Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 507, Among the Ruins

Chapter 507, Among the Ruins

"Why is there everything here? Did you come to the wrong place?" Lin Ying shed tears, and came here after all the hardships, but there was nothing
Lin Ying, who didn't believe in evil, asked the old lady next to her again, handed her the letter, and said anxiously, "Grandma, where is the address above here?"

"Yeah" the old lady put on her reading glasses, she may have pointed to the address on it, pointed to the empty house in front of her and said, "That's right here"

"But there is no one here at all." Lin Ying said in disbelief.

"Yeah, no one has lived here for a long time. There used to be a couple living here, but this couple has never been back since they moved to Huizhou. The house is also deserted and no one is there. Stop." The grandma shook her head, took off her presbyopic glasses, continued to walk with a cane, paused, then turned her head and said, "Kids, don't go out alone, you should go home early, otherwise mom and dad will be worried to death." is you"

After finishing speaking, the old lady left with a cane, and didn't go far, just walking around here.

Lin Ying looked at the empty house in front of her, she was dazed for a while, and finally wiped away her tears, and walked in unbelievingly.

There is no lock in the house, or there is no need to lock it at all. There is no furniture in it, and there is nothing worth stealing. There is only a quilt that has been covered with dust and has not been touched for a long time. The old note was sealed, and Lin Ying could understand it. It was a thank-you letter to the head of the household from a passing homeless man who lived here temporarily. The date on it was still in 2010, which was already six years ago.
The tramp left without taking the quilt, and became the last resident of the house——


Lin Ying searched aimlessly, even she didn't know what she was looking for, after a long time, she finally found something.

An old photo frame, covered with traces of dust, reached out to wipe off the dust on it, it was a photo, a man and a woman in the photo.

Lin Ying was finally sure that this was indeed the correct address.

The man above, Lin Ying remembered, was her father, Lin Feihu. Looking at the woman next to her, she was holding a baby who was waiting to be fed. She had smooth long black hair, gentle eyes, and never took her eyes off the baby.

This is her mother. Even though her memory is blurred and her appearance has long been forgotten, Lin Ying still vaguely remembers the scene of holding her hand and walking on the street.

"This is my mom and dad. It's here, but why isn't mom here?"

Just when Lin Ying was confused and at a loss, she suddenly heard footsteps, and Li Yun walked in from the door next to her, looking at Lin Ying with a smile on her face.


"Wow! Weird Shushu, don't come here!" Lin Ying quickly stood up and aimed at Li Yun with the anti-wolf spray she just got.

Li Yun received [-] points of real damage, and invisible blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.
Weird uncle.
This is 1 levels more dangerous than being called uncle!
"Ahem, I don't blame Uncle, it's just a passer-by with a false mask, just a passing Taoist." Li Yun put on what he thought was the gentlest and most harmonious smile.

It's just that Lin Ying didn't have any feeling of letting go of her vigilance. The anti-wolf spray was raised higher and higher, and she said tremblingly: "Big sister said just now that the more kind-looking people are, the more likely they are strange uncles. I won't go with you Yes, I don’t look at goldfish, let alone eat snacks.”

"Although the knowledge is taught in a timely manner, I really don't blame uncle."

Li Yun knew that Lin Ying would not let go of her vigilance for a while, so she took out the dust whisk, and with a slight wave, cleaned all the dust in the room, which made Lin Ying stunned. stay.

"It's amazing. Uncle needs to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the room for a long time, and you can get it done with a whiff."

"Standing up and crying is tiring. Let's sit down and cry. This place is already very clean. You can roll around here." Li Yun said with a smile.

Lin Ying was stunned, but sat down anyway, holding up the anti-wolf spray with her right hand, while wiping her tears with her left hand, she said, "Who is crying, Xiao Ying didn't cry, it's just that there is dust in her eyes."

Li Yun also sat not far from Lin Ying, little Su Li immediately stretched out her small head, looked around, and jumped directly onto Li Yun's head, flicking her big furry tail back and forth, immediately It caught Lin Ying's attention.

"A cute little fox"

Lin Ying successfully put down the anti-wolf spray in her hand
At this time, Lin Ying stretched out her hand hesitantly, and Xiao Su Li hesitated to avoid it, but in the end she still didn't dodge it, and Lin Ying's hand leaned forward.

【The daughter of a hero is also available.】

Lin Ying successfully became the third person to caress Su Li's little head.

"Is it cute?" Li Yun pointed to Su Li on the head and said, "She's a fox fairy."

"Fox fairy, is there any difference between fox fairy?"

"Praying to the fox fairy can make your wish come true." Li Yun said, "Little girl, do you have any wish to come true? Or, you came here just to make your wish come true."

Lin Ying touched Xiao Suli's furry ears, and after a moment of silence, she looked like she was about to cry again.

"I am here to find my mother. My mother sends me a letter and a sweater every year. But she has never come to see me once. I came to find her this time, but she is not here. My mother, does she not want I'm gone."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ying is not about to cry, but has already cried, crying loudly
Children don't understand anything, they only know that they may cry after being abandoned.

Seeing Lin Ying crying continuously, Su Li took the initiative to go up to her and comfort her with her fluffy tail.

"As a mother, how could she abandon her daughter?" Li Yun took out a tissue, helped Lin Ying wipe away the tears on her face, and said with a smile, "Why don't we play a game?"

"What game?" Lin Ying sniffed and sucked back the snot.

"You cover your eyes, shout 3.2.1, and at the same time recite the blessing of the fox fairy in your heart, so that your wish can come true."

"Really?" Lin Ying said, "You can't be lying to children, right? Brother Xiao Ming said that adults like to lie to children the most."

"You can try to lie to you or not." Li Yun said lightly.


Lin Ying closed her eyes and silently recited 3.2.1.
【Hope. I can see my mother.】

After three seconds, open your eyes.

Under the sunshine outside the window, shoulder length hair, gentle smile, favorite white clothes.


(End of this chapter)

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