Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 103 Sorry, I am a policeman

Chapter 103 Sorry, I am a policeman

"That year, I was still a small reserve policeman. I just graduated from the police academy and entered the society. I joined the Hong Kong Royal Police, which I dreamed of. I hope to become a partner of justice in the future and strive to maintain order." Liu Qiang's face She was full of nostalgia, and then slowly closed her eyes, recalling that time, that young self.

The young and ignorant self because of the wrong choice.

Three points of nostalgia, seven points of pain.

After that, Liu Qiang slowly opened his eyes.
However, after seeing everything in front of him, Liu Qiang was stunned, a little unbelievable.

here is.
Familiar scenes, all kinds of exercise equipment, young people doing push-ups.

There is also a huge police badge hanging on the wall.

Suddenly, a sound came.

"Stand at attention! Take a break!"

Five sweaty young men in white vests stood in a row, their eyes full of longing for the future.

And standing in front of these five youths was a scarred man with a scar on his face. This scarred man looked at the five young men in front of him solemnly, neither happy nor sad.

"What do you think I called you here for?" the instructor said, looking at the five people in front of him.

"I don't know there should be some important assignment!" One of the young men with short hair said excitedly.

The instructor looked at the unattractive young man with freckles on his face and nodded, then said lightly: "I remember you, Liu Qiang, right, you're from mainland China, I did have a special assignment to bring you together. Hmph, it should be."

All five showed signs of excitement.

"Are you thinking about an important assignment that will allow you to flex your muscles?" The instructor said with a sneer on his face, "You are completely wrong if you think so, do you know what the five of you have in common? ?”

"That's mediocre appearance, mediocre grades, and mediocre guys everywhere. Among this year's police academy graduates, you are the most mediocre group. You are simply garbage."

The five people all had dumbfounded expressions on their faces, and lowered their heads at the same time.

Most people are self-aware, and they know what they are.

Only Liu Qiang stood up with a look of resentment and said, "Instructor, I don't agree! One hundred and two Qinguans will eventually belong to Chu. Maybe we are mediocre now, but we can use redoubled efforts to catch up with the predecessors! They put in a lot of effort , we will pay [-] points, [-] points, and one day we will catch up!"

The other four wanted to stay away from Liu Qiang, for fear of being stuck with the bad luck of Asby, who contradicted the instructor.

The instructor also looked into Liu Qiang's eyes calmly, full of deterrence and ridicule.

Liu Qiang did not give in, he still stood upright, he firmly believed in his own ideas.

"Hmph, you're being stubborn, come with me to the office, the four of you should disband."

The other four looked at Liu Qiang with pity.

Liu Qiang followed into the office with his stubborn face still on his face.

No matter what, an unshakable belief.
After arriving at the office, the instructor sat down casually, and also ordered Liu Qiang to sit down casually.

Although Liu Qiang was surprised, he followed suit.

"I do have a secret assignment, but I only need one person, not five people, but only one person." The instructor looked at Liu Qiang lightly and said, "Completing this task requires patience and psychological quality that ordinary people cannot possess. It can be said to be the most difficult task of the police force, are you willing to take on this task?"

The instructor put down the teacup in his hand, and said lightly: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, I can assign another person to do this task, but I can't say the specific situation yet, and you have to accept it if you do." Now, I can only say that it was a narrow escape, but relatively, this is a heavy honor."

Liu Qiang was silent for a moment and said.

"So, what is the mission?"

"Think clearly, if you choose this path, you will not be able to turn back." The instructor emphasized.

"I am willing, I don't care about glory." Liu Qiang raised his head, looked at the instructor and said, "I just want to be a good policeman."

The instructor smiled in satisfaction and put down the teacup.

"very good."

"Look, that's Liu Qiang who was expelled from the police academy."

"It's so pitiful. I was kicked out of school because I contradicted the instructor."

"I heard that the instructor called four people to lecture, and only this fool was called away."

On the aisle of the dormitory corridor, Liu Qiang silently endured the rumors around him, took his suitcase, walked out the door with his head down, walked out of the dormitory, and finally walked out of the police station.

Liu Qiang looked back at the police badge with thorns and flowers above it, and walked forward resolutely, no longer thinking about it.

Today Liu Qiang is no longer a policeman, but a free man.

In the blunt sand Tsui, in the feasting bars, young men and women gather together to have fun.

"What? You beat and scolded the instructor and got kicked out of the police academy?" A fat young man with tattoos looked at Liu Qiang, glanced up and down, and said, "You can. Follow us."

"I don't want to hang out. I just want to find a serious job and earn a living." Liu Qiang said coldly, his fists clenched tightly, blood still dripping from them, but the blood was not his.

"Let's go, don't be so ostentatious. Our boss appreciates you very much. I will give you a bite to eat. Don't be shameless." The tattooed youth hooked his shoulders and pulled Liu Qiang out of the bar seat, and came to the upper floor. In a mahjong parlor.

When we came to the mahjong parlor, an old man said calmly.

"Ah Qiang, right? From now on, hang out with me, Hei Niu, and I will guarantee that you will be popular and hot." Hei Niu did not turn around, and continued to play mahjong, and then continued: "A Fei, let you watch him from now on. "

Next to him, a young man with back hair who looked very indifferent nodded silently.

In Tieluowan, a group of people fought and fought, and everyone took out the sharp objects that they could pick up around them.

Everyone has more or less wounds on their bodies, including A Fei and Liu Qiang.

"Run! I'll cover you!" A Fei dragged his injured body, picked up a bench, and stood in front of Liu Qiang.

"Why...why do you do so much for me?" Liu Qiang was unwilling to leave, and said in an unbelievable tone.

"Because we are brothers."

Although A Fei's face was bleeding, he didn't feel any pain.

Because, this time, I am fighting side by side with my brothers.

On the roof of the financial building, two men in suits and leather shoes stood facing each other.

Liu Qiang, and Ah Fei.

"Give me a chance, I want to be a good person." A Fei said calmly.

Liu Qiang lit a cigarette, lowered his eyebrows, exhaled smoke rings, and said in an inexplicable tone.

"Sorry, I'm a policeman."

A Fei continued to laugh.

"who knows?"

(End of this chapter)

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