Chapter 508, Lullaby
Her long, smooth hair is fluttering in the wind, her white skirt is swaying freely, and she is wearing a pair of black-framed//glasses, which are exactly the same as in the photo, without any change, but with a touch of ethereal flavor.

"Mom." Lin Ying looked up at the woman, and hugged her up, her whole head buried in her shoulders, the warm touch came, and it was still the familiar smell, the familiar embrace.

Lin Ying can be sure that the person in front of her is her mother
Lin Ying's mother stroked Lin Ying's head and said with a gentle smile.

"Have you eaten well? Don't be picky eaters and only eat meat. Eating only meat will not only make you fat, but also very unhealthy."

"No. I have eaten vegetables, green vegetables, bean sprouts, and choy sum. My favorite food is my favorite, but I don't like meat. My favorite food is Uncle Wang's fried big worms. You can eat it without the head, the chicken tastes crunchy and has high nutritional value." Lin Ying continued to bury her head in the woman's shoulder, and said in a vague tone: "Mom, why haven't you come to see me all these years? I, I promised to come here this year. You lied to me again and didn't come."

"I'm sorry, Sakura. There's a reason for these things, but I also really want to see you. I've missed you all these years. Isn't it that we meet now? Mom is very happy." The woman took Lin Ying's Holding her face up, she wiped away the tears on her face with her brush, and said, "Okay, don't cry, it doesn't look good when you cry, as a girl, it's okay to have a dirty face."

"Well, Sakura didn't cry, Sakura is very strong!"

Lin Ying stubbornly wiped the tears off her face, looked at her mother, and began to talk about the things she had experienced over the years, such as blowing up Wang Qing's underwear with Wang Xiaoming with firecrackers, and molesting a bear on the side of the road with Wang Xiaoming For example, when Wang Xiaoming and Wang Xiaoming, the bully kid in the same class, set off a firecracker with a super large equivalent, or for the senior students who beat up their classmates, all the pants that were drying in the dormitory disappeared mysteriously.
The woman listened to Lin Ying's narration silently, acting as a qualified listener, understanding Lin Ying's growth experience over the years.

"Wang Xiaoming, Mingming is younger than me and wants me to call him brother. You say he is shameless, but I always feel like calling him brother is willing." Lin Ying rested her chin in her hands, thinking of the old man The strange Wang Xiaoming.

"He must take good care of you," the woman said.

"Yeah, although he sometimes bullies me, he must be the first one to rush up when others bully me." Lin Ying nodded and said, "There was a kid king who wanted to bully me before. , Brother Xiao Ming beat him up without saying a word, and later, that kid king didn’t dare to bully me anymore, it seems that Brother Xiao Ming took a picture of him peeking at the teacher taking a shower, and he caught the handle.”

Lin Maya's mother just smiled and listened. Li Yun next to her wanted to complain about this elementary school student named Wang Xiaoming. In any sense, the comment was no longer an ordinary brat. This is simply a mudslide among brats.
At this moment, Lin Ying was already a little tired. It was already a miracle for a primary school student to take the bus from Huizhou alone, and then take the bus to here. The body did not sleep, cherishing every minute and every second with his mother.

"Mom, why don't you move here? I have Wang Xiaoming, Uncle Wang, and many friends. How do you live here? There's so much dust." Yun, said: "Well, this strange uncle just got rid of the dust, but this place is really not suitable for people to live in!"

The air leaking windows, no furniture, not even a bed, Lin Ying was ignorant, and took it for granted that women lived here.

Lin Ying's mother smiled slightly and said, "Mom only belongs here. Mom can't go to your Uncle Wang."

"Why, why do you have to stay here? It's so dirty here." Lin Ying pouted and said, but she didn't dare to say more, for fear that she would be considered an annoying brat. She deeply learned from Wang Xiaoming and Husky. In getting along with Wang Qing, I realized that even dogs despise Wang Xiaoming. Of course, I don't despise him.

"It doesn't matter. Mom still misses you. I will send you knitting sweaters and envelopes every year. Your Uncle Wang will definitely be able to hand over these things to you very well. The one on your body The sweater is made by my mother." Lin Ying's mother continued to hold Lin Ying in her arms, and said, "Just remember one thing, Mom and Dad will always love you, and we will always be relatives."


Lin Ying leaned on the woman's body, feeling drowsy. This time, she was really sleepy. She wanted to sleep, and her eyelids were fighting to the point where she could no longer hold on.

Hearing the soft voice of the woman, Lin Ying slowly closed her eyes, and threw herself on the woman, feeling the warm embrace.

Waves of singing sounded, and the woman began to sing hypnotic songs softly.

【The moon is bright, the wind is quiet】

【Leaves cover the window lattice】

【Cricket is called clank】

【Like the sound of strings】

[The sound of the piano is light and the tune is pleasant]

【The cradle rocks lightly】

【Mother's baby closes eyes】

【Sleep that sleeps in a dream】

"I heard it a long time ago. It was a song sung by my mother. It was the same way I sang it to me before. Good afternoon, I'm going to bed. I remember thinking about Sakura next year." Lin Ying squinted her eyes and muttered .

"Well, good afternoon. Go to sleep and have a good night's sleep." The woman stroked Lin Ying's soft hair and hugged her gently.

Accompanied by the singing of the lullaby, Lin Ying gradually fell asleep, sleeping deeply and sweetly, she had never slept so soundly in these years.

The roar of the car engine came into the house. The Volkswagen car stopped at the door. Wang Qing and Wang Xiaoming got out of the car and entered the house.

"You brat, you have to apologize to Sakura. Now that there are so many perverts, you are not the only one who got hurt when you caused trouble."

When Wang Qing and Wang Xiaoming came here in a hurry, they only saw Lin Ying who was deeply asleep, looking at the scene in disbelief and said.

"This is."

Leaning on the body of a little white fox, the white fox surrounded Lin Ying's body with its huge furry tail.

Lin Ying hugged the big fox tail to feel the warmth, enjoying the afternoon rest——

(End of this chapter)

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