black cute magician

Chapter 249 Feelings Warm Up

Chapter 249 Feelings Warm Up
"Ye...Miss Ye, long time no see, haha..."

Murong Bai smiled awkwardly, his palms began to sweat, and his whole body trembled immediately.

It's not that he is timid, but that Ye Linglong's aura is so strong that most people can't control it.

"Miss Ye, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to play a joke with Linglong.

Moreover, I will never show her these things, if you don't believe me, I will tear them up now! "

After Murong Bai finished speaking, he waved his hand and "swiped" three times, tearing the three books into pieces.

Seeing this, Ye Linglong retracted the spirit blade, and then said coldly,
"I'm warning you, don't touch her! Don't lead her into trouble!
Also, your strength is so weak that you can't even withstand a random blow from me.

If you really want to be with her, practice hard first to improve your strength! "

"Miss Ye, I have worked very hard! I am now a high-ranking Lingwang, and among my peers, I am simply a genius!"

I think it's a born idiot!

Come on, anyway, this girl has been awake for a long time today, so I will train you well. "


Murong Bai was very impure, he suddenly lost his mind, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Linglong's usually calm face turned slightly red, and then turned into anger.

She made a move directly, and shouted loudly,
"Rogue! Die!"

"Don't! Miss Ye! I was wrong! Really wrong!

Ah—murder your own husband! "

"Kiss you big headed ghost!"

"Miss Ye, I was really wrong!"

Murong Bai was ravaged by Ye Linglong, he kept running away and fighting back.

Of course, his strength also slowly began to improve in this contest.

not far away.

Zhan Qianxian stood under a tree, with three thousand silver hair flying in the wind.

He looked at the pair of figures that were gradually leaving, and then heard Murong Bai's howl, the emotion in his eyes changed subtly.

Long'er, I can tolerate you giving up our engagement for revenge,
But I absolutely cannot tolerate that you betray our feelings and fall in love with someone else.

You better... be careful.

For an instant.

Zhan Qianxian's aura has changed from being elegant and refined to being cold and powerful.

The century-old tree behind him also withered instantly and turned into decay.


three days later.

The newlywed Liu Yue is about to leave and go back to Qinglong Academy to study.

Although she is married, she does not intend to give up her career and become a rice bug at home.

"Yue'er, is this king not good here? Why do you have to go back?"

Dugu Ao saw Liu Yue packing her luggage, and felt bitter in his heart, even if they got married, they had to separate the two places, he was upset.

"Don't persuade me, I've already thought about it.

Anyway, I can't give birth to you for the time being, and I can't help Xie Wangfu.

That being the case, I might as well do something I like and live my life to the fullest. "

After finishing speaking, Liu Yue has already packed her things and is ready to go out at any time.

Seeing this, Dugu Ao had a sad expression, but he gradually understood.

Although he married her, it doesn't mean that she will be attached to him from now on, taking him as the heaven and the earth.

She is a free phoenix, and what belongs to her will always be the wider sky, not the small evil palace.

"Okay, Yue'er, you continue to study, I won't stop you.

Once I have time, I will also come to accompany you. "

Dugu Ao held Liu Yue's hand, then kissed her cheek hard, and then let go with satisfaction.

Liu Yue smiled, moved to Duguao's lips, and kissed her in return.

But it was such a kiss that immediately ignited the fire of someone who had been abstinent for many days.

Liuyue didn't respond, it didn't mean Duguao didn't respond.

"Xiao Yue'er, what should I do?"

Duguao hugged Liuyue's waist tightly, his voice became hoarse, as if he was suppressing some kind of emotion.

Liu Yue twitched the corners of her mouth, she felt that Qin Lie should put that kind of poison on Dugu Ao.

In this way, a certain prince will not be in heat anytime and anywhere.

As if seeing through Liuyue's mind, Duguao hugged Liuyue tightly, his handsome face was full of smiles.

He bit Liu Yue's lip, then said solemnly,

"Xiaoyue'er, this king is not in heat, but in love, and it's only for you!"

"Um... But I didn't respond, so I can't help you.

or?You take a concubine. "

Liu Yue suggested against his will.

When Dugu Ao heard this, Jian Mei immediately frowned, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

He felt that Liuyue had changed. She seemed to be suppressing her feelings these days.

Obviously caring about him, but pretending to be indifferent.

She obviously doesn't like him being with other women, but now she lets him take a concubine.

Moreover, they have only been married for three days, so they don't even need to go back home, so they go directly to Qinglong College.

All of this shows that she is deliberately avoiding him.

"Woman, what do you mean?"

Duguao couldn't bear it anymore, and directly asked what he thought.

Liu Yue bit her lip, not knowing how to respond.

Sometimes, it is wrong to like someone too much.

She had to suppress this feeling so she could stay calm and be at her sane state.

"Duguao, I'm just giving you a suggestion, if you don't like it, you don't have to accept it."

"Duguao? You actually called me Duguao? Yue'er, how can you be so indifferent?"

"Is this called indifference? I think it's normal.

The relationship will gradually fade away, this is human nature, we are already married, I will not get used to you being so tired all the time. "

"Tired? This king is called Tired?

Yue'er, are you puzzled by style, or you don't like me anymore! "


Liuyue got stuck and didn't know how to respond. She was afraid of losing herself, so she wanted to calm down.

It's not that she doesn't like Duguao, but because she likes Duguao too much.

"Ao, let's calm down, I..."

Just when Liuyue wanted to say something, a charming figure walked to the hall of Xie Wangfu.

Murong Xi was dressed in red, dressed beamingly, she didn't look like a widow whose husband had just died, but a woman who was about to get married.

She just appeared so abruptly, and then abruptly walked to Duguao's side, smiling charmingly,

"His Royal Highness, my brother is busy practicing today, so he can't come to see you.

This is the letter he asked me to forward to you, please check it. "

While talking, Murong Xi purposely leaned towards Dugu Ao.

The two are getting closer and closer.

Liu Yue stood beside her, her face changed instantly.

Fortunately, even though Duguao was arguing with Liuyue, he didn't forget the basic principles, so he took a step back politely before accepting the letter.

After Murong Xi delivered the letter, she didn't leave, but said again,

"Your Highness Xie Wang, I'm a bit tired, can I rest here with you?

I'm in a hurry, so I'm hot now, let me take a break. "

Saying that, Murong Xi deliberately pretended to be very hot, and opened more than half of the skirt, which can be said to be crisp and half exposed.

Most men probably couldn't take their eyes away after watching this scene.

But when Duguao saw this, he said blankly,
"Miss Murong, please respect yourself."

"His Royal Highness, I know how much I weigh, no more, no less, exactly one hundred catties."

Murong Xi had a thick skin, and continued to seduce, winking vigorously.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yue's expression immediately changed!

Dare to seduce her man?
Murong Xi, you are the one who found the abuse!

(End of this chapter)

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