Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 101, want to buy regret medicine

Chapter 101, want to buy regret medicine
With the fishing gear, I came to the edge of the water pool upstream, and I didn't use any bait, so I just threw it directly into the water pool.

The fishing line was thrown into the pool, but there was no big waves, the autumn wind was still bleak, and the water was rippling.

This water pool is so clear that you can see the bottom of the pool very clearly, and the fish are swaying and uncomfortable.

Li Yun didn't care whether this fishing method was scientific or not, he just talked to himself.

"The Taoist follows his heart, and the willing one takes the bait. The so-called joy of fishing."

At this time, an old man came from behind, also wearing fishing gear, and also a lover of autumn fishing.

In this regard, Li Yun is not surprised. After all, many autumn fishermen come to this Elephant Head Mountain to fish every year. The mountain spring is clear, the water quality is clean and pollution-free, and so are the fish inside.

And the old man happened to hear Li Yun's words, so he smiled and accosted him.

"A good Taoist will follow his heart, and those who wish will take the bait. The Taoist leader is also a person who likes fishing."

The old man looked about 60 years old. He was wearing fishing gear and a fishing rod that only old drivers would use. Although it was not an expensive type, from the outside, he was more professional than Li Yun.

The old man came to Li Yun's side, swept the ashes on the ground with his hands, then sat down, and said, "Xiao Daoist, if I sit next to you, old man, it won't affect you."

"Of course not." Li Yun smiled and shook his head.

"Master Xiaodao, I don't think you have baited. Will this fish really take the bait?" The old man said curiously. Although he likes this kind of fishing mentality very much, if the wisher takes the bait, he can't do it without bait.

Just as the old man finished speaking, Li Yun lifted the pole directly, and a huge carp was caught.

The old man was dumbfounded.

"Of course it is possible. If there is bait, is it considered that the volunteer has taken the bait?" Li Yun smiled, picked up the fish, and threw it back into the pool.

The old man once again found that the long fishing rod in front of him not only had no bait, but also no hook. There was only a small coil of thread on it, which was really miraculous.

At the same time, he also found that after the carp was thrown back to the lake, it still wandered around the lake twice, then jumped up again, and got into the pool, as if reluctant to leave.

When fishing, what you catch is not fish, but your heart.

"I think my old man has seen many battles. What kind of miraculous things have never been seen before. Today is really an eye-opener." The old man shook his head, but he was also self-aware. He didn't follow Li Yun's example of using an empty bait without a hook The fishing method is just hanging the bait on the hook on its own, and fishing according to the normal process.

Autumn fishing requires patience.

But it seems that because of Li Yun's presence, the old man didn't catch a single fish, but Li Yun next to him caught one after another, including carp, grass carp, perch, and big loach.

Every fish was caught and thrown back.

"Daozhang, if you're here, I can't catch this fish." The old man said with a wry smile, but he didn't mean to blame him.

"You can't catch fish, but it has nothing to do with the poor." After Li Yun released a grass carp, he turned to look at the old man and smiled, "Because your heart is not quiet, and the fishing rod is no longer quiet. The fishing rod If it is not quiet, the fish will naturally not be quiet, so how can they take the bait?"

The old man was taken aback for a moment, as if he had been poked into something, he shook his head with a wry smile.

"Xiao Daochang is really a strange person, but he hit the nail on the head." The old man continued to throw the fishing line into the water, but the float remained still.

The heart is not quiet, and the float is not quiet.

Looking at the jittering and spreading water patterns, and then looking to the side, the old man sighed heavily.

Fishing in such a state, I am afraid that the heart will be even more restless.

"Mr., you and I are destined to meet. If there is something unhappy, tell everyone. Well, tell me to make yourself feel better." Li Yun almost made a slip of the tongue, but his face was still smiling calmly.

The old man turned around, stared at Li Yun seriously, and after a while, he smiled and said: "It's not a big deal, it can only be regarded as self-inflicted, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, but the leader of the small road, you are a native of Xiangtou Mountain people?"

Li Yun nodded, and at the same time he caught another eel, which was very slippery.

This eel was still released, and left after traveling around very nostalgicly.

"Master Dao, I really envy you. These little animals all like you, unlike me, a lonely old man who has nothing but himself." The old man shook his head and sighed, and the fishing rod also drooped.

At this time, the fishing rod in the old man's hand could not calm down completely, and it was swaying on the water surface. Even the fish that were going to take the bait at Li Yun's place were scared away by the ripples.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Daoist, I really can't calm down, but I disturbed your fish." The old man apologized.

"It doesn't matter. The purpose of fishing in the poor way is to cultivate one's mind. As for whether the fish can be caught or not, it is the second." Li Yun looked at the old man and said, "There is no medicine for regret in life. Since you regret not at the beginning, why choose and face life calmly. Facing regret is the right path, not escaping for the original choice here."

Li Yun put away the fishing rod, looked at the old man with a smile and said.

"Pindao is the master of the Sanqing Temple on Xiangtou Mountain. If the layman needs to ask God, he is welcome at any time."

Put away the fishing rod and walk down the mountain step by step.

The old man smiled, put away his fishing rod and gear, and muttered to himself while looking at his back.

"There is no regret medicine in life, but how many people never regret it?"

The old man's heart could not calm down completely.

After returning to the Taoist temple, Hanxiang looked at Li Yun who was empty-handed, and was speechless, wondering what it was like to go out, and what it was like to come back.

"Brother Daochang, you haven't caught a single fish yet."

"The fun of fishing lies in the process of fishing, not the purpose. This is a truth that every fishing friend understands." Li Yun smiled and hid the fishing rod he made.

Because if you don't hide, the panda next to you will start drooling.
Even a full stomach can't stop a foodie soul!

Brother Ji was very disdainful of the panda's idiot about food. After two clucks, he went to sleep in his turf hotbed without explaining.

"I just met a very interesting layman."

"Why is it interesting?" Han Xiang said.

"He wants to buy regret medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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