Failed to remarry today

Chapter 927 We are going out for a trip

Chapter 927 We Are Going Out For A Trip
The two stayed at the beach for a while, and it was getting late.

The wind at the seaside is very strong, even in this season, it will feel very cold at night.

"Let's go back, it's windy here, it's not good for your health." Gu Liangsheng said softly.

"Okay, go back."

Lin Annuan agreed to go back, but Gu Liangsheng suddenly picked her up.

Lin Annuan smiled and said: "Let me down, I can go by myself."

"I want to hold you."

Lin Annuan smiled helplessly.

Now she is pregnant, so she weighs so much, can he hold her?

As if knowing what Lin Annuan was thinking, Gu Liangsheng said with a smile: "Even if there are ten you and I can hug each other, let alone you and one child."

"Ten?" Lin Annuan raised her eyebrows with a smile, "It's an exaggeration."

"Hahahahaha... I always like to tear down the stage." Gu Liangsheng was amused by her, stopped in her tracks and said, "Well, it's really heavy."

Lin Annuan looked at him.

Gu Liangsheng smiled handsomely: "With the two worlds in my arms, can they not sink?"

Lin Annuan scolded with a smile, "Slick tongue."

"No, it's a generous word."


Lin Annuan suddenly didn't know what to say.

Gu Liangsheng looked at her affectionately, and said softly: "It is said that women will gain weight and become unattractive after pregnancy, but why do you look so good-looking no matter what you do?"

"Your mouth is incredible..." Lin Annuan said with disgust.

The more you speak, the more powerful you are.

Gu Liangsheng was amused by her again, and said sincerely: "What I said is true."

Lin An snorted.

"But you said my mouth is terrible?" Gu Liangsheng looked at her dangerously and said.

Lin Annuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Then let me show you."

After Gu Liangsheng finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed...


For the next two days, the two lived in peace and harmony.

Bei Dijue didn't look for them either, as if the two of them came here just to play.

But everyone knows that things will not be so simple.

The calmer it is now, the greater the danger that will follow.

The two knew each other well, but also tacitly.

Gu Liangsheng still ate and walked with Lin Annuan as usual.

When I went to bed at night, I personally bathed her, carried her to the bed like taking care of a baby, dried her hair, and then hugged her to sleep.

When Lin Annuan couldn't fall asleep, he would tell Lin Annuan ghost stories, making her hug him tightly because of fear, and then fell asleep drowsily.

Of course, Lin Annuan didn't feel anything about these things, but she still cooperated with him and hugged him tightly, and then fell asleep in his arms.

Life is so peaceful, it would be great if I could be like this for the rest of my life, but it's impossible.

The next day, the people from Petit Jazz came——

Lin Annuan was taking a nap when she heard Gu Liangsheng calling softly: "Wife, wife..."

"Wake up with the baby..."

Lin Annuan opened her eyes in a daze and saw him calling her at the bedside.

She sat up, her hair was disheveled, she looked at him as if she hadn't woken up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"We're going out for a while."

"Go for what?"

In his memory, he would never wake her up casually like this.

Gu Liangsheng rubbed her hair, hugged her and walked into the bathroom, and said softly, "Beidijue."

Lin Annuan froze for a moment.

Seeing her instantly sober, Gu Liangsheng felt very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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