black cute magician

Chapter 235 I want to have a home with you

Chapter 235 I want to have a home with you

Seeing Duguao being so cautious, Liuyue couldn't help but smile, rubbed his chin, and said softly,
"Ao, let's get married, I want to be with you, I want to build a family with you, I want to have a child with you."

Liuyue is not a 16-year-old girl, she is already in her 20s mentally. It is not too early to get married.

What's more, on such a quiet and beautiful night, if you don't talk about this kind of topic, it's a waste of good time and beauty.

Duguao got an affirmative answer, and the whole person was so happy that he couldn't find the north!

Yue'er is going to marry him!
Yue'er finally agreed to marry him!

They can finally get married!
I am so happy!

what to do?I'm incoherent now, I don't know what to say?
By the way, how can a woman bring up such a thing as getting married?

Yue'er, you have to let me speak!
Will you marry me?

I will love you, pamper you, protect you, cherish you, and never leave you forever! "

Duguao looked at Liuyue very seriously, feeling uneasy and nervous, knowing that the other party would definitely agree, but his breathing quickened and his palms were sweating.

Liuyue saw Duguao who was seriously proposing marriage, her eyes couldn't help getting moist.

After waiting for many years, she finally found her true soulmate.

Without hesitation, she nodded directly and agreed firmly,
"it is good!"

With the word "good", Dugu Ao smiled happily from ear to ear again, and he hugged Liu Yue tightly.

A room of spring.

The moon in the sky was so ashamed that it also hid in the clouds.


After the marriage is settled, Liuyue goes back to Qinglong College to study, while Duguao starts to prepare for the wedding.

He first invited a famous master to calculate their wedding date.

In the end, the master made the final calculation and said that Liu Yue is not suitable for marriage this year, and Dugu Ao is not suitable for marriage next year. If the two want to hold a wedding, they have to postpone it to the autumn of the following year.

When Dugu Ao heard about the day, he was so angry that he sent the master out without even paying the divination fee.

What a broken master!

The year after next?

By the next year, the day lily will be cold!
His family, Xiaoyue'er, finally got the hang of it, and finally agreed to get married!

If you wait another two years, if some wild man appears, or Xiaoyue'er is intoxicated in cultivation, she will be in seclusion for three or four years, then what kind of marriage will she have, and what kind of children will she have?

He has to find a more powerful master!

Thinking of this, Duguao calmed down, and suddenly thought of that noble and refined Master of the State Teacher who is white robed like jade, with a dusty temperament!

By the way, you must be looking for him!

Dugu Ao moved as soon as he said, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the National Teacher's Mansion.


Zhan Qianxian is holding a fragrant tea in his hands, closing his eyes and resting his mind, with a calm demeanor, like an expert outside the world.

But Dugu Ao appeared like a strong wind, sat domineeringly opposite Zhan Qianxian, forcibly broke the painting style, and said loudly,

"National Teacher, I would like to ask you for a favor."

"What about your wedding date with Miss Xiao?"

As expected of Zhan Qianxian's predictability, he hit the mark as soon as he said it.

Dugu Ao smiled, and when he heard the word "marriage date", his domineering temperament also accepted it, and said loudly,

"You are worthy of being a master of the country. I can't hide anything from you. How about you help me do the math?"

Upon hearing this, Zhan Qianxian put down the teacup in his hand, and responded quietly, "My result is exactly the same as that fortune teller you invited."

When Duguao heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

Could it be that we really have to wait two years?
"Your Highness Xie Wang, instead of quarreling about the date of marriage, it is better to spend time with Miss Xiao.

She has had a catastrophe recently, whether she can survive it depends on her luck. "

After Zhan Qianxian said this, he closed his eyes again and said no more.

As a reminder, you can't say too much about this kind of thing, after all, the secrets of heaven cannot be leaked.

When Dugu Ao heard the words, there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes, is there a catastrophe for his Yue'er?It seems that he has to be more careful recently.

"Thank you, the national teacher, the king bids farewell!"

After Duguao got the reminder, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and left, and headed for Qinglong Academy.

After arriving at Qinglong Academy, Duguao went to Shenyue Pavilion first, and learned that Liuyue had asked for too much leave a few days ago, and she was making up lessons recently, so she couldn't come here.

So, following Yun Shuijing's prompt, he came to the classroom where Liuyue went to school,
This is a public compulsory course, mainly about the improvement of aura. The teacher is a young and beautiful female teacher. She speaks very funny and has a strong personal charm. She speaks the boring content vividly.

Duguao saw that Liuyue was sitting on the fourth row near the window, listening to the class and taking notes.

Around Liuyue, Linglong, Yi Xiaoxing, Jun Qingxin and others sat, and the scene was very harmonious.

Dugu Ao originally wanted to go in and chat with Liuyue, but seeing that Liuyue was so serious, he couldn't bear to destroy such beauty, so he waited outside the classroom.

After waiting for a few minutes, Dugu Ao sensed the surrounding situation, and there seemed to be something wrong.

Someone is waiting just like him.

It's just that he is in the light, and that person is in the dark.

Moreover, that person's concealment method was very clever, even though he concealed all the sharpness, he was still noticed by him.

There are many people in the classroom, Duguao doesn't know who this person is following.

But when he thought of the catastrophe that Zhan Qianxian said, Duguao automatically classified this person as a person who is harmful to Liuyue.

Therefore, Dugu Ao locked the man directly with his spiritual sense, then found a dark place, and directly dragged a man in black out!
"Say, who are you? What's your purpose?"

Dugu Ao asked coldly.

The man in black was startled, he didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, far surpassing him in strength.

"Don't tell me, right? Protect the law and put him in the death row of the Xiewang Palace until he speaks out."

Duguao summoned the dark guards and dragged the Yin protector down for torture.

The man in black knew that he was doomed, so he didn't talk nonsense, he just pulled out his dagger and committed suicide on the spot!

Seeing this, Duguao frowned even tighter.

The hidden guard stepped forward to inspect the corpse, and then reported,

"My lord, this is a professional assassin, with such a decisive suicide style, he must either be from the Ye family or from the Raksha Temple.

For the specific situation, the subordinates will investigate immediately and give an answer tonight! "


Duguao responded lightly, feeling more and more uneasy.

Ye family?

Rakshasa Hall?
Was it for Yue'er, Linglong, or someone else?
Forget it, no matter who it is, he can't take it lightly.

Thinking of this, Duguao went back outside Liuyue classroom.

It is currently the recess time, most of the students are chatting together in twos and threes, some of them are eating snacks, some of them are sleeping, and some of them are hungry for talents, pestering the teacher to ask questions,
"Teacher Zha, I don't seem to understand what you said just now. How did the aura come from?"

"Teacher Cha, I also have a question..."

Looking at this scene, Duguao felt that Yue'er's current life is simple and pure, which is great.

However, just as Duguao finished sighing, he saw a young man in brocade clothes walking up to Liuyue, holding a pink letter in his hand! ! !


For Liu Yue? !

As soon as these clues were combined, Duguao exploded in an instant!

Dare to rob his wife, this kid wants to die!
(End of this chapter)

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