Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 519, I, a partner of justice

Chapter 519, I, a partner of justice
Li Yun did not leave Dalin Temple Mountain immediately, but was on the top of the mountain, playing with the light ball in his hand, and looking for the signal source of the Kunlun Mirror...

I don't know why, but the signal from the Kunlun Mirror to Sanqing Temple is poor if it is too close to the Buddhist temple, resulting in the failure of transmission.

"The relic of the eminent monk. At first, I thought it was really the kidney stone of the eminent monk. It seems that this thing is really not a kidney stone." Li Yun looked at the phantom of the relic in his hand, and muttered in his heart.

After Zen master Kongjian turned into ashes, he left two relics, one is the one in Mingzheng's hand, which has both form and quality, and the other is the one in Li Yun's hand, which is invisible and invisible to ordinary people , even if it is presented in the hand, it is translucent, and it feels warm to the touch.

A little bit of Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds emanating from the relics, raped Li Yun's ears
"Just like what the host said, regardless of the deeds, regardless of the mind, from the perspective of behavior, the empty view can indeed be called [Buddha]. It is not surprising that the real relics are left behind after sitting down." Said: "As long as there is a monk who has the qualifications to become a Buddha, he will leave a relic, but this relic is divided into outer relic and inner relic. The outer relic is the relic you gave to the monk, and the inner relic is the one in your hand. , to become a Buddha, to become a Buddha, the first four elements of the Buddha are empty, all things are equal, to abandon everything to become a Buddha, and after becoming a Buddha, the karma and merit accumulated in life will be condensed and condensed in this relic."

"Kong Jian has accumulated a lot of karma and merits during his lifetime. This relic is not too high-quality, but it can still be used once. It can be used as a one-time strengthening prop, which can greatly strengthen the spiritual sense, and can be embedded in weapons. It can increase the damage of spells, that’s not right, it’s not a rule here, relics don’t have this function.”

Is it a one-time prop that can strengthen spiritual sense?
After making up his mind, Li Yun returned to the Taoist temple. The relic was nothing in the Buddhist temple. As soon as he came to the Taoist temple, the Buddha's light immediately shone, shining brightly, and the golden light shot out. Ah Er's dog eyes could not be restrained by this The golden light made a blind dog, and the front limbs covered the dog's eyes.

"Wang Benwang's dog eyes. What the hell is this. A glowing mushroom?"

According to Ah Er's logic, things that cause harm to him can probably be classified as mushrooms... It is the sequelae of the last diarrhea, not one of them.

"Well, can Ah Er also see it?" Li Yun muttered for a while, wanting to put the relic in the sleeve universe, but unfortunately he couldn't put it in, as soon as he used the sleeve universe, he would be instinctively repelled by the relic .

Hanxiang took out a self-made eye mask from the bag very skillfully to cover her eyes, she was so happy
"Emmmm, the blindfolds I wove when I was bored actually came in handy."

"Let's not talk about why things like blinders appear here, that perverted Bai Chen." Li Yun searched, but couldn't find that perverted figure of Bai Chen, and without Bai Chen's perverted voice, it felt like something was missing. .

Bai Chen also saw the Buddha's light that was about to blind the dog's eyes. Wearing sunglasses he got from who knows where, he came closer to observe the relic.

"The golden light is round, with blemishes in color, merit, and karma. It is not a pure holy monk, but it can be regarded as an eminent monk. Let me guess. Oh, this is the relic of the Zen master Kongjian, right? The old monk who talked to you for the first time, that bald donkey who looks a bit annoying, but can't be hated."

Li Yun nodded and said, "This is the inner relic left by Zen Master Kongjian after he passed away."

"Huh? The inner relic... the outer relic is useless at all, and it would be too eye-catching to frame it at home." Bai Chen looked at the relic and said, "This relic can instantly strengthen the spiritual sense. If two people use it, they will probably be able to feel His breath."

"First of all, you have to tell me how to use this relic? Is it eaten or inlaid on a weapon, or inlaid on your body?"

Li Yun looked at Bai Chen eagerly
"I will never allow any messy things to be inserted into my body, not even you." Bai Chen squinted his eyes at Li Yun, raised his middle finger, and wanted to dispel Li Yun's bold idea as soon as possible: "It's not difficult to use, but we Taoist people still need to prepare some interesting props when using Buddhist things."

wooden fish
A mess of Buddhist items were taken out of Bai Chen's sleeve Qiankun.

"What's missing, right? I still need a bald monk who recites sutras. It's a little hard to find. No, just use something related to Buddha." Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and waved to Xiao Suli, with a smile on his face. The name is kind, but in fact it comes with a wretched smile: "Come, come, little Su Li, come and help uncle, after helping uncle, take you to eat big spicy strips."

Su Li looked at Bai Chen vigilantly, refusing to get close to this strange uncle who seemed physically uncomfortable, and flung his big fluffy tail onto Li Yun's face.
"Tsk, can you not speak in such a disgusting tone? I also feel an inexplicable discomfort." Li Yun looked at Bai Chen speechlessly, and at the same time touched Xiao Su Li's head, and put her in these Buddhist circles. In front of the utensils: "Is the nine-tailed fox also a kind of Buddhist utensils?"

"In many legends, the nine-tailed demon fox is related to Buddhism, but there are good and bad legends, but it is undeniable that Qingqiu and Buddha have an inseparable connection." Bai Chen lazily put the Buddha beads on On Su Li's neck.

When Xiao Su Li felt the Buddha beads attached to her body, not only did she not feel heavy, but she also felt that the Buddha beads added to her body was very comfortable.

"Isn't this little fox's previous seal engraved with Sanskrit? At least it can show that people from this little fox's lineage should have a good relationship with Zen, at least they can not be rejected by the Buddhist beads." Little Su Li wears it on her body, wear it for a few days, after a few days, after she can completely adapt to the Zen of Buddha beads, she can use this one-time enhanced relic through Su Li."

Su Li couldn't put it down when she wore the Buddha beads, she dangled carelessly, she liked this feeling very much, Li Yun couldn't help thinking that it was the Buddha beads that appeared in the Taoist temple, or Su Li was so close to the Buddha beads.
It seems that everything is worth complaining about
"Now, let's just quietly watch little Su Li get used to it." Bai Chen paused, then said with a wretched smile, "By the way, for the sake of uncle, I'll give you a cute prayer bead, let uncle touch it." Don't panic, just touch it, just touch it."

Su Li got into Li Yun's skirt, and Li Yun felt that the beads were resting on his chest.
"Tsk, it really is that perverted loli K"

Bai Chen was banned——

sunset -

The school dogs are all starting to leave school, some people are holding hands, which is annoying, and some people are walking alone...

In the alley next to the central school in the city, a little boy was tremblingly looking at the seniors in front of him who were tall and thick, wearing chains and combing mohawk hair.

One of the mohawks took out his cigarette butt, lit it on the little boy's arm, and said viciously.

"Hey, there is only such a little tribute? Are you fucking sending beggars away? Or do you look down on me?"

"These. These are my living expenses. That's all. There's no more." The little boy said with a sad face, and opened his wallet. There really wasn't even a penny in it.

Mohawk squinted his eyes, looked at the little boy in front of him, and then grinned, as if I had seen through you.

The little boy shrank back and looked at Moxigan, tears streaming down his face, but it was useless, Moxigan grabbed the little boy up, and then forcibly took off his worn-out sneakers.

"Grass, it really stinks..." Mo Xigan pinched his nose with disgust.

After taking it off, five and ten banknotes fell out of it, and all fell to the ground.

"Give it back to me. This is my dinner. I want to buy vegetables and bring it back to my mother." The little boy just stretched out his hand when he was kicked out by Moxigan who was next to him.

"Fuck you, tell me that I have no money, no money? What is this! How dare you deceive us, this is unforgivable!" Moxigan continued to kick the little boy retching with Thomas, and then He put the money in his pocket in disgust, and said: "Don't play tricks with me in the future, or I will kill you, you know!"

After finishing speaking, Mohawk kicked him, causing the little boy to crouch with his head in his arms and cry.

Just when Mohigan was about to leave with the money, a voice suddenly came.
"Let go of his wallet!"

The Mohicans looked up and saw a somewhat thin figure standing in front of them, wearing a ridiculous red cloak, a ridiculous red mask, yellow tights, and irregular messy hair , no matter from which point of view it is very funny.

When the Mohawks saw the thin figure that appeared, their hearts were not fluctuated, and they even laughed out loud.

"Puchi. What did you say, try saying it again?" Moxi sneered dryly, and came to this thin figure, looking down at him.

This thin figure didn't have any fear, even though it was a head shorter, it still looked up at the tall Mohawk, the eyes behind the mask were full of stubbornness.

"I said, you, return the money to him!"

After the thin figure emphasized it a few times, Mohawk finally walked over with a look of disdain.

"Brother Big Niu never hits no-name people, so you report your name." Brother Big Niu looked condescendingly at the thin and funny figure in front of him.

"My name is Wang Weigong, Class [-], Grade [-], Huizhou No. [-] Middle School." Before Wang Weigong finished speaking, he was kicked out by Brother Moxigan. His thin body was covered with cloak and The masks were blown off.

The immature baby face was exposed, with an unyielding face, and some worn-out school uniforms were also exposed.

"Go to hell with me, you are ashamed to come out and hang around like you? Eat shit and go." Big Niu waved his hand, and all the Mohawks around him came up and searched.

The clothes on Wang Weigong's body were torn and tattered, and all the small change hidden on his body was taken away.

"This time, my brother Big Niu will teach you a lesson. In the future, remember not to come out to mess around without two brushes, or you will be ashamed hahaha!" Brother Big Niu kicked Wang Weigong again, kicking him close to fainting. Looking at the money that was searched, he spit out a mouthful of old phlegm: "Damn, it's actually poorer than him, isn't it human?"

But at this time, Wang Weigong didn't let go of Big Niu's foot, but just gritted his teeth and continued.

"I you. Let go of his money."

"Look for a fight!"

Brother Big Niu's hostility was aroused all of a sudden, together with the moxigans around him, they beat him all over, and these people specifically kicked and beat Wang Weigong's body.

And Wang Weigong was beaten all the time, and he didn't let go of Big Niu's sleeve until the end. When his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he still repeated that sentence with a weird smile.

A punch. A kick. All suffered.

Brother Big Niu felt something was wrong. In the end, his strength to beat Wangwei Palace was not small. It wasn’t that Brother Big Niu didn’t want to fight, but because he really didn’t have the strength to fight anymore.
It wasn't until the end that Big Niu and the other mohigans were exhausted from the beating that they could barely let go of Wang Weigong. They fell on the ground panting, and looked at Wang Weigong in disbelief.

"Repay the money. Give it to him." Wang Weigong leaned forward with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Fucking old man, I'm afraid of you lunatic. Grass." Brother Big Niu rubbed his sore hands, quickly threw out the money belonging to Wang Weigong and the little boy, and said, "Damn trash, the money is still worth it!" Here you go, don't come looking for me, idiot! MMP, I'm afraid of you."

Brother Big Niu hurriedly greeted the surrounding Mohawks and walked away.

Those who are arrogant are afraid of being stunned, and even more afraid of being stunned and desperate
Only the shivering little boy and Wang Weigong were left.

Wang Weigong calmly returned the change that belonged to the little boy in his hand.

"These money is yours, take it well, don't take this kind of path again, that kind of ignorant hooligans just see you as a bully, so they will always bully you, you have to learn to resist Otherwise, there will be a next time”

The little boy tightly held the crumpled change in his hand, and looked at the figure of Wang Weigong in a daze, with some envy in his eyes, some yearning, and some shrinking
"Thank you thank you. My name is Ye Qing"

"It doesn't matter, just remember it carefully next time. Remember, where there is oppression, there will be resistance. Don't be afraid of pain. If you compromise once, he will beat you the second time, the third time, and the fourth time." Wang Weigong He picked up the 'cloak' and 'mask' on the ground, put them on again, and continued to walk towards the outside of the alley, his back was bleak but firm.

At this time, the little boy standing behind Wang Weigong asked as if he mustered up his courage.

"What's your name?"

The little boy knew that his name was Wang Weigong, and he wanted to ask what his name was, and to hear the hero in front of him say his name.

At this time, Wang Weigong stopped, waved his hand handsomely, and gave the little boy a weak and funny but extremely confident smile.

"I am a partner of justice."

(End of this chapter)

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