Failed to remarry today

Chapter 928 Aren't You Despicable?

Chapter 928 You Are Not Despicable
He suppressed the sore feeling in his heart, and said softly: "It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid."

Lin Annuan also knew that it was useless to be afraid, so she nodded slightly.

After washing up, the two went to Petit Jue's residence.

Lin Annuan and the others live in the north, but he lives in the south.

The manor is huge, Gu Liangsheng and the others arrived by car.

The car stopped and the two got out of the car.

Lin Annuan looked at the castle in front of her, feeling like a drum of war.

Inexplicably, she felt that something big was going to happen today.

Will they die?
Will something happen today?

Is Patty finally going to do something to them?
Although she was terrified to death, Lin Annuan knew that there was no way out.

Even if they knew there was danger, they had no chance of regretting it.

Lin Annuan exhaled, and finally made up her mind and said, "Let's go in."

Gu Liangsheng turned his head and took a deep look at her, his eyes were very deep.

After a long time, Lin Annuan recalled that look, and finally understood the complex emotions in his eyes.

Very sad very sad.

He stared at her for a long time, and finally raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, grabbed her hand and said, "Remember to hold my hand tightly and don't let go."

"it is good."

Gu Liangsheng smiled again, and led Lin Annuan into the castle.

The castle is huge, and the interior decoration is very beautiful.

Gu Liangsheng walked in the corridor holding Lin Annuan's hand, the carpet absorbed the sound of the two's footsteps, it seemed strange for no reason.

The castle was very quiet, so quiet that it made people panic.

Lin Annuan looked around the castle.

The ceiling of the castle is very high, and beautiful pictures are painted all around, which is very noble.

There is a painting in the middle of the castle——

The people in the painting are none other than Patty and a woman.

A photo of the two sitting on a red sofa.

Lin Annuan didn't really meet Bei Di Jue, but only saw his photos, and the same was true for Gu Liangsheng.

But looking at the photo, the two recognized that it was Petty Jazz.

The two people in the photo are very young and don't look like they should have been taken many years ago.

The woman is very gentle, and the two of them are wearing uniforms, looking very dignified.

"You guys are here—"

The two were watching, when suddenly a voice seemed to come down from the sky.

There was a sudden movement on the wall of the painting I was looking at.

Immediately afterwards, the wall turned around, and Petit Lord sitting on a sofa appeared in front of the two of them.

He raised the corners of his lips and smiled evilly: "How are you getting along these few days?"

"No, we don't like staying in this kind of place at all." Gu Liangsheng sneered: "Especially where you are."

"Hahahahaha...but what can you do?"

Bei Dijue laughed wildly: "How does it feel to hate a place, hate a person, but still be powerless? Tsk tsk, let me tell you, Gu Liangsheng, you are really useless, you keep saying you love your wife, but in the end you can only see her falling into It's really funny to be in danger again and again."

"Aren't you despicable?" Lin Annuan sneered when she heard this, and said ironically, "If you didn't use all kinds of dirty tricks, do you think we would have fallen into your hands? Beidijue, You are disgusting!"

"Gag? Ahahahahaha..."

Bei Dijue didn't feel angry at all when he heard these words, but he lazily leaned on the sofa beside him and laughed.


  The end is coming soon, why does it feel like no one is looking forward to it? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

(End of this chapter)

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