Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 710 Not An Ordinary Peasant Woman

Chapter 710 Not An Ordinary Peasant Woman
"You girl just talk about me being the best. You must know that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond others. There are many people who are better than me. Isn't Miss Su one of them?
Haha, even though you said she couldn't compare to me, I still think she's better than me. "

As Mu Siya spoke, she was also lost in thought about the direction Su Qingyao left.

Hong'er vehemently denied it, "No way, miss, although she helped us, she is really good, but after all, she is just a little peasant woman, and she is still much worse than miss."

Mu Siya said thoughtfully, "Little peasant woman... I don't think she is like an ordinary little peasant woman, and she must not be an ordinary little peasant woman."

Although the clothes Su Qingyao wore today were very simple, but Mu Siya saw the noble temperament and uniqueness of Su Qingyao in this ordinary and simple clothes.

The way she behaves and her eyes make people look up and admire.

The more Mu Siya thought about it, the more interested she became in Su Qingyao. This girl is really interesting...

"Miss, this is the first time I've seen you elevate someone so much!" Hong'er pouted, seeing Mu Siya always praising Su Qingyao, almost to the sky, she became more and more impatient and unhappy.

"Because what I said is the truth!" Mu Siya smiled, blooming like an elegant lotus flower.

"After all, he has done us a great favor. We haven't thanked him properly yet. Should we praise him or say a few nice words?"

Mu Siya patted Hong'er on the shoulder, and said a word of relief.

Hong'er felt that it made sense, so she nodded, "That's true...for the sake of her getting back the jade pendant for Miss, let Miss praise her more."

"Haha, let's not delay, let's go." Mu Siya patted Hong'er and said.

"Alright miss, are we going to the young master's place tonight?" Hong'er asked curiously.

"Let's stay in the town for a day today. I think it's very lively and strange here. I want to have a look around the town." There was a faint smile on the corner of Mu Siya's mouth, like a gentle breeze, Melts hearts when blown into them.

"Good lady!" Hong'er replied.

The master and servant were strolling around the town, and several guards followed after a while.

These guards were protecting Mu Siya.

Such a stunning woman faces many dangers when traveling outside, especially with a lot of money on her body.

With the protection of the guards, thoughtful people dare not approach.

And the reason why they were thieves and took away their wallets just now was because Mu Siya, Hong'er and the guards were too far apart, and they didn't pay attention to their ideas, which made people succeed.

But after the first time, Mu Siya did not dare to put the purse outside the clothes this time, but put it inside the clothes, so that others would not see it.

Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng got into the carriage.

Her family's Gale is definitely a good horse.

Other horses need to drive a carriage, but Gale doesn't.

Gaifeng had already memorized the road from the town to the village after running once, and now he was running back hard.

Qin Sheng said to Su Qingyao happily, "Daughter-in-law, our family's blast is really smart."

"Of course, I chose the horse after all!" Su Qingyao hooked her lips proudly, and looked at Haifeng with relief and satisfaction.

Dozens of taels of silver is really worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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