Failed to remarry today

Chapter 929 Your Death Day Will Be Two Hours Later

Chapter 929 Your Death Day Will Be Two Hours Later

"I've never cared about the process, the result is the most important thing, isn't it? Since ancient times, there have been winners and losers. Look at the present, so what if you can say a few words and say a few words? Are you still my prisoner?"

What can you argue with someone who is unreasonable and unreasonable?
Lin Annuan and Gu Liangsheng snorted coldly at the same time.

"It's really admirable for a couple who are still not convinced when they die!"

Although Bei Dijue said he admired it, his eyes were full of disdain: "It is said that husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster. Let me personally test your perfect and impeccable love today."

Bei Dijue said, looked at Lin Annuan, and smiled strangely.

Lin Annuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

At this moment, Bei Dijue snapped his fingers lightly, and suddenly a white mist sprayed down from Lin Annuan and the others.

When the two of them came to their senses, they had already inhaled the poisonous gas and both fell to the ground.


After an unknown amount of time, Gu Liangsheng woke up.

Almost the moment he opened his eyes, he discovered the strange environment and at the same time remembered the scene before he fell into a coma.

Gu Liangsheng's complexion changed, and he immediately stood up to look for Lin Annuan.

But there was no sign of Lin Annuan around.

Gu Liangsheng was in a hurry when suddenly a monitor on the wall in front of him lit up.

Patty appeared on the screen.

He looked at Gu Liangsheng proudly, then pointed the camera at Lin Annuan.

Lin Annuan was tied up and her mouth was gagged.

She was wearing a hospital gown, and a row of doctors stood neatly beside her, led by Layton.


Lin Annuan's eyes were red with anxiety, and she struggled angrily, but was slapped hard by the person next to her.

Gu Liangsheng's face darkened suddenly, and he roared angrily: "Beidi Jue, I warn you, you can touch anyone, but don't do anything to Lin Annuan! Otherwise, I will kill you without a place to bury you!"

This remark caused Bei Dijue to laugh loudly: "I can't protect myself, and I dare to speak wild words! But I'm not interested in touching anyone, I'm only interested in your wife and children, what should I do?"

Gu Liangsheng looked at him resentfully, the bloodthirsty murderous look in his eyes was a little frightening.

Bei Dijue continued to sneer and said, "I guess Lin Annuan has already told you about your son's heart?"

"Yes, only your son's only heart in the world can supply me with immortality."

"I'll give you two hours to get out of here."

"If you can't get out, your son will be born in two hours, and today is your son's birthday and his death day!"

"Forget it, it's also your wife's death day, so don't let me down, come on."

After Beidijue finished speaking, the screen was cut off instantly.

The place where Gu Liangsheng was located instantly became dark.

Only then did he realize that he was in a corridor.

It's very dark here, it should be a very long corridor.

There are two torches facing each other two meters in front of the corridor.

Patty said he had only two hours.

So that means, two hours later, Lin Annuan will be given an oxytocin injection, and then the baby will be born, and the heart will be taken out along the way?

So Lin Annuan and the child will not survive, right?

Gu Liangsheng punched the wall hard.

These beasts!

He closed his eyes severely, but still adjusted his mood to get the torch, and walked forward.

He doesn't have the slightest weapon in his hand now, only a torch.


  Thank you dear ones for your rewards~~ The main text will end today, and the ending will not follow the old routine, but if it is complete, it will not be updated chapter by chapter, it will be updated at one time, so it will be later~ Everyone vote Tickets~ Don’t ask if there are extra episodes, of course there are, if not, it will be the end of the whole book, not the main text~
(End of this chapter)

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