Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 513, I also have doubts in my heart

Chapter 513, I also have doubts in my heart
Yijie came to the door with a worried look on his face. For some reason, he always felt that there was something in his master's words, as if he really realized that his purpose was not to devote himself to the Buddha, but to come for the temple property.

"No, I have been lurking for so many years. Failure is absolutely not allowed. I want to become the abbot of the temple, just like Master Shi Yong. I want to succeed in life through the temple to reach the pinnacle of life!"

Yijie reminded himself repeatedly in his heart, not to let his many years of hard work go to waste because of a little leak of desire, it is not worth it.

Like the young monks around him, Yijie started to guard the gate by himself. At least for Yijie, it was a good thing that he didn't have to see Kong Jian's body.

At this time, a slightly bloated monk appeared from behind Yijie. He looked smiling and very approachable, but Yijie knew that the monk in front of him was probably the same type of person as himself.

There is no reason, purely out of instinctive suspicion.

Zen Master Mingfa patted Yijie on the shoulder. He didn't look like a monk at all, but greeted him like a social person who had experienced the workplace.

"Little monk Yijie, have you also been kicked out to guard the gate?"

"Master Er Mingfa, this statement is wrong. It is the disciple who is stupid and let the master come out to relax and realize Zen alone." Yijie said with a smile on his face as usual.

Mingfa didn't pursue Yijie's little sophistry, but just said it for himself.

"Life is always as lonely as snow, especially when you are a monk, it is even more lonely. What do you think people want in this life? Is the goal to be outstanding? Or to be extraordinary, I don't know. The little Taoist who came to us at that time said it well, the so-called human desire, everyone has it, you have it, I have it, your master has it, my junior brother has it, everyone has it, since they have it, why do you want to hide it? What about the cover-up?"

I am most afraid that the air will suddenly become awkward. These words are too explicit, so that Yi Jie doesn't know what expression to use to face it. Isn't it good to keep some things in mind?Don't take it to the stage to speak.

"Master Mingfa, what do you want to say, I don't understand."

"Theoretically speaking, the property of this temple belongs to everyone. It's good that the previous abbot was appointed. If the abbot dies accidentally and there is no place left for the next abbot, everyone has to vote together. ..." Zen Master Mingfa's tone suddenly became sad, and said: "My master, before he left, he only left the place of acting abbot, but not the place of abbot. The meaning is obvious, that is, let me wait for my own competition , to see who can get more support, whoever will be the abbot of this Dalin Temple, but now the acting abbot has given me a junior who is not obsessed with worldly affairs and only knows how to study Buddhist scriptures. Well, just get used to it. I don't really want to be the abbot. I'm just worried that my brother will destroy the temple left by my ancestors. If I really fall into this field, it's the greatest respect for my master. .”

Hearing this, Yijie glanced at Mingfa, sneered in his heart, and said that he would not let his junior lose, and he wanted to be the abbot in his heart.

Dalin Temple, the largest temple in the area, has many hard-core pilgrims. Although their quality varies, they are all wealthy people. It is a mobile Zangjin Pavilion, a small treasury.
If you can become the abbot of Dalin Temple.
Everyone is a fake monk, so there is no need to cover it up.

After pondering for a while, Yijie looked at the smiling Mingfa, nodded solemnly and said.

"Master Mingfa, I think so too. I think you are the one who is suitable for the next abbot. Then Master Mingzheng, you have an elm head."

When Xuanli and others came to the foot of Dalin Temple, the atmosphere was dull and dull. Although everyone had a bad relationship with Buddhism, after all, they were attending funerals and respected masters, so they were affected by this atmosphere. There is nothing wrong with it, and I also understand this metaphysics. After all, only a few people can see things like life and death.

To show her respect, Qingyue walked up the mountain to Dalin Temple without taking a car, Xuanli and others also followed.

"Won't Master Yun come this time?"

"Pindao doesn't know about this, I probably don't know, Guanzhu Yun has already been notified, and he didn't reply to Pindao." Xuanli shook his head and said: "Maybe he has come and walked in front of us, maybe he hasn't come yet , walking behind us, maybe he won't come anymore, maybe he just passed away Kongjian's death as a passing cloud. After all, Guanzhu Yun had a lot of conflict with Dalin Temple last time, and it is inevitable that he has a grudge in his heart. of."

Qingyue was silent, knowing that Li Yun and Dalin Temple had a lot of conflicts, so she couldn't comment on it, and continued to walk up the mountain. Today, there are not many pedestrians on this mountain, and the weather is a bit gloomy. Everyone mourned the eminent monk at home.

On the way up the mountain, several people at least saw more than one wave of villagers placing tributes in front of the temple gate, and then leaving, leaving only sad expressions.

In Dalin Temple, Zen Master Kongjian is very loved by the villagers here. This selfish abbot who was exposed by Li Yun in Xuanli's view is very popular.

I also understand this bit of metaphysics. Anyway, the selfishness of the empty view is selfishness towards oneself and the temple. His purpose is to pass on the principles of Zen and study Buddhism. Monk image.

"Humans have two sides. They have both good and bad sides. So the so-called Buddha has a good side to ordinary people, or a bad side to whom? Speaking of crooked ways, Buddhism is the crooked way of evil spirits, tsk tsk."

Xuanxiang thought about this problem for a while, and decided to take it back to the Taoist temple to study after the matter was over.

The present thing is to pay homage to the Zen Master Kong Jian, who is loved by the villagers, to recite the Taoist sutras, and to send off this respected Dashi together with fellow Buddhists.

However, when they first came to the door, they were stopped by several monks. Except for Yijie, they were all monks from Dalin Temple.

The leader is Monk Yijie, with a tall figure, round big bald head, and cunning eyes that don't look like a monk. It is not surprising to see Xuanli and others, but just smiled lightly.

"Amitabha, fellow Taoists, please go back, we have something important to talk about today"

In front of the gate of Dalin Temple, the atmosphere was unusually tense.

"We are obviously invited, so why don't you let us in? Could it be that you are the chief or acting abbot of Dalin Temple?" Xuanli frowned, looked at Yijie in front of him, and asked scoldingly: "Also, you We are not monks from Dalin Temple, why should we be told to leave, this is not in compliance with the regulations."

"Brother Mingfa just let the poor monk act as the gatekeeper on his behalf. It is true that there are important matters to be discussed in Buddhism. I am so sorry that I cannot receive fellow Taoists." What people see is indescribable.

Obviously, they came to express condolences to the master of Dalin Temple, but unexpectedly, they were blocked by the young people from other temples. Xuanshan and Xuanhui were so angry that they wanted to start complaining, but they were directly stopped by Qingyue down.

"Hmph, since you've said that, then we have nothing to say. We don't care about seeing monks. They are bald, bald, bald!" the little fat man Xuan Shan stuck out his tongue and looked at Yi Jie. It was a burst of displeasure, especially when the contemptuous eyes still walked on his bald head.

Yijie knew that Xuanshan was making fun of his hair, and he smiled bluntly. Although he really wanted to scold others, he knew that the most important thing now was to maintain his image, and he had more important things to do by himself.

"You can complain about the poor monk, but there is indeed something wrong in Dalin Temple, and there is nothing the poor monk can do about it. Besides, this is still a major issue in my Buddhist school. It is not good to have you here." Yijie said earnestly.

Xuan Hui muttered at the side: "It's a big deal to return to Buddhism, it's just a small temple in the city"

small temple.
Yijie smiled and said nothing, feeling very ridiculous for Xuanhui's cognition.

He has no idea how much economic benefits the so-called "small temple" can create. Perhaps it is a small temple in the eyes of the entire Buddhist sect, but in his personal opinion, it is an endless treasury that can make people Owners enjoy a myriad of coveted perks.

This is the temple, this is the abbot.
Yijie thought of the promise he made to himself just now, and his heart was burning. The temple he was staying in was not as good as Dalin Temple, but it was not a small temple. For private individuals, it was fat and oily.
Xuanli stared into Yijie's eyes, saw through but didn't say anything, and said calmly.

"Do it yourself."

"The poor monk won't give it away."

And just when Xuanli and the others were about to leave, the little novice who had been following Kongjian came out. The little novice was a little reckless, and bumped into another little monk on the way, so he could only apologize repeatedly and ran away eagerly. Come out and say.

"Hold on, fellow Taoists."

The little novice nodded slightly to Yijie, and then said.

"Our acting abbot said just now that our abbot's condolence ceremony will be held as usual. There are other things, let's talk about it later. The most important thing today is to send Abbot Kong Jian away properly."

Yijie frowned slightly, thinking for a while, but still with a smile on his face, he said to Xuanli and the others.

"Since it was the acting abbot who changed his mind, please invite the priests."

"After all, you are not from Dalin Temple. Why do you command us, hehehe. Who do you think you are?" Xuan Hui also walked in arrogantly. Before entering, he was very vulgar to Yijie He patted his butt and twisted it, causing Yijie to suffer a lot of mental damage.

"Xuan Hui, don't be rude to him." Xuan Li pretended to teach him a lesson, and entered Dalin Temple without looking back, without taking another look.

The same is true for Xuan Hui, who said he was taught to apologize, but in fact he still twisted his buttocks when he entered the door.

Yijie watched them go in with a smile on his face, until the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and finally turned into an expression of hatred.

"You wait, look down on me now, when I am the abbot, you don't even have the right to look at me."

"Today you ignore me, tomorrow I will make you unable to climb up!"

After Xuanli and others entered the Dalin Temple, they felt the sad atmosphere in the temple.

Especially some young novice monks, each one of them couldn’t control their emotions. Looking at the center of the table, surrounded by matches, and closing their eyes, they seemed to be meditating quietly. .

In fact, Zen Master Kongjian has lost his breath——

Surrounded by a group of monks chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha, silently transcending the empty view in the middle.

Among them are Mingzheng and Mingfa who know the metaphysics.

Two people, one fat and one thin, silently recited the scriptures, transcending Zen Master Kongjian.

"Mysterious friend."

"Zhan Master Mingzheng." Xuanli nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "It should be Abbot Mingzheng now."

"Now the poor monk is only acting as the abbot, not the abbot here, and the real abbot has not been elected yet." Mingzheng clasped his hands together, sighed and said, "Master left in too much haste, even the next abbot has not been elected yet." I was not selected. I am not expected to be an abbot myself, so I can only wait until the funeral of the master is over."

Xuanli looked at Mingzheng, but he didn't tell if he saw through it. He was familiar with Mingzheng. His personality was probably honest and honest. It belonged to the kind of personality that would not be discovered even if he was sold out. Even being an acting abbot was a little bit reluctant.

The only thing worthy of praise is that Mingzheng and Kongjian probably have the same personality, and they both have extraordinary obsession with passing on Buddhist scriptures and Zen principles. It is probably because of this similarity that Kongjian was selected as the acting abbot. .

"Amitabha, let's send the master away first. After the master has left, we can consider the matter of the next abbot. Anyway, it's better not to let the poor monk be the one." Mingzheng shook his head slightly.

"Actually, Pindao thinks that Zen Master Mingzheng is quite suitable for you."

Xuanli and Ming were talking, and all of this was seen by the fat monk Mingfa. Mingfa smiled slightly when he saw all this, and withdrew from the crowd of people who were chanting sutras and chanting Buddha, and came to the door. Arrived at a ring.

"Yijie, didn't you tell you to stop those bull noses from coming in?"

"Uh, that little novice suddenly went out and said that he would let them in. Who knew that there was a slight deviation, did he know something?" Yi Jie asked with some doubts.

Mingfa nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile.

"It doesn't matter, they come in as soon as they come in, let's just watch, and let everyone see, let's act as the abbot's ugly face."

"Up to now, even if my junior brother knows something, it can't change anything."

(End of this chapter)

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