black cute magician

Chapter 234 Ao, Let's Get Married

Chapter 234 Ao, Let's Get Married

"I pay!
I pay all! ! ! "

After Wu De finished speaking, he directly opened the storage ring, and took out the Yangyang Pill, Blood Spirit Pill, Promotion Pill, Soul Cultivation Pill...all of which were inside.

These elixir are all third-grade and fourth-grade, and a bottle of it can be sold for tens of thousands of gold!

"Miss Xiao, Your Highness Xie Wang, I have handed over all the pills, can you let me go?"

Wu De looked at the elixir, and his heart throbbed uncontrollably.

It was the painstaking effort of most of his life, it just disappeared, his heart hurts so much!It hurts so bad I can't breathe!

However, for his own life, he can only reluctantly give up!
Liu Yue looked at the elixir, and then at Wu De, and heard that this person is the royal pharmacist of the Suzaku Empire, and has inextricable connections with the Suzaku imperial family.

If he really killed him, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Liu Yue stroked her chin and said indifferently,

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll let you go just once.

But I warn you, you'd better not make any wrong ideas in the future, otherwise next time, what I want is not the pill, but your life! "

"Yes, yes, I know."

Wu De wiped the sweat from his forehead, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then fled in a desperate manner, even losing a shoe, but he didn't care.

Seeing this, Jiang Hehuhai and the others laughed wildly, and couldn't help joking, "Uncle Xiao is really cowardly looking for an expert!"

"That's right, not even one-thousandth of the boss!"

"What one in a thousand, I think it's not as good as one in ten thousand!"

A few people blew louder and louder, and they almost praised Liuyue to the sky.

Liuyue's ears softened when she heard it, and she quickly divided up half of the promotion pills and blood spirit pills, and said to Gu Jiang,

"Alright, alright, let's share the elixir and give the brothers in the mercenary group a boost.

In today's battle, although our Shenyue Palace won, the casualties were not small. "

"Yes! Boss!"

Gu Jiang took the elixir and began to deliver it.

The mercenaries looked at the elixirs in their hands, each of them was extremely excited. They didn't expect that the boss was so generous!

Third Grade Blood Spirit Pill!

Almost one in each hand!
With these elixir, their strength will definitely get a qualitative leap!

Following such a boss, they definitely have a bright future!
"Boss! Thank you!!!"

Gu He spoke first, his voice firm and resonant.

After that, more and more mercenaries spoke, their voices were like a bell.

Liuyue smiled slightly, and didn't say much, she treated this group of mercenaries with heart, she believed that they would definitely repay her with sincerity, and develop the Shenyue mercenary group into Qinglong No. [-] mercenary group.

No, it is the first mercenary regiment of Xuanling!
Liuyue firmly believes that there will be such a day!
Standing beside Liuyue, Duguao saw Liuyue's radiant face, and couldn't help feeling happy for her.

Of course, besides being happy, he has one more important thing to do.

"Yue'er, the trouble has been resolved, can we go out for a 'date'?" Dugu looked at Liuyue with a smile, deliberately biting the word "date".

Hearing this, Liuyue remembered that she had promised Duguao that today she would accompany him to the countryside for a lake tour.

So, she explained the trivial matters to Gu Jiang, then took Duguao's hand, and went to their world of two.

Just like that, a young couple walked down the street hand in hand, like a pair of lovers, attracting countless envious eyes.

"Wow, that man is so handsome, I have never seen such a handsome man!"

"His wife is so lucky to find such a handsome husband!"

"Hmph, I think that man is lucky to be able to find such a beautiful woman! When I look for a wife in the future, if I can find one tenth of this girl, I will be satisfied."


Along the way, Duguao heard various discussions, and most of the time, they were praising the two of them.

He didn't like high-profile before, hated being noticed.

But today, for the sake of his family Xiaoyue'er, he decided to make a big show.

After all, most of the remarks are about how he and Xiaoyue'er are a match made in heaven.

"Ao, let's go faster."

Liu Yue tugged on Du Guao's sleeve and whispered that she was not used to everyone staring at her.

Dugu Ao heard the words, hooked his lips, smiled evilly and said,

"Hurry up... Yue'er, you said that."

After finishing speaking, Dugu Ao directly waved his big hand and hugged Liu Yue in his arms, giving her a romantic princess hug.

The people on the street saw Duguao hugging Liuyue like this, stretched their necks, and looked this way vigorously.

Seeing this, Liuyue became even more shy, buried her head in Duguao's arms, and complained softly,

"Why did you hug me suddenly? It's not like I can't walk."

"Hold you, go faster."

Dugu Ao responded in a low voice, and then jumped straight up, flying towards the small lake in the suburbs at the fastest speed.

Seeing this pair of golden boy and jade girl, everyone flew away so suddenly, stretching their necks and looking up at the sky, without recovering for a long time.


Great Lakes in the suburbs.

Duguao had already ordered someone to charter a cruise ship, and it stopped in the middle of the lake.

After Duguao arrived on the cruise ship, he gently put Liuyue down, and then the two of them went fishing, grilled fish, watched the scenery, and had a good time together.

At night, the moonlight is soft, the stars are bright, and everything is silent.

Liuyue sleeps on the top floor of the cruise ship, there is a skylight here, as long as she opens her eyes, she can see the stars all over the sky.

She looked at it, and couldn't help whispering,

"Ao, if you are always so happy and have no troubles, how good would it be?"

Hearing this, Dugu Ao knew that Liu Yue was worried about the future, so why was he not the same, about the future, the future beyond his control, he also had a little bit of worry.

However, his worries are only occasional, and they are still from that aspect!
He was only worried about when Xiaoyue'er would marry him, when Xiaoyue'er would give him a child, and when Xiaoyue'er would agree to be eaten by him!
Thinking of this, Duguao couldn't help but smile, lowered his head on Liuyue's cheek, pressed a kiss lightly, and said softly,

"Yue'er, I will be with you, always with you.

No matter how much danger, how much suffering, I will bear it for you. "

When Liu Yue heard these words, her heart warmed up, and her little heart "thumped, thumped", beating faster and faster.

How lucky and blessed she is to find Duguao as her companion.

Thinking about it, Liuyue got excited and wanted to say thank you, but felt that there was no need to say thank you between her and Duguao.

So, as soon as the words came out of my mouth, they suddenly became,

"Ao, let's get married!"


When Dugu Ao heard these two words, he almost thought he was hallucinating!

Did he hear it right?
Yue'er wants to marry him?
Or did Yue'er take the initiative to speak?

Duguao still couldn't believe it, he asked again about all the decisions, and said cautiously.

"Yue'er, are you serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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