Chapter 692
Anyway, no matter who did it, they must be caught and taught a lesson, otherwise they will definitely continue to do so next time.

Even though nothing happened between her and Qin Sheng, no one wanted to be peeped on some things in their boudoir.

This is privacy!
"Come on, let's catch it!" Su Qingyao whispered into Qin Sheng's ear.

"Yeah!" Qin Sheng nodded in agreement.

Qin Sheng slowly touched the door and opened it gently without making a sound. Su Qingyao also flashed to the position in front of the window in an instant, and opened the window suddenly.

The person who was hiding under the window and was about to take a peek didn't have time to react, and was frightened.

Qin Sheng jumped in front of this person and immediately punched and kicked him.

The night outside is a bit dark and it's hard to see who it is!And this person held his head in one hand, so he couldn't see his face, and it was tightly covered.

But Qin Sheng didn't bother to care who it was, he hit him first.

Anyway, peeping on him and his wife is definitely not a good person, and he deserves it if he is killed.

Su Qingyao shouted from the side, "Hit, hit me hard, beat this shameless person to death, and even ran to our window to peep. I don't know what dirty things he is going to do!"

After listening to Su Qingyao's words, Qin Sheng was merciless and beat him very hard.

The people on the ground also groaned in pain.

Su Qingyao saw that he had one hand in his crotch, but didn't take it out.

It is estimated that he wants to spy on the young couple having sex while masturbating himself.

Mmp... how can there be such a disgusting person!
Su Qingyao cursed in her heart, completely disgusted.

At this time, the person who was beaten up on the ground didn't want to say anything, thinking that it would be fine if he was beaten a few times by Qin Sheng, and that he would be fine if he slipped away.

Unexpectedly, after Qin Sheng made a move, he didn't intend to stop at all. Instead, he hit harder and harder, until he couldn't stand it anymore.

If you don't say anything, you will probably be beaten to death.

"Fifth brother, don't hit me, don't hit me, it's me!"

It was the voice of the sixth brother Qin Kui.

After Qin Kui finished speaking, he put his arms down, revealing that miserable face.

"It's you?" Qin Sheng frowned displeased.

"That's right...Fifth Brother, it's me..." Qin Han replied with a guilty conscience.

"What are you doing at my window?" Qin Sheng questioned, his face stained with anger.

Qin Kui was afraid that Qin Sheng would take care of him, so he could only reply weakly, "I...I didn't do anything..."

"What did you do? Why did you come out properly? What are you talking about? Are you treating me like a fool?" Qin Sheng clenched his fists.

Qin Kui saw Qin Sheng's posture, if he didn't give a reasonable explanation, he might have to hit him again.

How could he be entertained by his small body!

"Fifth brother, I really didn't do anything... I just wanted to go out for convenience. I drank a lot of soup at night and urinated a lot!" Qin Kui replied weakly.

He didn't lie about that!

Originally, I came out tonight because I was in a hurry to urinate, and I was going to pee in the latrine.

As a result, after coming out, I passed by the window of the dance room, and heard a buzzing sound coming from inside, as if I was having sex.

He just had a thought, wanting to peek at the scene of his fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law having sex at night.

He had seen men and women having intercourse in the little yellow book before, but he hadn't seen the real one, so he was very curious!

The live-action version of the picture is definitely more beautiful and exciting than the one in the little yellow book. He didn't grasp it, so he sneaked to the window of the fifth room to take a peek.

(End of this chapter)

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