Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 512 Why do autumn leaves fall

Chapter 512 Why do autumn leaves fall
"This is the bane left by wisdom, the sorrow of semi-worldliness, it's really tiresome." Ming Zheng sighed, and didn't think about stopping those pilgrims. You stopped the first one, and there will be a second one. One, third, third.

The so-called semi-secularization is just to open a green channel for those who contribute money, so that those who contribute money think that they have extraordinary privileges, and even can take pictures at will when the abbot presides over the death, without any scruples.

Mingzheng has already thought about this, if he can really serve as the abbot, he will be completely secular, without being closed or privileged, but the premise is that he can be the abbot.

However, this is only taken for granted by Mingzheng. He also knows that this system has been deeply ingrained in Dalin Temple and is difficult to change. It is like a cancer. If it is not removed, it will corrode Dalin Temple.
Mingzheng could only sigh silently and stop thinking about it.
The monks were chanting Buddhist scriptures, and Yijie felt a little bored, so he found a reason to go to the toilet, and came to a remote corner of Dalin Temple, and found that not only himself, but also many monks were taking a nap here, all There are younger novice monks and monks, most of whom are from Dalin Temple.

It is also because of reciting Buddhist scriptures to save an old monk who is not familiar with him, and he is bored without getting paid, so he came here to rest.

There were even two of these monks who secretly took out a cigarette from Daqianmen, and smoked it intoxicatedly. Yijie looked at it and didn't have much to say, just stretched out his hand, and the other party understood, and handed a cigarette Quit a cigarette and a lighter.

After lighting the cigarette, Yijie let out a comfortable groan, and spit out a puff of smoke ring.

"I haven't smoked for a long time. It's really boring not being able to smoke in the temple. Sometimes I can only drink a little wine."

It is said that smoking and drinking are the best way to communicate, and after one cigarette, Yijie became acquainted with most of these monks.

"How come those Niubi who love to join in the fun didn't come, obviously those people would come to our Buddhist temple for a little bit of trifle." Yijie frowned, looked around, except for secular people and Buddhist people, there was no one there. Seeing the Taoist, he scratched his head and yawned big.

"Master Yijie, I heard that when you participated in this Dharma meeting last time, you were bullied by a young Taoist priest, didn't you?" The young monk who gave Yijie a cigarette teased.

Yi Jie's expression turned embarrassing, don't mention how angry he was, and said bluntly.

"What's wrong with you? You're pretending to be a ghost. Make a magic trick. Once you do the magic trick, the people around here are like seeing the emperor's new clothes. They all shake their heads like dogs and say that I have realized it. I'm going to go, it's just a magic trick. What's more annoying is that the abbot is also running on me, I really don't know if it's my Buddhist sect."

Yijie took a deep puff of the cigarette, threw the remaining butt to the ground, and stamped it out with his foot. The monk next to him also smiled and handed Yijie a piece of mint to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in his mouth.

"I heard that people from the Taoist sect will really come this time, but I just don't know if the little Taoist priest you said will come." The young monk next to him shrugged, as if he was looking forward to watching the show. look.

Yijie categorically denied it.

"Impossible, that Niubi can't come, last time he had an unnecessary conflict with the people in the temple, it is estimated that the people in the temple want him to die now, after all, it has caused some impact on those lay members , is missing the support of a few lifetime members.”

"Yes, yes. That Taoist priest is too hateful. Without those few lifetime members, our first seat is full of oil and water, and the allowance has been reduced a lot." The monk at the Dalin Temple said viciously: "It's all the Taoist priest wrong."

"My master said that this time Dalin Temple invited Xuanli from the Taoist Association." A lay monk with long hair next to him said disapprovingly.

Yijie disapproved and spit out the remaining mints.

"Isn't it normal for Xuanli to come over? It would be strange if the leader of this local Taoist sect didn't come."

The young monk took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, and realized that he seemed to have been out smoking for too long, so he sprayed a little incense on his body, ate another piece of gum and chewed before he planned to leave, and said before leaving.

"Anyway, whether he comes or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with us. Don't be idle for too long. Abbot Yuanxin of your temple is notoriously stubborn."

"I know, I know, I must know my master's temper."

The monks who gathered here to smoke also gradually left, and when they left this corner, none of them had the frivolity and escape just now, replaced by hypocritical sadness and still restless heart.

Yijie looked at the backs of these monks, shook his head with a grin, adjusted his expression, put on a sad expression that was not considered a superb acting skill, and returned to the monks who were reciting Duhua scriptures.

"Everyone is the same person."

Zen Master Yuanxin took a deep glance at Jie, who didn't know why, suddenly turned his eyes a little guilty, and then came to the futon next to Yuan Xin with a normal face, and sat down to recite scriptures honestly.

As soon as Yijie sat down, Zen Master Yuanxin next to him said indifferently: "Amitabha, Yijie, your heart is not here."

"Master, don't wrong me. My heart has always belonged to Buddhism and your temple. How could I not be here?" Yijie argued nervously.

Yuan Xin's complexion did not fluctuate, he just continued to look at Yi Jie and said.

"Poor monk, what I want to say is that your heart is not only not on the scriptures for saving the dead, but also not in the temple. Could it be that you have any different understanding and thoughts on one precept? Or you have nothing to do with Zen principles. interest?"

He was a little embarrassed for a moment, and felt even more guilty, but he still pretended to be calm, and even controlled the muscles of his face very accurately, trying not to be caught by Yuan Xin.

Just like what Yuan Xin said, one precept is not seeking the Dharma, not Zen principles, but seeking to succeed in the world, incense temples, wives and concubines, and sons and daughters.

Since this is required, it must be approved by Yuanxin.
"Where is it, disciple, I just didn't wake up, sorry master."

Yuan Xin stared at it for a while, and finally closed his eyes slowly, and said.

"Since your heart is not on this transcendence, go to the gate of the temple and look at it, and welcome everyone who hasn't arrived yet."

(End of this chapter)

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