Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 884 Brother 4 hates her?

Chapter 884 Fourth brother hates her?
The fourth brother didn't expect Zhao Hongxiu to be so blunt, in front of him, completely revealing his heart, without feeling embarrassed at all.

But he became more and more shy, and even more nervous when facing Zhao Hongxiu.

"By the way, I brought you black-bone chicken soup today, you drink it to nourish your body."

Zhao Hongxiu said, and opened the food box.

This is wrapped with a layer of cotton wool to keep warm, so the chicken soup in the food box did not cool down.

As soon as the food box was opened, the fourth brother smelled a strong smell of chicken soup.

The scent made him salivate.

During the days of going to work, I was exhausted every day, but what I ate was simple food, and my body was relatively short of oil and water.

Although Su Qingyao had given him meat yesterday, it didn't prevent him from wanting to eat it today after smelling the smell of chicken soup.

But the fourth brother endured it and didn't even look at it.

This was Zhao Hongxiu who gave him chicken soup, so how could he drink it.

Zhao Hongxiu brought the chicken soup to the fourth brother, "Fourth brother, it's still hot, hurry up and drink it."

"Miss Zhao, thank you for your kindness I don't deserve your treatment like this."

The fourth brother felt that if he drank Zhao Hongxiu's chicken soup today, it meant he accepted Zhao Hongxiu.

He knew in his heart that he was not good enough for Zhao Hongxiu, so he didn't want to delay Zhao Hongxiu right now, and he shouldn't have accepted Zhao Hongxiu's kindness from the very beginning.

"Fourth brother, don't talk nonsense. Whether it's worth it or not, I think it's worth it."

"Miss Zhao..."

"Don't think too much about it, what I do to you is voluntary.

Unless you say you hate me, despise me, don't want to see me, then I won't bother you.

But fourth brother, do you think you hate me? "

When Zhao Hongxiu asked such a rhetorical question, the fourth brother stuttered and didn't know how to answer.


If he said he didn't hate Zhao Hongxiu, would Zhao Hongxiu not give up and continue to stay by his side?

But if he said he hated Zhao Hongxiu, it would be hard for fourth brother to say that.

Because he didn't hate Zhao Hongxiu at all in his heart.The most important thing is that if he said that he hated Zhao Hongxiu, it would actually make her sad.

Facing such a good girl, Qin Qi really couldn't bear to hurt her.

Seeing how the fourth brother was stammering, Zhao Hongxiu couldn't help asking, "Fourth brother, don't you really hate me?

Is it because I'm fat and ugly?Or is she not so ladylike, gentle and considerate like many women? "

Qin Qi quickly waved his hand, "No, little girl, I don't hate you, you are such a good girl, how can people hate you?

And you are not very fat anymore, you are getting thinner and thinner, and you are quite good-looking..."

After hearing what the fourth brother said, Zhao Hongxiu burst out laughing, and at the same time felt very happy.

It seems that the fourth brother has a good impression of her, so she can rest assured.

Zhao Hongxiu didn't care so much, and went directly to Qin Qi's bedside with the chicken soup.

"Fourth brother, since you don't hate me, drink my chicken soup quickly.

I specially stewed it for you, don't waste it.

This black-bone chicken soup is the most nourishing for the body. Only after you drink it can your body recover earlier and get better.

Otherwise, just lying on the bed and resting without nourishing is still not enough. "

Faced with Zhao Hongxiu's enthusiasm, Qin Qi really couldn't refuse.

And Zhao Hongxiu didn't pay much attention to whether men and women give or take intimacy, and sat directly in front of his bedside, which was too intimate.

Qin Qi has lived for more than 20 years, and has never had such intimate contact with a woman, and his cheeks are hot right now.

(End of this chapter)

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