Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 521, below, Shado-Pan, Zhu Tafeng——

Chapter 521, below, Shado-Pan, Zhu Tafeng——

"Sorry, I drank a little too much." Wang Qisi shook his head, trying to sober himself up, his dazed face was full of self-blame and decadence.

Wang Weigong shook his head, stood up and said with a smile: "It's okay, my body is strong, and it's not a big deal to fall once or twice, but your father, hurry up and eat, today mom made you My favorites are shredded pork with fish flavor and stir-fried vegetables with minced garlic.”

At this time, Wang Qisi tremblingly wanted to stand up, but the artificial limb fell to the ground, and he was powerless to stand up. Seeing this, Wang Weigong hurried to help him, and Wang Qisi did not refuse when he saw that it was his child. , can only rely on Wang Weigong's thin body to stand up.

The poor-quality wooden prosthetics were re-installed, without the fixtures of modern prosthetics, they were simply tied with leather ropes, and there were unshaven sawdust on the prosthetics.

"Thank you."

Wang Qisi thanked him, limped to the dining table, took a few mouthfuls of rice hastily, did not heat the rice, just poured hot water, swallowed the food in this cold weather, put the bowl After washing the chopsticks, he started smoking again.

"I'm stuffed."

"Dad, don't you eat more? And don't smoke so much."

"I'm full. Dad ate a lot outside today." Wang Qisi was a little sober now, touched Wang Weigong's little head and smiled: "It's okay, dear, go to sleep, tomorrow You still have to go to school, how can you do it if you don’t cultivate enough energy?”

Wang Weigong nodded, rolled round to his room and went to sleep, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Wang Qisi didn't wash up and go to sleep immediately, but came to the balcony, smoked the last cigarette, and came to the piled room. In the sundry room, wrapped in a small blanket, I just want to fall asleep hastily.

Not too long later, Li Dongmei in pajamas came out and looked at Wang Qisi who was still asleep.

"Aren't you coming in to sleep? It's so late."

"No, I see you are asleep. I still have a strong smell of alcohol on my body. It won't be good if you smell it." Wang Qisi turned his head and continued to sleep, but he couldn't sleep no matter what. Touching his severed limb, the wound on it had already healed long ago, but it still felt a little raw to the touch. The pain not only came to the body, but also rushed to the heart.

Li Dongmei also looked at Wang Qisi's severed limb, and she was a little angry, and said in a somewhat aggressive tone.

"You said that you have become like this, do you still want our children to become like this? Have you always instilled those messy thoughts in him and never thought about the consequences? You never thought that you are actually a ask for it."

"What ideas should I instill in him?" Wang Qisi turned his head away, bowed his head in silence.

Li Dongmei took out the cloak and mask she was holding in her hand.
Looking at the cloak and the mask, Wang Qisi was silent for a moment, stood up, lit a cigarette, took a hasty puff, and then twisted the cigarette away.

"I know. I won't let him repeat my mistakes, and I won't let this tragic tragedy happen again."

Waking up the next day, Wang Weigong wanted to have breakfast as usual, but saw his father standing in front of the dining table early.

"Dad, why don't you eat breakfast?"

When Wang Weigong came to the table, he picked up the preserved egg and lean meat porridge in front of him, it was delicious.

"Dad has already eaten." With a smile on the corner of Wang Qisi's mouth, he came to Wang Weigong and hooked Wang Weigong's shoulder with his hands.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Son, Dad has something to discuss with you." Wang Qisi rubbed his hands together, trying to put on the softest smile.

"What's the matter, just tell me, I'll listen." Wang Weigong didn't care much, and suddenly thought of what his mother said yesterday.

【Parents will never harm their children.】

"As for you, you are 17 years old now, you are a young adult, and you will be an adult in one year, and you are also in an important stage of high school, so I want to say that your focus now is to focus on your studies. Think about it, how wonderful college life is, you will be indescribably happy to be admitted to a good university in the future." Wang Qisi said earnestly, and Wang Weigong listened very seriously.

After listening to Wang Qisi's words seriously, Wang Weigong grinned, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Dad, my grades are pretty good now, not to mention recommending or anything, if I take the exam, there is no problem at all." , and I have not neglected my studies now. I will definitely be admitted to the police academy on the day of the college entrance examination. I am working hard towards the OUHK now, not just talking about it.”

To take the public university exam.
Public Security Academy, the best police academy in China, even Wang Qisi had longed for this academy, but unfortunately, his grades were so poor in the end that he didn't even pass the general police academy, so he could only go to ordinary colleges in the end Fortunately, because of the good physical training in the sports school, he was able to become a firefighter.

However now...
"I'm sorry, Xiaowei, can you not take the OUHK?" Wang Qisi said with a complicated expression.

"It doesn't matter if you don't take the public university, but take the Criminal Police Academy, which is closer to us anyway."

Before Wang Weigong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Qisi, who patted his shoulder solemnly and said, "No, what I mean is, don't go to the police academy, we go to an ordinary university of science and technology. I majored in science and engineering. After I came out, I found a job in ordinary science and engineering, and then lived an ordinary life. Don’t think about those things anymore. Those things will be handled by more professional people. One more you is not more, and one less you is. Not a lot."

Wang Weigong shook his head in disbelief and said.

"Dad, you"

"I mean it's obvious, isn't it?"

"Give up that ridiculous ideal, the ideal that can ruin your life. It's exactly the same as me back then, throw it away"

"Don't think about being a partner of justice or something, it's really... very ridiculous!"

On the way to school, Wang Weigong still had a dazed expression on his face, not knowing what kind of mood he should use to face his father's words.

Ridiculous ideal, more professional people to do it, don't go to the police academy.

What was the purpose of my previous persistence?
When I came to the familiar school and sat in the familiar seat, the students around me also stayed away from the Wangwei Palace familiarly, as if they were watching the plague god. From time to time, some people whispered and laughed.

"Hey, is he that fool?"

"Yeah, it's him, I didn't expect it, it looks quite normal"

"The academic performance is good, but there is something wrong with my brain. I am sorry every day, and I laughed out loud."

Wang Weigong didn't pay attention to the whispers around him, he was thinking about his father until the class.

The head teacher came to the classroom, did not give a lecture immediately, but said.

"Next we have to change seats"

There was an uproar in the audience, changing seats, the most anticipated thing in student days, looking forward to being at the same table with someone, looking forward not to be at the same table with someone.
There was a commotion, and the form for changing seats was circulated.

One of the girls wailed after receiving the form.

"Ah, my deskmate is [Brother Zhengyi]? No!"

"Brother Zhengyi. I mourn for you"

"I made a big mistake, you won the lottery."

The teacher didn't care about the reaction of these students, but said lightly: "Hurry up, change seats, don't delay the class time."

Wang Weigong silently looked at the form in his hand without speaking.

Soon the chairs were moved, and the students began to pack up the things for changing seats. Wang Weigong came to the girl and said.

"If sitting at the same table as me will bother you, I will sit at the back by myself..."

The girl was delighted when she heard what Wang Weigong said, and she pretended to hesitate and said.

"This is not good. It's okay"


Wang Weigong moved his desk to a corner, and was out of tune with these students. The girl was still cheering, feeling that she was really not too lucky.

Until school was over, not many people paid attention to Wang Weigong, they just regarded him as the god of plague and stayed away.
Regarding the attitudes of the students around him, Wang Weigong didn't care too much. He still did his own thing, cooking, studying, going to the toilet, and asking questions at school. aside.
"Their eyes are a bit strange today. They don't seem to be looking at the God of Plague, they seem to be looking at the idiot//pussy." Wang Weigong muttered, it doesn't matter whether he is regarded as a idiot//pussy or a plague god, but he is a little unclear about his attitude Why change it.

There must be a reason for the change in attitude
Wang Weigong couldn't figure it out after thinking left and right, so he didn't think about it at all. After school as usual, just after he walked out of the school gate, he saw a group of moxicans wearing vests, and there was a little fat man beside him.

When the little fat man saw Wang Weigong, he said excitedly: "It's him, it's him, it's this guy, MB's, who hinders my good deeds."

"That kid?" Mo Xigan glanced at Wangwei Palace unscrupulously, looked at the little fat man with disdain and said, "You were subdued by this guy? What an idiot, it's really mine to have you stupid brother." shame"

"Yes yes... shame, I'm shame" the little fat man licked his face and smiled obsequiously, and turned to look at Wang Weigong gloating.

Moxigan came to the front of Wangwei Palace and said proudly.

"Although this idiot is a disgrace to me, he is my younger brother anyway. If you do anything to him, you are making things difficult for Brother Mo. You, come here."

Brother Mo just waved his hand, and Mo Xigan, who was wearing a school uniform behind him, surrounded him, and the students around him also looked at Wang Weigong with pity when they saw this situation.
Wang Weigong was silent for a moment, nodded and followed.

In the alley outside the school, several Mohicans surrounded the Wangwei Palace.


With a left punch and a right punch, they all hit Wang Weigong's body solidly. Wang Weigong just snorted and took Moxigan's punch.

"This kid is quite resistant to beating." Brother Mo rubbed his aching fist and said, "You boy, why did you stop my brother? Isn't he just blackmailing the female students around? You need to let me His hands are swollen from hitting."

The little fat man stretched out his hands aggrievedly, they were red and hot, and there were some wounds.

All these are said to be the result of beating Wang Weigong, Wang Weigong is fine, and he was injured, this face must not be put aside.

"If he did something bad, I will stop him. No matter who did something bad, I will stop him. This is what my father taught me." Wang Weigong snorted and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The little fat man next to him laughed out loud when he heard this, pointed to Wang Weigong and said, "I know, I know, your father, in order to save a little girl, was hit by a driving car and became disabled. Limping, that's the only way to walk."

The little fat man pretended to be disabled and walked, and finally fell down in a funny way. The surroundings were full of happy air, and the Mohawks laughed unscrupulously
When Wang Weigong heard them talking about his father, his eyes were red, and he rushed up and shouted.

"No. You are not allowed to talk about my father!"

"Fuck you." The little fat man went up and kicked Wang Weigong himself, and said disdainfully, "You know what? Both the people you helped and those who heard about your deeds all think you are stupid. //Forcing one, do you know the little girl who was blackmailed by me last time? She even dated me afterward, saying that you are just a sandbag, you have no manliness at all, you deserve to be considered a freak"

The little fat man stepped on Wang Weigong's foot, and Wang Weigong could only collapse on the ground.

It's not that I can't stand up, but I don't want to stand up.
It doesn't matter who is called stupid//forced, it doesn't matter if it's called by someone who helped.
【You don't want to be admitted to the police academy anymore】

【These things don't matter anymore】

【They won't appreciate you, we just live an ordinary life. 】

This is what Wang Qisi said yesterday——

thoughts back to the past
Under the moonlight.
【Dad, I'm getting old. I can't fulfill my childhood ideals. 】

【What does Dad want to do? 】

【Father wants to be a partner of justice.】

【Well, since you are old, Dad, let me, as a son, fulfill this dream】

The same person, different words are intertwined in Wang Weigong's heart.
Wang Weigong thought of the junior high school student who had helped him before, with the thankful and grateful eyes, gritted his teeth, let go of distracting thoughts, and insisted on standing up.

"I want to be a partner of justice. Whether it is denied or rejected. I will not give up!"

"Boy, you are looking for someone."

Before Brother Mo could finish speaking, a huge impact hit.
The shadow turned back and forth between Mohawk and the little fat boys, and the phantom-like attacks hit them like a storm.

After a few breaths, all these mohawks fell to the ground, unable to get up again, leaving only Wang Weigong looking at the huge figure in front of him.
A bamboo stick, a flagon, a bamboo hat, and a coir raincoat.

Wang Weigong has never seen such a solid back.
"My servant, Sanqing Shadow, I wish Tafeng the same."

(End of this chapter)

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