Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 693 Daughter-in-law, don't look!

Chapter 693 Daughter-in-law, don't look!

Who knew that he had just punctured the paper on the window and was arrested before he saw any movement inside.

Qin Sheng frowned, looked at Qin Kui in front of him, and snorted softly, "Sixth brother, how did our fifth room offend you? You can't urinate elsewhere? Why did you go to our fifth room?" In front of the window?"

Qin Kui curled his lips, "Fifth brother, it's really my fault, I made a mess of your house, but you can't beat me like that, can you?"

Qin Sheng gritted his teeth angrily, "Hehe, sixth brother, do you really think I'm stupid? Peeing in front of my house, and you only broke the windows of my house?
Don't think I don't know you're here to spy!
In the past few years, our Qin family's books have been read to you for nothing, and we have raised a thing like you, disgusting person! "

"Fifth Brother, I didn't..."

"Still quibbling!" Qin Sheng angrily kicked Qin Kui a few more times.

Qin Kui was lying on the ground screaming, because he had just untied his trouser belt and was about to masturbate, but when he was hit by Qin Sheng and fell to the ground, he dropped his trousers together.
Qin Sheng immediately went dark when he saw it.

It wasn't because he saw Qin Kui's bare buttocks and the thing underneath, it was simply because Su Qingyao was there.

As Su Qingyao's man, he couldn't tolerate his wife looking at another man's body.

Qin Sheng hurriedly said to Su Qingyao, "Daughter-in-law, don't turn your head away, don't look!"

However, Su Qingyao has already seen it!
Turning around slowly, he sighed secretly in his heart!
Hey, why do I always look at the disgusting things under men these days.

Qin Kui's call attracted Yin Cuihua.

Among the several sons, Qin Kui is the one Yin Cuihua defends the most.

As soon as she saw Qin Sheng hurt Qin Kui, Yin Cuihua immediately scolded Qin Sheng angrily, "Fifth, what are you doing? You're attacking Sixth so hard, you want to beat him up?"

Qin Sheng snorted coldly, "Mom, just protect him and don't look at what this bastard is doing!"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Run to my window and spy on me and my wife!"

After hearing this, Yin Cuihua blushed and glared at Qin Kui.

This old six is ​​really crooked in his heart, so he is not serious.

Although she knew that Qin Kui had gone too far, Yin Cuihua defended her shortcomings, "Old Five, even if your sixth brother has something wrong, don't worry too much about him, after all, you are an older brother.

He is still young and ignorant!As a brother, you should be more patient! "

Qin Sheng said coldly, "It's alright, I'm still too young and ignorant to ask for a wife?

Mother, just get used to him!The more you get used to it, the more lawless you become! "

"Old five..."

"Mother, it's better to bring his whole wife back as soon as possible, otherwise I will put my mind on others, and I will only think about those things in my mind every day!

Let me see him next time, and just destroy him! "Qin Sheng gritted his teeth and warned.

Facing Qin Sheng's pair of Hetian eyes, Qin Kui shivered in fright, and hurriedly responded, "Fifth brother, I dare not!"

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, fifth child, you should rest quickly too! Sixth child, you go back to the room with me!"

Yin Cuihua said that she was going to help Qin Kui who was on the ground and bring him back to the house.

If he stayed here again, the fifth child might have to beat the sixth child again if he got angry.

Go early to be safe.

However, when Yin Cuihua was about to take Qin Kui to leave, Qin Sheng stopped him again.

Qin Kui tightened his chrysanthemum and asked nervously, "Fifth brother, what else do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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