Chapter 1729 The Smartest Dog

It was three or four o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

Fortunately, I got home before dark, otherwise I would have to delay another day.

It's winter now, and it's very cold.

It was tiring enough to be bumpy all the way, and I had to endure the severe cold.

When a few people got out of the carriage, their hands and feet were cold and they were very uncomfortable.

The carriage stopped in front of the courtyard of Su Qingyao's house. Before arriving home, Lele heard the sound of Su Qingyao's carriage, and Lele had already noticed it in advance, and ran out of the yard, screaming wildly.

Because of Lele's cry, Shen came out of the house.

These days, in order to take care of several children, Shen lives in Su Qingyao's house.

After all, Su Qingyao's family is bigger, and the hardware conditions are much better.

In addition to taking care of Cao's three children, Shen also has to take care of Su Haochen.

Many things should be more convenient for Su Qingyao.

Hearing Lele's cry, Shen Shi originally thought it was a thief, otherwise how could Lele be screaming so hard.

Who knew that after a while, I saw the carriage stopped, it was Su Qingyao's carriage.

Shen was also excited.

Seeing that it was the end of the year, and the new year would be in a few days, Shen Shi was thinking every day when Su Qingyao and Cao Shi would be able to come back.

Anyway, earning money is very important, so I have to go home for the New Year.You can't just stay in Kyoto as soon as you go out, and don't even come back for the Chinese New Year.

Several children miss Su Qingyao and Cao Shi very much, especially when the new year is approaching, the children also mention Su Qingyao and Cao Shi from time to time.

After looking forward to it for so long, I finally brought Su Qingyao and Cao Shi back.

After the carriage stopped, several people got out of the carriage.

As soon as she saw Su Qingyao, Lele rushed directly to Su Qingyao, and ran straight towards Su Qingyao, wagging her tail vigorously while stalking, sticking out her tongue to lick Su Qingyao's hand.Seeing Lele like this, I knew I was very happy.

Su Qingyao stretched out her hand, touched Lele's head, and sighed, "You are a smart man, how did you know it was me when you heard the sound of the carriage before I came back?"

Cao said with a smile, "Fifth brother and sister, it's because your family is smart, I've never seen such a smart dog!"

Facing Cao's praise, Su Qingyao said modestly, "That's right, my family, Lele, is the smartest."

Saying that, Su Qingyao stretched out her hand again, continued to touch Lele's head, and said pamperingly, "Okay, okay, Lele, I'm back, haven't I?"

Shen took a step forward, looked at Su Qingyao and Cao, and said hello, "Third siblings, sister Yao, you are finally back."

Seeing Shen Shi, Su Qingyao took Shen Shi's hand and said, "Sister Zhu, please take care of the family affairs during this time."

Cao Shi also said, "Yes, Second Sister-in-law, I have really troubled you and worked hard for you during this time."

Shen smiled slightly, and shook her head, "No trouble, it's much easier for me to be at home than for you to do big things."

Su Qingyao knew that Shen Shi was just talking so politely, so as not to burden her and Cao Shi, but in fact, Su Qingyao also had her own judgment in mind.

In any case, it is impossible for Shen to take care of so many children at home alone, and it is not necessarily easier than her and Cao's.

(End of this chapter)

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