Chapter 711
"Hey, daughter-in-law, Haifeng must follow us!
What kind of master can raise what kind of livestock! "

Su Qingyao rolled her eyes and said, "Shameless, how can you boast yourself in such a disguised form."

"Daughter-in-law, when you say that Mr. Xiang is smart or not, is it true?"

"Although you are really smart, people have to learn to keep a low profile, understand? How can there be anyone like you?"

"Daughter-in-law, I am sincere!"

"To be honest, it's obviously too high-profile."

"Okay, daughter-in-law, let's not argue about this, hurry up and see if the carriage is okay. It's comfortable to sit on!"

Su Qingyao responded.

Since Haifeng knew the way and didn't need her to worry about it, the two of them got into the carriage.

The space in the carriage is quite spacious, with a bunch of things, it doesn't feel too crowded for three or five people.

The cushion on which I sat was soft, and even though it was bumpy, it was cushioned so that my buttocks wouldn't hurt.

Qin Sheng touched it in the carriage, then grinned and said, "Daughter-in-law, although our carriage is not very luxurious, it is quite comfortable to make."

Su Qingyao nodded in agreement, "Well, it's really comfortable."

"Daughter-in-law, the two of us actually have a carriage, it feels like a dream.

When I saw the carriage for the first time, I sighed in my heart that I could sit in it anytime, but I never dared to think that I would own one. After all, this thing is only used by rich people, but now I really have it. "Qin Sheng said with emotion.

"Well, our family will get better and better."

As long as you are down-to-earth and earn more and more money, you don't have to worry about living a bad life.

Qin Sheng grinned and said, "Hey, daughter-in-law, you are right! We will get better and better, in fact, our life is getting better and better."


When Su Qingyao just lifted the curtain and was about to sit in the carriage to enjoy the scenery outside, Qin Sheng pushed her down.

Su Qingyao whispered, "Qin Sheng, what are you doing!"

"Daughter-in-law, I want to kiss you!" Qin Sheng said, lowering his head and taking a sip on Su Qingyao's lips.

Su Qingyao's face turned red all of a sudden, this guy was dishonest and started to take advantage of her.

"Daughter-in-law, I think we must have something interesting in the carriage!" Qin Sheng looked down at Su Qingyao below him, raised his eyebrows, and his voice was charming, as if he was seducing her.

Su Qingyao's face was very hot, how could she not know what Qin Sheng meant by that.

This pervert...

Hmm... I really don't know what to say about him.At such an advanced age, Su Qingyao has never seen a man who is more lustful than Qin Sheng.

"Come down!" Su Qingyao lowered her body and ordered Qin Sheng

"Daughter-in-law, don't you think your husband's proposal is good?" Qin Sheng raised his brows, and continued to seduce with a low voice,

(End of this chapter)

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