Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 506, Empty 1-person housing

Chapter 506, Empty Housing
"Bus ticket at the bus station."

Lin Ying looked at the crooked handwriting on the envelope and the ticket that Wang Xiaoming bought with pocket money, looking for her own ticket in the crowded bus station.

The conductor at the side saw the dumbfounded Lin Ying, came over and smiled.

"Little sister, where are your parents? Are they lost?"

"I'm looking for this place, my family. They've already boarded the bus, but they didn't tell me where the bus is." Lin Ying handed the ticket to the eldest sister conductor wittily.

The conductor looked at Lin Ying suspiciously, and seeing that the ticket was indeed genuine, he didn't doubt it anymore, and took Lin Ying on the bus.

Lin Ying looked at the scenery outside the car with a happy face.

"Finally able to see my mother, will she not want to see me? Will she think that I'm going to bother her? Will it be?"

With a feeling of apprehension, Lin Ying walked all the way in the car, swaying in the car, swaying from side to side, at a loss.

A girl in school uniform sitting next to her looked at Lin Ying so uneasy, took out a piece of chocolate pastry from her backpack, and handed it to Lin Ying.

"Little sister, let's eat. Are you hungry? This is your treat."

"Ah, thank you, auntie." Lin Ying took the pastry gratefully, and she was a little hungry, so she picked up the pastry and ate it, eating it with big mouthfuls, and the cake stains stuck to the corner of her mouth.

"Thank you, sister. I'm not an aunt. I'm not old enough to be called an aunt. Well, I'm only 20 years old this year, little brother." The girl gave Lin Ying a white look and said, "You leave home alone Run away, you should go home at such a young age, otherwise what should you do if you meet hooligans on the road, and now there are more and more perverts, my sister and I also ran away from home back then, and I was attacked by hooligans when I was walking on a small road at night, Fortunately, a police uncle passed by me to avoid suffering, and now there are similar tragedies happening in places we don't know about, so you should be more careful."

"But isn't my sister alone now?" Lin Ying looked at the girl innocently.

"My sister has this now, and the bad guys dare not get close to it. There are bad guys who dare to get close to my mother and treat him to the iron fist of capitalism." The girl grinned, and opened the backpack, revealing anti-wolf spray, anti-wolf electric shock device, and anti-wolf alarm. , knuckles, blades, and a vial of sulfuric acid
Seeing these strange things, although Lin Ying didn't know any of them, she still shuddered subconsciously, always feeling uncomfortable when they appeared on her body.

"So, little girl, I see that your bones are amazing, and you will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future. I will give this to you. If there are bad guys approaching you, just spray it, and then run away, you know?" The girl said solemnly. Handed over the anti-wolf spray to Lin Ying, and taught the basic method of use.

"Thank you, big sister." Lin Ying took the anti-wolf spray, and even wanted to spray her face out of curiosity, but was stopped by the girl.

"Don't spray on yourself, you will be blind, and you have to put it in your pocket all the time, otherwise you may not have time to take it out when you meet the strange uncle. When you take it out, you must be quick and fast, and you can't let the strange uncle have a look. There is room for reaction." The girl patted Lin Ying's head, teaching each word word by word.

Lin Ying also listened carefully, and finally learned the correct usage of anti-wolf spray perfectly, just spray it on the strange uncle's face.

"Oh, you little girl is so good, I always feel that your face is quite familiar. I have seen a person who looks like you before." The girl said with a smile.

"What kind of person is that person, the one who looks very similar to me..." Lin Ying also got acquainted with the girl, and asked curiously.

"That man. He is a hero, a great hero. Without him, I might not have the life I have now, so I am very grateful to him for giving me a second chance to be reborn." The girl paused, and finally Said: "Also, if you run away from home and return to run away from home, you still have to go home obediently in the end, although I understand your rebellious thoughts of running away from home, but ah, the family members are the ones who care about you the most, don't let the family members Too worried."

Lin Ying nodded in agreement, looking out the window.

"My family, I will see my mother soon."

Lin Ying and the girl met by chance. After getting off the car, they just showed Lin Ying the address on the envelope and went their separate ways.

According to the girl's guidance, Lin Ying got on the bus one after another. According to the girl, although taking the bus is a waste of time, it is much safer than a taxi. If the taxi driver is a strange person, then it is true It's over, the initiative is on others.

The crowd came and went, and with the bus changing stations again and again, they finally came to a remote old city in the local area. The houses were very old, most of them were brick and tile houses, which belonged to the old city that had not yet been developed.

Most of the people who lived and walked around here were old people. When they saw Lin Ying's face appearing in this urban area, they didn't care much. They just continued to enjoy themselves and enjoy the afternoon sun.

Lin Ying was a little nervous with a small schoolbag on her back, hesitated for a moment, came to an old man, took out the address, and asked, "Excuse me, grandpa, where is this place?"

The old man was sitting in the old man's chair, contented. After seeing Lin Ying, he did not refuse her question. He put on his reading glasses and looked at the address above tremblingly.

"This place. Are you sure it's here? Girl."

"Well, it's here. Mom sends letters from here every year." Lin Ying was a little apprehensive, wondering if she had found the right place.

The old man looked at Lin Ying and pointed with his finger: "It's the house at the end of the other side, you go and have a look there, I'll remind you first."

Before the old man finished speaking, Lin Ying ran away, running towards the end with complicated feelings.

"Thank you, grandpa."

The voice gradually faded away, and the old man murmured while looking at the back.

"I haven't finished my words yet. Why is that little girl so anxious? Forget it, she will understand when she goes there."

Lin Ying followed the path pointed by the old man, walked to the end of the place, and came to the place indicated by the address.
Walking through the half ramp, Lin Ying was a little dazed looking at the house in front of her, and the envelopes full of hands fell to the ground.

There is indeed a house here, an old building made of bricks and tiles, the house is covered with moss, the glass is broken, there is nothing in it, and the building is empty.

No one lives here—

(End of this chapter)

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