Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 515, endless wars and endless disasters

Chapter 515, endless wars and endless disasters
Seeing the photo in front of him, Mingzheng felt that jumping into the Yellow River would not clear it up, and even began to wonder if he was really confused, and then did such and such things.

But soon, Mingzheng saw his true heart, clasped his hands together, and said solemnly.

"Amitabha, the poor monk walks upright and sits upright. The poor monk knows nothing about these things. Someone must be planning to frame me. Regarding the original heart of the Buddha, the poor monk has not wavered in the slightest, and he has not been unfaithful in the slightest. The Buddha can see his heart. Mo You're going to humiliate me with these things again."

Mingzheng's eyes were solemn and upright, and everyone around him had a little illusion. Could it be that Mingzheng was really wronged this time?

But the evidence is solid here, the words are so pale
At this time, one of the lay disciples said weakly: "This...this kind of photos should be easily photoshopped out, we...should look at these photos with a more rigorous attitude, and we can't just rely on these photos. This master Mingzheng is a scum of Buddhism. How about we confirm this more?"

Facing the questions from lay disciples, Mingfa didn't care, and took out more things from his backpack, for example, the invoices for going to wine and sex places, the name on it was Mingzheng's lay name, and the ID number next to it was Mingzheng.

"Of course the poor monk has done some investigation. These things are all evidence of Ming's consumption outside, hotel invoices, and proof of drinking and sex places. Amitabha, are you still obsessed with obsession? You lost it all." Mingfa threw these so-called evidences to the ground with grief.

Hurray, a lot of invoices, more invoices, from places that consume alcohol and sex, Internet cafes, and karaoke bars.

Even Yi Jie on the side was cold all over, and he was afraid of Mingfa for a while. What he did was no longer watertight. This is simply killing people.
It is conceivable that Mingfa, as a monk, would be cast aside after being exposed so far. Thinking of this, Yijie felt that he had some sympathy for Mingzheng.

"these things."

"I can't be the one who falsifies things that these countries have certified, and your Mingzheng ID number is on it. It's clearly written in black and white. Do you still want to deny it?" Mingfa said very sadly. Really like.

Beside him, the other chief was a little unnatural, these things were actually his, and he used his clear identity to do these sneaky things.

In fact, he took the blame for him.
Facing the well-founded documents, almost everyone had nothing to say now, and they looked at Mingzheng with unnatural dodges for a while, and at the same time, there was a little bit of disgust.

Mingzheng's image plummeted, and even the little monks who loved him at first showed expressions of disbelief, so they no longer trusted him.

Only Mingzheng himself remained steadfast, clasped his hands together, and recited the Buddhist scriptures firmly.

"Mingzheng, give me the torch. Let's talk about the future. Let's send the master away first, and then we will talk about other things. Now we have lost enough face in front of everyone, so don't lose any more." Mingfa stepped up. Go forward, want to bring the torch and burn the body of the former abbot.

As long as the body is burned, he will almost be the next abbot, and then he will give some exciting success stories. Isn't it easy to fool those little novice monks and monks?

Thinking about Mingfa makes it a little hot, I will soon be the abbot of Dalin Temple
After taking the torch, Mingzheng didn't stop him, but said lightly.

"Brother, you are on the wrong path. If you want to be the abbot, you can tell me that the position of abbot is for you. Besides, I may not be the next abbot. Why did you push me to such a point?" What about the dead end? Even at the expense of framing my innocence and putting me in such a desperate situation. I have no grievances or enmities with you."

Yi Jie on the side wanted to laugh, cutting someone’s money is like killing their parents, you’ve already robbed someone of their abbot’s position, how can there be no grievances or enmity?
"People, it is important to have self-knowledge. The scum of Buddhism is not worthy of being the abbot of Dalin Temple, let alone a monk." Mingfa still has an upright face, and his voice is not low. Is a get monk.

The lay disciples of Dalin Temple have changed their attitude towards Mingfa a little bit. This is out of place in the temple. Some fat Mingfa monks turned out to be really eminent monks, not the sanctimonious Mingzheng.

The hearts of the people have been settled, the overall situation has been achieved, and Mingfa's smile is full of complacency.

Riding face. How to lose?
Now even the gods descending to earth can't save this Mingzheng!

At this moment, carrying a torch, he came to the face of Zen Master Kong Jian's body, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Amitabha, may you, Master, go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss as soon as possible"

Haha, old monk, you can go there with peace of mind, I will take over your temple, and I will let him flourish and become the most profitable temple within a hundred miles.

There is no need for studying Buddhist scriptures, reciting scriptures, or any messy things. All you need are pilgrims and income!
Mingfa, who had a lot of inner drama, brought the torch closer.
"Let Pindao give Abbot Kongjian a pot of wine to burn."

A clear and lazy voice sounded, followed the reputation, Li Yun looked slack in the face, with a dazzling white fox standing on his shoulder, and a half pot of small wine in his hand.

The aroma of wine overflowed and wafted, making the alcoholics around all move their index fingers.
At the same time, the monks all cast disgusted expressions at Li Yun.

"Amitabha, Taoist priest, you can drink on your own, please don't disturb Zen Master Kongjian"

"That's right, seeing Zen Master Kong's poor life, how could he want to drink alcohol?"

"That's right, Zen Master Kongjian usually only eats a little soybeans and rice for meals. It's a big taboo to drink wine and the like."

The voices came and went, and almost all the hatred towards Mingzheng was transferred to Li Yun's head.

"Amitabha, Dalin Temple doesn't welcome you. It doesn't count that you chased Zhizhi away last time. Do you want to disturb the master's sleep?" Mingfa looked at Li Yun solemnly, his expression full of reproach.

Li Yun just continued drinking the wine, lazily staring into Mingfa's eyes.

For some reason, Mingfa felt as if he had been seen through, but he still forcibly held his head up.

"Pindao doesn't have any malice, or in other words, Pindao doesn't have any malice towards Dalin Temple itself." Li Yun said with a slight smile: "It's just that I was invited to come here this time, to witness it."

"Who did you invite, I don't remember our Dalin Temple has any," Mingfa asked doubtfully.

Witness what?
At this moment, there was a sudden sound from a loudspeaker.

【what you up to.】

【I want to be the abbot】

【The so-called three people become a tiger】

【Temples, beauties, within easy reach.】

【Happy cooperation.】

(End of this chapter)

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