Chapter 520, Father

"Daddy won't be home for dinner today."

When he returned to his home in the old city, he saw fried meat and two bowls of rice on the table. Wang Weigong knew that his father would definitely not come back for dinner tonight.
Putting down his schoolbag, Wang Weigong collapsed lazily on the sofa, took off the mask and cloak on his face, and was careful not to let the messy Dong Xuanzi
The mud-stained cloak and mask were put on the chair. Looking at these things, Li Dongmei said a little unhappy, "Xiao Wei, are you going to fight with others again?"

"I don't call it fighting, I call it helping others. There is an essential difference between the two." Wang Weigong corrected with a pout.

"Helping others will make you look like this? You are lying to a fool. If you fight, you will fight. There is no other reason." Li Dongmei looked at the tattered cloak and mask with displeasure. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. He picked up the cloak and threw it away, but was stopped by Wang Weigong just as he picked it up.

"Mom, don't be like this, this is mine."

Wang Weigong snatched off his cloak and mask with excitement, and put it in his arms, not allowing Li Dongmei to move.

Although Li Dongmei didn't get angry, but seeing her children protecting these rags, she sighed and said, "Oh, your temper is as stubborn as your father's. Really, why can't you let me save myself? Every one of them is like this."

At this time, Li Dongmei didn't want to continue to worry about the cloak and mask, so she just said.

"Take a good bath and eat, mom made your favorite fish-flavored shredded pork for you tonight"

"But daddy likes fish-flavored shredded pork, too. Why didn't daddy come back?" Wang Weigong muttered, and went to take a bath. His own mother abandoned him.

After taking a bath, I found that Li Dongmei was arranging her cloak. Just when she wanted to stop her, Li Dongmei gave her a blank look and said, "I'm helping you to wash it, not throwing it away. Don't worry, you are such a precious thing. Mom still doesn't care about it." It’s not to the point of madness, if you say you lose your things, you lose your things.”

Knowing that his cloak of justice would not be thrown away, Wang Weigong heaved a sigh of relief, touched his growling stomach, and came to the dinner table to start eating.

“Yeah, it smells delicious”

"Sweet, this is what my mother learned from the Internet. The latest fish-flavored shredded pork recipe. I want to make it for your dad and you to eat, but it's a pity that your dad can't go home today. Alas, obviously I made it. A teacher can also support the family, why is the child's father so stubborn and insists on doing some work."

Li Dongmei was picking at the food, the fish-flavored shredded pork in front of her was delicious, but she was tasteless.

There is no husband feeling in the main seat.
Wang Weigong knew how his mother felt, and after a moment of silence, he forced a smile.

"It's okay mom, this fish-flavored shredded pork won't go to waste. Didn't dad tell me to come back later and warm it up for him. It's not like not going home, right?"

"But the picture of a family eating is the feeling of sitting together. What's the point if you don't sit together and eat." Li Dongmei touched Wang Weigong's head and said, "Eat, let's eat enough. of."

Wang Weigong nodded and began to eat while looking at his father in police uniform at the dining table.

Fang Zheng's square face, hearty smile, and thumbs up, the sunshine almost broke through the photo, next to him was Wang Weigong himself, who was wearing a slightly oversized police uniform when he was young, which looked a little funny.

It's just that the little boy's face is full of longing
Looking at Wang Weigong's dazed look, Li Dongmei said after a moment of silence.

"Son, you have to promise mom one thing."

"Ah, what's the matter?" Wang Weigong answered quickly after realizing it.

"In the future, you must never engage in a job similar to your father's."

"Mom, I can't promise this. What job I want to do in the future is my business." Wang Weigong pouted, as if I was not convinced.

Li Dongmei patted Wang Weigong's little head and said.

"No, just don't. Mom, this is for your own good. As a parent, I will never harm you. Your father is too kind. Sigh, let our family become like this"

At this time, a glint of gloom flashed in Li Dongmei's eyes, she was very unhappy, and then Wang Weigong didn't dare to refute anything, but just picked up the rice in the bowl silently.

The food was cold, but the door was still not opened. Wang Weigong sat in the small living room, holding the bowls and chopsticks, looking at the door, expecting that person to open the door.

eight o'clock
nine o'clock
ten o'clock
The clock ticked by, and when it was eleven o'clock, the food was already cold, the door was still not open, and even Li Dongmei was about to go to bed, the door was still not open.
"Go to sleep. You don't have to wait for your father. He probably won't be back tonight, or he won't be back until very late. You have to go to school tomorrow."

"No, I'll wait for my father to come home. He should be back soon. I'll wait a little longer." Wang Weigong continued to wait for his father with burning eyes.

Li Dongmei shook her head and sighed, she really went to bed after washing, highlighting that she was out of sight and out of mind.

"Don't wait too late, or he will really go home so late every time he knows that you waited for him to come back and help him."

Wang Weigong didn't mean to be tired, just waited silently at the door, didn't play with his mobile phone, didn't watch TV, just simply waited, waiting for his father to come back, when he had nothing to do, he just silently did push-ups , Exercise your body.

Finally, after twelve o'clock, the door was opened, accompanied by waves of unsteady knocking and shouting. .

"Dad, you are home"

Wang Weigong looked happy and went to help open the door.
The door opened, and there was a drunk middle-aged man outside the door, with a disgusting alcohol smell all over his body, unshaven beard, and messy hair. When Wangwei Palace approached, he blinked and muttered: "Don't come here!" I can still fucking drink! Give me wine! Don't let...I go home! I will... fight you for [-] rounds! I am not so useless! I am really good at drinking too much."


Shaking, the middle-aged man pushed Wang Weigong away.
"Forehead pain."

Wang Weigong's thin body was pushed to the ground, and the middle-aged man also staggered. After spinning and punching, he fell to the ground. He was lying at the gate in a large font.

The wind blows, it's a little cold——

Along with it, there is also the wooden prosthesis of the middle-aged man
(End of this chapter)

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