Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 518, he looks like a dog

Chapter 518, he looks like a dog
After seeing Li Yun appearing, the little novice did not feel any embarrassment at all. Instead, he was very happy. He was happy to have a human voice and to be able to talk and communicate. It was too quiet here, and even if he just packed his things by himself, he would feel a little lonely.

"Guanzhu Yun, I've always heard the abbot talk about you, and I've met you before. You really deserve your reputation. You seem to know everything, but you seem to know everything, but I know, and you know everything." The novice scratched his bald head, and said with a green smile: "My dharma name is Fangyuan, and my lay name is also Fangyuan. Whether it is the abbot or my parents, I hope that I can live a more rounded life, but it is a pity that I never It’s just the character of not accepting and doing it, and this is the abbot’s wish, so I will work hard and help the abbot realize it.”

"If you let those monks know that you did a good deed, I'm afraid they will tear your heart apart, and make them lose everything. Cutting off people's fortunes is like killing your parents..." Li Yun casually found a person who could sit down. He patted the dust on the place where he was sitting, sat down, and took out the flagon: "Want to drink?"

Fang Yuan did not refuse, took the jug of wine, sniffed it curiously, poured the wine into his mouth, and spit it out again.

Li Yun skillfully dodged Fang Yuan's wine-spitting attack.

"Holding...Sorry...I'm not used to this spicy taste." Fang Yuan wiped his mouth with a wry smile, sticking out his red tongue.

Li Yun thought silently that he was actually not used to drinking, but he just felt that drinking was chic and handsome
Accompanied by good wine, the air is naturally overwhelming—

Of course Li Yun would not say what he thought, but continued to speak with a smile.

"It can be seen that the abbot is very happy to drink."

"Well, maybe, I don't know the abbot, does he know that the Master Yun he admired will pour wine in front of his grave, which is a proper breaking of the precept, but the abbot has lived a poor life, and maybe he can enjoy it after he passes away. The taste of wine is also a kind of happiness, I heard that old people and middle-aged people like to drink a glass of wine and talk about life, but in the old age of the abbot, there is only the blue lamp and the ancient Buddha." Fang Yuan took out his own small green water bottle Come on, gulp and drank water to dilute the taste of the wine, wiped your mouth at last, stuck out your tongue and said: "As for those monks who want to tear me apart as the instigator, you are so rare and strange. Most people are not worthy of being called monks. This Dalin Temple has been ill for a long time, since the abbot gave the power to the chiefs. Since the last time I listened to you and came back, the master has been thinking about rebuilding this Dalin Temple Let this Dalin Temple shine and become a real Buddhist temple."

"From many perspectives, you destroyed the Dalin Temple, so it can't be called reconstruction." Li Yun said, this desolate area is not as good as the mobile toilets on the street.

"It can't be broken, it can't stand, there is no Dalin Temple, but the real monks of Dalin Temple are taking root and sprouting outside. Although they lost their roots, the buds that grow out are still members of Dalin Temple and can be regarded as the continuation of Dalin Temple , the monks will not be destroyed, but the Dalin Temple will not be destroyed. This place that hides the filth, if it dies, it will die."

Fang Yuan didn't care, and started to pack his things.

At this time, Fang Yuan continued to say with a smile.

"Guanzhu Yun, do you think I'm selfish? I don't look like a monk."

"No." Li Yun said honestly.

"Really, in order not to let myself get in front of others, bear the burden of destroying the reputation of Dalin Temple, and throw the blame for exposing Dalin Temple on Uncle Ming. Now those monks who are displaced and come here for profit must hate Ming Ming Uncle Mage. Of course, he’s not a good guy, and if he’s not greedy, he won’t be approached by me, an enthusiastic little brother who helps PS.” Fang Yuan scratched his bald head and said, “I Doesn't this violate my Buddha's compassionate feelings of sacrificing oneself for others? Am I sacrificing oneself for others?"

"You asked if there is something wrong with Pindao's Zen theory. Although Taoist priests and monks have similar principles, Pindao doesn't understand everything." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Uh, I thought Guanzhu Yun was also a great master of Zen. Well, my intuition tells me that it's just that you don't want to talk about it. It's okay. I didn't expect anything anyway." Fang Yuan scratched his head honestly.

Now Fang Yuan stopped talking, and continued to pack his things, not everything he could take away, so Fang Yuan also packed his laptop and some portable digital devices, it was a bit funny to be chubby on his back.

"I, I want to return to vulgarity. People like me are not worthy of being a monk in Dalin Temple, nor a disciple of the abbot. Well, I will probably go to school again, study hard and improve every day, maybe it is like my interest, Become a ghost animal UP master. I left sensible and clear materials, and their expressions are really suitable for ghost animals, and they don’t look ordinary and funny.”

Why are you still whipping the corpse when they have nothing? Li Yun silently felt that this guy is really not suitable to be a monk. A real monk would not whip a corpse to mend a knife. In the end, he just swayed the wine and drank it down. .

"Well then, I wish you the best of luck."

"Hehehe, it must be a smooth journey. After all, there are no monks on the road. They run much faster than me. For this Dalin Temple, they are already very desperate. Despair is good. They don't have to carry big burdens anymore. The reputation of Lin Temple has survived, and I can be an ordinary person who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, and I am so happy, so much better than being a monk."

Coming to the door, Fang Yuan looked at the brand new plaque of Dalin Temple, put his hands together, knelt down silently and worshiped for a moment.

"Abbot, I'm leaving. I won't come back again. I hope you can find your own Zen and your own truth in the Buddha Kingdom."

Fang Yuan, who was carrying a small backpack, gradually walked away, singing popular songs while walking, shaking his hands in slow motion with his left and right hands.

【A sea of ​​bitterness, turn over love and hate】

【In this world, there is no escape from this fate】


On the deserted and silent mountain, Fangyuan's singing sounded extraordinarily loud, resounding through the entire mountain forest, until it gradually disappeared into the mountains.

"Father, that man's back looks like a dog." Little Su Li looked at Fang Yuan's disappearing back, and didn't know why she said this.

Li Yun didn't deny Xiao Suli's words, just smiled and said, holding the little fox's little paw, and said waggingly.

"Abandoning beliefs and seeking the rebirth of Dalin Temple, isn't it a kind of self-sacrifice?"

(End of this chapter)

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