Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 102, Facing the past

Chapter 102, Facing the past

In the early morning of the next day, Brother Chicken crowed, and Li Yun stretched out to get up. After washing up, he sensed that someone had come to visit the Taoist temple through the Taoist temple, but no one came in.

The panda went out long before the rooster crowed. On the way, he helped Li Yun close the door of the Taoist temple, and this person was also blocked from the door.

That person was the old fishing man who came yesterday.

Li Yun didn't hesitate either, and after some preparations, he went to open the door and saw the old man, who didn't wear the standard fishing gear today, but was wearing a worn-out overcoat, looking slightly stooped, His eyes were full of decadence, more serious than yesterday.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Layman, stay safe." Li Yun held the whisk in one hand and looked at the old man with a faint smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry for disturbing the Taoist leader early in the morning. Today I just came to offer a stick of incense, so I shouldn't have disturbed you." The old man said apologetically.

Li Yun shook his head, joking, it was too late for him to be happy to contribute the incense money, he was very happy, and still smiled lightly: "It's okay, layman, please go ahead."

Li Yun brought the old man into the main hall. At this time, the incense was still burning in the main hall, and the incense of the Three Lucky Gods and Zhong Kui had just been continued. The incense was faint and endless.

The old man took a deep breath, feeling that his heart had calmed down, and then praised.

"It's amazing. I, an old lung patient, can actually smell this kind of incense. I used to cough when I smelled smoke. It's as amazing as the rumors say."

After the old man finished speaking, he took out his wallet, most of which were one yuan, fifty cents, and ten yuan, and the largest denomination was a 50 yuan bill, which shows that the old man's life is not considered rich.

He took out the 50 yuan bill and put it in the merit box
Then he walked towards Zhong Kui's portrait.

"A statue of Zhong Kui. But very few Taoist temples have such a portrait of Zhong Kui." The old man lit three sticks of incense and looked at the red robe, green face and fangs, and a terrifying face, but it gave off a sense of righteousness.

"At least within a radius of ten miles, only poor Taoist temples have a statue of Zhong Kui." Li Yun smiled slightly, but he was not lying. Most Taoist temples would not enshrine such an unpopular statue. .

First of all, this image is not good, with a blue face and long fangs, frankly speaking, without the blessing of the true spirit, this Zhong Kui image can scare the children properly, and it is not good for the image of the Taoist temple.

Furthermore, not many people would worship the statue of Zhong Kui, and the gods who were similar to priests would worship Guan Erye more, or Fudo Myoko of Buddhism, which belonged to the righteous gods who could worship both black and white.

The old man nodded, sighed softly, and knelt down to offer incense.

Zhong Kui's first incense guest.

At this moment the old man closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and muttered to himself.

At this moment, the red luck on Zhong Kui's statue floated out, condensed into a red cloud, and rushed towards the old man's heavenly spirit.

The luck is like a cloud, and the old man got the approval of Zhong Kui's statue and directly got the feedback of luck.

"Amazing. Righteousness and Dao rhyme like clouds." Li Yun couldn't help but feel a little admirable.

At this moment, the old man opened his eyes, and murmured to himself: "It's strange, why does my body feel a little lighter, let's forget about not being so slow, it must be an illusion, I'm already old, and I still think about when I was young, What a joke."

After laughing at himself, the old man stood up, turned around and asked Li Yun.

"Prince Xiaodao, do you think it is really useful to pray to God?"

"There is a god standing three feet above your head. Believe it or not, he is there." Li Yun said lightly.

The old man shook his head, he came here just looking for a psychological comfort, he wouldn't think about other things, and couldn't figure out why brother came here.

At this time, the old man had no intention of leaving, but just went out of the main hall and sat on the steps. He didn't know whether he was talking to Li Yun or talking to himself, staring at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I don't know why, but after paying homage to Zhong Kui just now, those memories can't be suppressed. Obviously, I wanted to desperately forget the nightmare memories of that past."

"This is your knot, your heart knot, the knot in your past, future and even now." Li Yun walked outside the door and said lightly: "If you have a knot in your heart, your heart will not be calm. What you need is a face." To reconcile the heart knot, rather than choose to forget the heart knot."

The old man was silent, but silently took out a pack of Daqianmen cigarettes from his pocket, and asked Li Yun, "Xiao Daoist, do you mind if I smoke a cigarette here?"

"I really mind." Li Yun said.

"Then don't smoke." The old man shook his head and smiled, put the cigarette back into his pocket, and said with emotion: "It turns out that he doesn't like me smoking, but once the habit of smoking is acquired, it will be very difficult to change it." Ah, especially when you're in a bad mood, a cigarette might make you forget your troubles."

"Even if troubles can be forgotten, troubles are still troubles. If you forget them, it's just a higher level of self-deception, isn't it?" Li Yun shook his head.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, because what Li Yun said made a lot of sense, but he was speechless.

What has happened, even if you forget it, it has already happened. Rather, forgetting is just not wanting to face the reality. If you don’t want to face the reality, the only way is to escape.

"I just don't want to face reality."

"I smoked so many cigarettes and drank so much alcohol just to forget that period of memories that I don't want to go to extremes, but so what if I want to forget them on purpose? After all, things have happened, irreversible, and cannot be recalled, because of a wrong Choose, let the next thing go wrong, this is life." The old man put the cigarette in his mouth, but did not light the cigarette butt, just chewing the smell of tobacco mixed with paper, then he looked at Li Yun, Said: "Xiao Daoist, if you have time, can you listen to my old man's nagging."

"I would like to hear the details." Li Yun said.

The old man's eyes looked at the sky, and his thoughts seemed to return to the past.

"Once... I was a policeman."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the system started beeping.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have accepted Liu Qiang's 'fate'."

"Task Trigger: Unsung Hero."

"Reward: Longquan Holy Well."

"Failure penalty: Turn hair into Mediterranean (100 years)."

Li Yun; "."

This punishment is getting more and more excessive!

(End of this chapter)

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