black cute magician

Chapter 248 A Different Bridal Night

Chapter 248 A Different Bridal Night

""36 Strategies to Train a Husband".

Yue'er, you actually know how to read this kind of book? "

Duguao was holding the little yellow book, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes.

Liu Yue looked slightly embarrassed, and stammered, "I... I don't want to see it, it was given to me by my mother."

"Hey, my mother-in-law has a heart.

Don't worry, you don't need to be tamed as a husband, everything is up to you.

If you tell me to go east, I will never go west; if you tell me to go south, I will never go north. "

Duguao responded solemnly, his handsome face was extremely frank.

Afterwards, he put the book aside, and began to undress again, plausibly speaking while undressing,

"Yue'er, let's use what we have learned. You can use a beauty trick now, and you will definitely fall into it for your husband!"

After saying this, Dugu Ao finally took off his clothes, and Liu Yue's half-familiar curves were clearly displayed.

Duguao was so enraged, he couldn't bear it anymore, and directly pressed Liuyue under his body.

This time, they are a legitimate couple, and it's only natural to do this kind of thing.

"Ao, take it easy..."


Liu Yue closed her eyes. At this moment, she dared not look at it, let alone take the initiative.

As for Duguao, he has been very slow and careful, for fear of hurting Liuyue.

However, no matter how hard Duguao tried, Liuyue's body did not respond in any way.

In the past, even if it was just a kiss, Liu Yue's face would turn red and her whole body would feel weak.

But this time, Liu Yue didn't respond at all!

"Yue'er, am I not attractive enough?"

Seeing this reaction, Dugu Ao felt a trace of frustration in his heart, and his alluring eyes also began to dim.

Liuyue is also very embarrassed, and she also finds it very strange.

After thinking about it, she suddenly thought of Qin Lie's antidote and that meaningful sentence.

What he can't get, no one else can get it.


That bastard, scumbag, could have given her that kind of drug, let her be a stone girl for the rest of her life!
"Fuck, I'm going to kill Qin Lie!"

Liuyue cursed and ran away on the spot.

Dugu Ao also reacted, and then thought, it must be Qin Lie's tricks.

Tell me, that wild man, to actually do such a cruel thing to his family's Xiaoyue'er, is simply inhuman!

"Yue'er, leave him to my husband. You should rest well and take care of your body. You will be fine in the future."

Dugu Ao comforted softly, but his heart was full of anger.

Damn Qin Lie, actually turned his bridal chamber into such a situation!
The next time you see him, you must skin him, constrict his tendons, cut off his arms, and dig out his heart!

"Ao, I'm sorry, I..."

Liu Yue sensed that Dugu Ao was very angry, she apologized softly, feeling quite aggrieved.

Seeing this, Dugu Ao quickly rubbed Liu Yue's face, and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible,
"Yue'er, it's okay, we're already married anyway, take your time with this kind of thing, don't worry.

Besides, you are still too young to have intercourse. After another two years, when your body has grown up, it will not be too late for us to have a bridal chamber. "


Liuyue still blamed herself.

She is already married, but she has not fulfilled her duties as a wife. If things go on like this, Duguao will definitely get tired of her, and marry a concubine to enter the house.

At that time, if the concubine gave birth to a son, what status would she have in Xie Wang's mansion?
Liuyue's imagination is astonishing, and he instantly made up [-] words of classic house fighting essays.

Thinking of such a day, she was in a bad mood.

Dugu Ao didn't know what Liuyue was thinking, he only saw the girl's eyeballs rolling around, she looked like a cat with aura, very cute.

"Yue'er, you are so beautiful."

Looking at it, Duguao boasted again.

Liu Yue twitched the corners of her mouth, she was extremely sensitive, but felt that Dugu Ao's words were very meaningful.

Did he simply praise her for her beauty?

Or is she like a vase, flashy?
If it's the latter, will he get tired of her when he gets tired of watching her?

The more Liu Yue thought about it, the more confused she became.

In the end, she was startled suddenly, and discovered a terrifying thing!

She is so dependent on Duguao!
Even if he said something casually, would she mind for so long?
This feels bad!

Very bad!

She is well versed in psychology, and knows that this kind of relationship seems beautiful, but it is also very fragile, and it is easy to break a person's will.

In this relationship, she must be more sober and not too blind.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Liuyue frowning, Duguao looked like he was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly asked again.


Liuyue responded lightly, her tone was a bit cold, then she wrapped herself in a quilt and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Dugu Ao thought that Liuyue was still thinking about that, so he hugged Liuyue tightly into his arms, and comforted him softly,
"Yue'er, it's okay, no matter how long, I will wait for you."

Liu Yue didn't respond, just closed her eyes and forced herself to fall asleep.


the other side.

Murong Bai and Linglong left Xie Wang's mansion and went to the bookstall to buy pornographic books.

As soon as Linglong arrived at the bookstall, she said to the vendor owner, "Boss, I want the book with the yellow cover."


The vendor looked at Linglong with a bit of embarrassment.

It was hard for him to imagine that a young girl would say such words carelessly when she walked up to his booth.

Murong Bai on the side was also embarrassed.

His family is small and exquisite, and he is usually very serious. He doesn't even let him touch his hands. Why is he so open at this time?

Still, he loves the openness!
"Boss, give us the book."

Murong Bai took out his folding fan, and smiled casually, holding it so coquettishly.

The book stall owner looked at the young couple and said nothing more.
He quickly picked out a small yellow book from a pile of books, offered it with both hands, and said in a fixed voice,
"Girl, this is the "36 Pictures of Erotic Palace" you want."

"Ah?! Me, me... I don't want this kind of book!"

Linglong quickly waved her hand, and her face immediately flushed red. She thought that kind of script was just an ordinary script, and she didn't think of erotic pictures at all.

Seeing that Linglong didn't want it, the boss felt a little doubt in his heart.

Is this girl a bad taste?
So he took out another one, and said aloud,
"This "One Hundred and Eight Erotic Styles", you absolutely love it!"

"No, no, no...not this one!"

Linglong's face flushed more and more red, wishing she could get out of the way on the spot.


The book stall owner was shocked again, and immediately gave Linglong a very meaningful look.

With a puzzled smile on his face, he took out an old book from the corner of the bookstall, quietly handed it to Linglong, and said in a low voice,
"Girl, I understand, so you like NP!

If I had said it earlier, I would not have been mistaken. "

"I... I won't buy it..."

Linglong almost burst into tears, her face became more and more embarrassing, she just wanted to read the script with Murong Bai, but she didn't expect that it would look like this at the end of the purchase!
Seeing that Linglong was shy, Murong Bai smiled, bought all three books, and generously gave the vendor a piece of silver, saying,

"keep the change."

Afterwards, he directly pulled Linglong away, and joked as he walked,

"Linglong, let's go back and take a look, don't worry."

"I don't want to watch it!" Linglong directly vetoed it.

Murong Bai curled his lips into a smile, "Really? Who brought me to buy the book?"

"I I I..."

Linglong got stuck, and then her light green eyes turned dark purple.

As soon as Ye Linglong woke up, she directly gathered her energy into a blade, put it on Murong Bai's neck, and shouted in a cold voice,

"Murong Bai, do you want to court death?"

(End of this chapter)

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