Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 516, Is this wine delicious?

Chapter 516, Is this wine delicious?
"Why? Why is this happening? Who is it? Who did it! What's going on?" Mingfa listened to the sound from the loudspeaker in a daze, and wanted to turn it off, but there was nothing at all. Do not know where it came from.

Yi Jie next to him was also pale, his wolfish ambition was undoubtedly exposed in this conversation, he turned his head tremblingly, and looked at Abbot Yuanxin.

At this time, Yuan Xin didn't look at Yi Jie, as if the voice didn't affect him, he was still thinking about transcending emptiness and reciting the scriptures of transmutation.


Yijie knows, is it because he has been ignored? No matter what he does in the future, he will never be a monk or the next abbot. His career has been completely ruined. He has worked hard for more than ten years in his career , the prestige built in the temple and the connections he bought are all ruined
"It's all your fault. You're a bald ass."

Mingfa was even more sluggish for a while, even though Yijie slapped him and didn't fight back, and his cassock was torn without any reaction.

Why did you overturn yourself?

Not only the words of He Yijie, but also the words of He Zhizhi, and the words of another chief seat were exposed. The obscene words in this, not only the surrounding monks were stunned, but even the laymen who were invited The same is true for the disciples, who are a little apprehensive about the Dalin Temple matter.

"I'm going to go, what is this Dalin Temple, this is simply a den of scum."

"If these are all true, doesn't it mean that except for that Chan Master Mingzheng, the other heads are melon skins?"

"At first, I thought Zhizhi was the only scum, but I didn't expect that there was another Mingzheng. Now, I realized that except for Mingzheng, they are all Buddhist scum. It's really uplifting. It's a turnaround."

Not only the sound of the loudspeaker, but also the language exchange of many young monks and elders here, smoking, drinking, perm, forehead, female sex, all kinds of explosion sound effects emerge in endlessly.

Listening to these conversations, Xuanli on the side felt his scalp tingling, Dalin Temple, from today onwards, it might be pills, how much dirt has been hidden in it.

"It's not reasonable, it's not reasonable." An elder of Dalin Temple, with a gray beard, turned around and pointed at his disciple tremblingly, "You didn't expect that you are still taking drugs."

"I, I didn't..." The little chubby novice monk was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.

"You still want to quibble? I've warned you before. I thought you could turn over a new leaf. But... people like you are not worthy of being my apprentice."

The elder of Dalin Temple tore off the white robes belonging to Dalin Temple, returned to the temple, took a string of Buddhist beads and scriptures that belonged to him, and walked away on the spot.

Some people who were exposed were ashamed and retreated directly, and there were also monks who were ashamed to leave.

More and more Dalin Monastery monks want to leave
"Does anyone remember the funeral of Abbot Kongjian? No, it's a funeral." Qingyue sighed and said, "It's the funeral of Dalin Temple. I'm afraid the entire Dalin Temple will be buried for this matter."

From today, Dalin Temple may cease to exist
Li Yun watched what happened before him while drinking a small wine.

"You blame you! It was you who killed Dalin Temple and brought it to this field, you plague god! Every time you come here, there is no good thing. You came this time just to kill our Dalin Temple. It's all your fault! You're all your fault." Ming Fa rushed forward madly, but was dodged by Li Yun with a sideways dodge.

Li Yun just looked at Mingfa silently, and said lightly: "Pindao said that he is only here to witness all of this, and all of this is bound to happen. If you think about it carefully, if it weren't for your unscrupulous violation of the precepts, and How did you become like this? In fact, you are so hysterical, why don’t you think about it, how would you feel if Abbot Kong knew you were like this?”

"It's none of my business to see how the old bald donkey feels. I. I. He definitely doesn't feel it."

"Yes, I don't have any feelings about what you have become, but if many people in Dalin Temple become like this, his feelings will be heavy." Li Yun took a sip of wine, chuckled and said: "It's you You have ruined the foundation of Dalin Temple."

Mingfa froze on the spot with a slumped face, and was speechless for a while, even unable to utter a rebuttal.

And those lay pilgrims who condemned Dalin Temple righteously and awe-inspiringly are chatting up monks from other temples to see which temple can accept the membership system and has a relatively high standard
For them, Dalin Temple is just a tool to show off——

"Life is full of life, and pilgrims are like temples. This Dalin Temple, it's fine if it collapses." Li Yun walked forward with the jug on his own, and came to the dead body of Kongjian, which no one cared about.

At this time, Abbot Yuanxin clasped his hands together, turned to look at Li Yun and said.

"This Taoist priest, why did you come here?"

"Come here by fate." Li Yun smiled and raised the jug, and said, "Master, do you want a drink?"

"No need"

Abbot Yuanxin looked at the ugliness of the laymen present, and then at Yijie and Mingfa who had no place to stay, his heart was not fluctuating, and he didn't even want to laugh.

"Buddhism is quiet. These people are not calm. Dalin Temple is doomed to become like this. Unrestrained desires expand and grow, and they will become like this. Amitabha, so good."

Li Yun didn't answer Abbot Yuanxin, but just went forward with the jug on his own, and Abbot Yuanxin didn't stop Li Yun from holding the jug in front of Zen Master Kong Jian.

Xuanli next to him noticed Li Yun, and he didn't know what Li Yun was planning, but he knew that if it was before, these monks would definitely stop him from going forward with the flagon like this.

But now these monks are too busy to take care of themselves, and no one will pay attention to this dead abbot.

Only Mingzheng came to his senses and wanted to step forward to stop Li Yun from 'blaspheming' Zen Master Kongjian's body.

"Wait a minute, Daoist Yun, please don't"

Li Yun turned the jug over, and the light liquid containing the aroma of wine poured out, all sprinkled on the side of Zen Master Kong Jian, and the clear liquid flowed all over his body.

In an instant, the golden light suddenly appeared, and a burst of bright light shone
Everyone's eyes were attracted by Li Yun, and Zen Master Kong Jian, and they didn't pay any attention to the scandal of Dalin Temple. All they saw were the rounds of golden flashes.

"Abbot Kongjian, is this wine good?" Li Yun smiled slightly.

The golden light condenses into a human figure, withered and old, smiling with flowers, with a golden wheel on its back, and Sanskrit words flowing.

Below the human nature is a golden lotus platform.

[This wine is delicious. 】

(End of this chapter)

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