Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 885 Let Brother 4 Promise Himself

Chapter 885

Zhao Hongxiu's sudden approach made the fourth brother couldn't help but shrink back, trying to distance himself from Zhao Hongxiu.

Seeing the fourth brother's reaction, Zhao Hongxiu was stunned for a moment and then said, "Fourth brother, what are you doing? I'm not a man-eating tiger, why are you shrinking in? I can't feed chicken soup like this."

The fourth brother replied, "Miss Zhao, whether a man or a woman can get along with each other, if someone finds out about us, your reputation will be affected."

The fourth brother was worried for Zhao Hongxiu in his heart. He was a big man, but things like reputation had a greater impact on women. He felt that Zhao Hongxiu was a good woman, so he didn't want to be hurt because of it.

Zhao Hongxiu was generous, "It's okay, people can say whatever they want, if you always care about what others say, how tiring is life?

Anyway, I don't care so much. If I say too much and make me unhappy, our Zhao family is not so easy to provoke. "

But seeing that the fourth brother was thinking about her and worried about her reputation, Zhao Hongxiu was still a little moved.

It seems that the fourth brother still cares about him very much, which is completely different from those messy men.

The men she met before didn't care about her reputation at all, and only thought about their Zhao family's money.

Fourth brother can do this, Zhao Hongxiu is more and more determined to be with a man like fourth brother.

"Then...then I'll drink it myself!" The fourth brother reached out and tried to take the chicken soup from Zhao Hongxiu's hand.

"I'll feed you, you're injured, it's inconvenient."

"Miss Zhao, I only injured my leg, and I can use both hands." The fourth brother explained.

Zhao Hongxiu smiled heartily, "I just want to feed you with my own hands."


"Come on, don't think so much, drink quickly!"

Zhao Hongxiu took a spoonful of chicken soup and handed it to the fourth brother's mouth.

The fourth brother was dull for a few seconds, and finally drank the chicken soup handed over by Zhao Hongxiu.

"How do you like it?" Zhao Hongxiu asked with a smile, her smiling eyes were crooked, but she was very pretty.

The fourth brother smiled and nodded, "It's delicious."

"Drink more if it tastes good. It's been stewed for a while! I probably won't be able to drink it in one meal. Let your fifth sibling warm it up for you at night, and you can continue to drink it."

The fourth brother responded, but he didn't dare to look up at Zhao Hongxiu, so he could only drink with his head down.

"This chicken is also relatively soft and rotten. Try it and see how it tastes!"

Zhao Hongxiu fed the chicken to the fourth brother's mouth again.

The fourth brother only felt that besides the smell of chicken soup, because he was too close to Zhao Hongxiu, he could also smell the nice smell of rouge on Zhao Hongxiu's body.

Even Zhao Hongxiu's hair carried a wisp of fragrance, which made people feel a little turbulent after smelling it.

After the fourth brother was full, Zhao Hongxiu cleaned up the dishes.

"Thank you Miss Zhao!" Qin Qi said very politely.

Faced with Zhao Hongxiu's concern, it would be a lie to say that he wasn't moved at all from the bottom of his heart.

But he didn't know how to respond to Zhao Hongxiu's true feelings.

Zhao Hongxiu smiled heartily, and joked to the fourth brother, "If you really want to thank me, why don't you just promise me with your body?"

"Miss Zhao, I..."

The fourth brother was so shy that he almost found a place to get in.

Facing the little girl-like appearance of the fourth brother, Zhao Hongxiu knew that she should not be too eager for quick success, and had to get along with him slowly.

It is impossible for the relationship between people to sublimate so quickly. During these days, she will come to accompany and take care of the fourth brother more often, which will definitely make the fourth brother have a deeper affection for him.

(End of this chapter)

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