Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 517 Chapter 514, The sun is shining brightly, use my golden body to cast relics

Chapter 517 Chapter 510 Four, the sun is shining brightly, use my golden body to cast relics

[It turns out that the taste of wine is like this]

【This is the taste of the world】

【Thank you, Master Yun】

The lay disciples around only think that this is something with special effects, most of them are dubious, but many devout monks including Yuan Xin start to shout that the Buddha is coming, the most important thing is, the face of the Buddha and the emptiness Seeing the Zen master is exactly the same.

The sun is shining brightly, and the Sanskrit sounds are lingering.

Seeing Zen Master Kong, he has become a Buddha. Believe it or not, many people believe it anyway. Becoming a Buddha instantly is not an illusion.

It seemed that the phantom of the Buddha disappeared suddenly, as if it had never existed, but the body of Zen Master Kongjian started to be burned by himself.

Compared with the one just now, this unburned body has an intriguing smile, a smile that can only be seen by Li Yun in front of him, Kong saw Zen Master smile, this Kong who has always only shown his iconic smirk Seeing the Zen master, he almost laughed out loud.

There was no smoke and fire, and there was no foul smell. Kongjian Zen Master's body burned in the flames and finally turned into ashes.

The awe-inspiring wind blows, and the ashes are scattered. Under the ashes, there is a yellow relic. Theoretically speaking, it is a treasure formed by eminent monks sitting, burning, and condensing. It is believed that it is actually something similar to a stone.

"Is it the relic after sitting?"

Li Yun pushed aside the dust, picked up the relic, and it was cold in his hands. The shape of the relic was irregular, and the whole body was orange-yellow. From the outside, it didn't look like a treasure. If these people hadn't seen it, it would definitely be You will think that it is a poor-quality handicraft and just ignore it.

One of the fat-headed lay pilgrims looked at the relic, his eyes were straight, he swallowed, and said.

"This is... This is the Buddha's relic!"

"If you can get it and put it at home"

"I'm going, this is really good stuff."

These people were a little greedy, wanting to buy the relic of the eminent monk sitting in the body, thinking about how to buy it and take it home for collection.

After playing with it in his hand, Li Yun directly threw the relic to Mingzheng.

Seeing the relics in Mingzheng's hands, the lay pilgrims around who had bold ideas about relics immediately became dumbfounded. Zen Master Mingzheng is notoriously incapable, and it would be difficult for him to buy the relics with money. If you ascend to the sky, I am afraid that this relic should be forgotten.

"Keep it safe, this relic of Abbot Kongjian will be entrusted to you for safekeeping."

Mingzheng took the relic in a hurry, looked at this seemingly ordinary relic, and didn't dislike it, but hesitated, and finally said: "Dalin Temple is dead, without Dalin Temple, even if the abbot's relic is kept, What's the point?"

The Dalin Temple exposed by the scandal no longer exists, and the century-old Buddhist temple no longer exists.

Facing the slumped Mingzheng, Li Yun just said indifferently.

"As we all know, in the Western Buddhist kingdom, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, there are thousands of Bodhisattvas living in it. Master Mingzheng, the reason why the Buddha is a Buddha is because he is in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss? Or is it because he is a Buddha and Bodhisattva?"

"Of course. It's because the Buddha is the Buddha. The Buddha is everywhere. Under the bodhi tree is the Buddha's country, and under the Buddha's country is the pure land." Mingzheng hesitated for a moment, vaguely knowing what Li Yun was going to say.

"So, if the Buddha left the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, would those Buddhas still be Buddhas?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"After leaving the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the Buddha is still the Buddha, and there will be no change." Mingzheng said silently.

Li Yun continued to say with a smile.

"Then, what's the difference between you and the monks who lost Dalin Temple and when you owned Dalin Temple? The so-called temple is just a place for you to pass on Zen principles, and the place to pass it on is different. What do you do with the Buddha? What do you have to do with the monks of Dalin Temple. A place with monks is a temple, but a place without monks, how can you call it a temple? why not?"

Mingzheng was speechless, looking back, there were some old monks, and some young novice monks, some of them were holding Buddhist scriptures, prayer beads, wooden fish, and some of them were stronger and holding their own tin sticks. Bring a little extra.

They just left Dalin Temple, left Dalin Temple, went to other places, and continued to live as monks, living as wandering monks of Dalin Temple.

Where the monks of Dalin Temple are located is Dalin Temple.

Thinking of this, Mingzheng suddenly became enlightened, all hesitation and doubts disappeared, and he made a very solemn Buddhist ceremony to Li Yun.

"Thank you Taoist priest for your enlightenment. Although the master has passed away, the belief left by the master is still guiding me as an apprentice, poor monk. Thank you very much, great kindness and great virtue, Mingzheng will never forget it."

Mingzheng didn't think too much, put away the relics with great care, went back to the room, sorted out the messy things, and prepared to leave the temple and become a wandering monk.

——The wandering monk of Dalin Temple.

After everything was over, almost everyone scattered and did not stay in the Dalin Temple. The Dalin Temple in its heyday was almost empty during this period of time.

"I don't know if the impact of the air caused me to hallucinate. Just now I seemed to see the shadow of a golden Buddha. Is there really such a thing as my Buddha?" Xuanli rubbed his temples and looked at Li with a painful expression on his face. Yun said: "Tell me, Master Yun, if it is really Zen Master Kongjian, is Zen Master Kongjian the type that can become a Buddha? No, I remember that Zen Master Kongjian's philosophy is quite selfish and does not conform to Buddha's principles."

The first metaphysical reaction of being shocked by the Buddha statue is to consider whether Kongjian is qualified to become a Buddha.

"You think empty view is evil, so is he really evil?" Li Yun said with a smile: "For the Buddha, he passed on Buddhist rituals, was willing to do good, and helped the poor around him. Is his behavior good? "

"But the purpose of his giving porridge to save people is probably not to save them, but just to make them listen to him imparting Buddhist principles. The purpose is not pure at all." Xuan Shan ate the spicy sticks he bought from the roadside, Said, the eyeballs are still rolling on Su Li's body.

Su Li lazily stared at the spicy stick in Xuan Shan's hand, wanting to snatch it away, thanks to Li Yun's success in quality education, he didn't do something like grabbing food from the fat man.

Xuan Hui also stared at little Su Li curiously, especially the big fluffy tail. However, Xuan Hui was destined not to be able to touch Su Li's big tail, and only Han Xiang and Li Yun were allowed to touch that big tail.

"There is no such thing as a saint in terms of deeds, and there is no saint in our world. There must be a very small number of so-called saints in our world. More people have selfish desires and ghosts. This is an unavoidable thing." Li Yun said: "It's like doing bad things with good intentions or doing good things with bad intentions. Which one is good and which one is bad?"

Let alone Xuanhui Xuanshan now, even Xuanli and Qingyue couldn't answer such a question.

"This question has a thousand answers in a thousand people. What is the answer can only be found by fellow Taoists."

Xuanli and the others were thoughtful, especially Qingyue, who was still full of ideas and wanted to sit down and discuss the Tao, but it was getting late, and it was a pity that Qingyue and Xuanli had to go back to the Taoist temple to deal with matters.

"By the way, Guanzhu Yun, let's go back together, I drove the car."

"No need, Pindao will stay here for a while to see this ruined Buddhist temple."

Li Yun talked and smiled and walked towards the Dalin Temple. There should be no one in the Dalin Temple.

Xuanli and Qingyue did not stop Li Yun from entering Dalin Temple, but Xuanli sighed with emotion: "Guanzhu Yun's thoughts are still unclear to people."

"However, we also benefited a lot from communicating with him. Speaking of which, why are Xuan Shan and Xuan Hui still looking at Master Yun?"

Xuan Shan and Xuan Hui stared blankly at Li Yun's back, their gazes were full of tenderness, as if they had awakened something bad.
Xuan Li felt that he had to give some advice as an elder, and when he was about to speak, Xuan Shan who was beside him suddenly said.

"Uncle! Let's keep pets! Dogs and foxes or something"

"Yes, yes, dogs and foxes, no matter how bad you are, you can raise frogs, sons and dung beetles," Xuan Hui echoed.

Xuanli: "."

"Forget about dogs and foxes, what do dung beetles and frogs mean? You two are hopeless. Especially you Xuanhui! Don't look at those exotic things in the future."

"I, I protest. Dung beetles and frogs are so cute, aren't they not as cute as foxes and dogs?"

The empty temple looked desolate, and many monks took away their own rosary beads, tin sticks, and scriptures, and at the same time, more people took away things that did not belong to them.

For example, chaimi vegetarian dishes, some messy things.

Li Yun even saw a Playboy magazine scattered on the floor, and he didn't care, so he picked it up and muttered: "Big, really big, this headlight is really big, but it feels a bit too big gone."

Xiao Suli poked her head out and looked curiously at the contents of the Playboy magazine. However, after reading for a while, she shyly covered her eyes with her big furry tail. God's big eyes are looking at this stuff in Playboy magazine through the slits.

He said he was shy, but his body was actually very honest. Li Yun thought of the scene where he peeked at the pornographic book, and pretended to cover his eyes, but actually read it through his fingers.

"Dad, look at these things with shame. Not good not good"

"Wait a minute, your reaction is wrong, isn't this the animal world?" Li Yun complained a bit, and was a little confused by Su Li's reaction. It is reasonable to see the animal world as shy.

Li Yun felt that he didn't understand the brain circuit of the granny
Walking in the deserted Dalin Temple, even the Buddha statues were stolen a lot, not the Buddha statues, but the layer of gold leaf donated by pilgrims on the top of the Buddha statues.

As for the dilapidated Buddha statues, no one cares about them at all. The great bodhisattvas and Buddhas who worshiped devoutly before are now lying there like waste.

"Hey, this is the result of negligent management. There is no control over the monks who have come in, and there is no restriction on the admission system for the monks who have not come in. As a result, many monks who come in come here because they are greedy for the treatment and benefits here. , I don’t really want to be bald at all, the so-called big tree attracts the wind is like this, I am afraid that if you count the entire temple, there are only a few who are really bald.”

The Dalin Temple is very big. Before Li Yun came to Dalin Temple to visit it, it was only because the back was closed to people. Now there is no ghost here, and there is no one to stop him from wandering here.

It is very large, very empty, and different from the tranquility of Zen, the tranquility here is a dead silence, a strange tranquility.

No one ever knew that this is a place that only VIP pilgrims can visit. Now it is estimated that if you charge a dime here, you will be beaten up, not the kind of beating that is merciless.

"Father, don't those bald heads want your own home? It's so annoying! What's the point of leaving your own home?" Su Li stretched out her head, looked at this [desolate] scene, and then huddled tightly in Li Yun In my arms, I am extremely sensitive to the concept of "home", and I don't want to lose the concept of home.

Li Yun just hugged Xiao Suli lightly, comforting her.

"Home is where there are family members. Here, it is no longer the home of those bald people. There will be nothing too sentimental about leaving them."

Little Su Li was ignorant, she didn't understand what she heard, she only knew that Li Yun's arms were very warm, she really wanted to keep curling up and sleep.
Little Su Li, whose eyelids were fighting, fell asleep in Li Yun's arms, and Li Yun could only praise the child again for being so sweet.

Passing through the long corridor, Li Yun saw the loudspeakers scattered on the ground. It was this loudspeaker that announced the crimes of Mingfa and exposed the crimes of Dalin Temple.

Walking along the corridor, there was a sound of tidying up. It was in the innermost room, and next to it was Abbot Kong's room.

The sound was getting closer. Li Yun came to the door and looked at the person who was cleaning up.

Computers, network cables, stereos, recorders, and some computer equipment that Li Yun doesn't know.

Li Yun looked at the shadow in front of him and smiled.

"Little monk, aren't you afraid of being discovered if you rush to clean up?"

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, they can't wait to leave now. For them, Dalin Temple is actually like that. It's like a plague god. Now I take it easy and no one knows what it is. These things are still quite expensive. Woolen cloth"

The figure in front of him turned his head and smiled slightly. It was completely different from the previous cowardly image, full of wisdom and cleverness, and at the same time, there was an indelible sadness.

It is the little novice who often follows Zen Master Kongjian——

(End of this chapter)

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