Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 523, Coach, I want to learn Kung Fu!

Chapter 523, Coach, I want to learn Kung Fu!

In the small alley, Ah Da put his claws on his waist, and only used his back to face these little gangsters. The little gangsters around him who couldn't get up again were all shocked by this Wu Shi's temperament and remained motionless. It's not that they don't want to move, but dare not move
"Use more to bully the less, and do more unrighteousness, you must be the leader here." Ah Da said coldly, turned around and pointed at Brother Mo with a long bamboo stick.

Brother Mo, whose face was swollen from twitching, was almost scared to pee when he saw the bamboo stick approaching, and hurriedly begged for mercy and kowtowed.

"Brother, I don't dare anymore. I won't dare to bully anyone again. I beg you to let me go."

From Brother Mo's point of view, the 'strong man' in front of him is no longer a burly man. This reminds Zhennima that he is like a bear. Isn't it fun to take pictures of himself as a few skinny high school students?


"I was wrong, brother, I was really wrong." Brother Mo quickly kowtowed and confessed.

"It's not me." Ada pointed at Wang Weigong who was stunned in place with his bamboo stick and said, "The victim is him."

Brother Mo, who had no integrity, led all his subordinates to kowtow and apologize directly to Wang Weigong.

"Master, I was wrong, can you let us go, the adults don't care about the villains, just let us go as a fart."


"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going."

Brother Mo quickly got up and ran away quickly. The little fat man next to him and the Mohawks also got up after a moment of stupefaction. They ran faster than the reporters in the district, and disappeared into the alley in a short time. Ah Da also didn't continue to chase, but just carried the bamboo stick on his shoulders, and walked towards another alley, looking for the miscellaneous fish that bully the few with more.

Wang Weigong looked at Ah Da's figure in a daze, and immediately stood up excitedly.

"Are you a kung fu master?"

"Huh? Kung Fu master? It should be." Ada didn't turn his head, but said lightly, with a deep tone. In fact, he was thinking about being brave and successful. Should he reward himself to pick two big bamboo shoots from the top of the next mountain tonight.

Wang Weigong wiped off the blood on Bitou Mountain, immediately got up and rushed to Ada, broke his knee and knelt in front of Ada, speaking in an extremely excited tone.

"Teach the coach! I want to learn Kung Fu! Can you teach me?"

Ah Da turned around, with a mask on his face, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and those eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, which immediately gave Wang Weigong a feeling that his heart had been uncovered—in fact, Ah Da His eyes see nothing.

"Kung fu is not born for the use of violence, neither is my kung fu, and it is not the kind of kung fu you want to learn."

"Me too. No! I didn't do this kind of thing for the sake of violence, I just... I just want to be a partner of justice, so that I can have the power to match my dream, just like you just did to They do the same thing, knock them down with a single blow." Wang Weigong looked at Ah Da and said, his eyes were burning with flames and there was endless firmness.

It's not the firmness of kung fu, but the strength to be a partner of justice.
No need to use your poor and weak body to compete against those who cannot.
save those who should be saved
Ah Da stopped in his tracks, muttering the words "partner of justice", and then a handsome Wu Shi turned around, with gusts of wind and coercion, and said calmly.

"Are you hungry for power?"

"No, I crave tits. Justice!"

"Very good, your eyes are great, full of obsession and drive, just like a real Wu Shi, it reminds me of my former self, full of drive and desire, following the deepest desire in my heart." Ada Seeing Wang Weigong's expression of admiration, Wang Weigong was a little embarrassed to hear it, but Ada then changed the subject and said indifferently: "But, I refuse!"

Wang Weigong froze in place, he didn't expect that he would be praised in exchange for a sentence of "I refuse?"

"I really want to learn Kung Fu! No matter what I pay, I want to learn. I want to be like you. Be able to fight for justice"

Carrying the bamboo stick, Ah Da gradually disappeared into the alley, while drinking the wine from the gourd, he left a word leisurely.

"You, you don't realize it at all."

You are not enlightened.
Wang Weigong returned home with these words in a daze, the food was still cooked by Li Dongmei, but this time Wang Qisi did not drink outside, but returned home to eat, and saw that Wang Weigong was not wearing dirty clothes. When Xi Xi's cloak and funny mask were on, he finally smiled in relief.

My child finally gave up that ridiculous and sad ideal
"Come here, mom made you sweet and sour pork ribs." Li Dongmei brought out the ribs with a smile, and said, "Eat a few more pieces, this is your favorite food. Mom bought a lot this time."

Pieces of sweet and sour pork ribs were sandwiched into the bowl of Wangwei Palace. Wang Weigong also looked like a walking dead, and he was absent-minded when pulling the ribs.

Wang Weigong and Wang Qisi also only thought that Wang Weigong was thinking about school matters, and they didn't care about anything.

"By the way, do we want our family to go somewhere to play during the holiday tomorrow?"

"Forget it, I'm going to do odd jobs tomorrow, and I have a lot of work during the holidays." Wang Qisi said as he picked up the food.

Wang Weigong didn't listen to his parents' conversation, but kept thinking about his big problems.

"My enlightenment. What is my enlightenment? Why on earth does he say that I have no enlightenment at all? What does that mean?"

"Xiaowei? You have something to discuss with your parents, don't be so absent-minded." Wang Qisi looked at the absent-minded Wang Weigong, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Don't hold things in your heart."

"No, I can figure this out myself."

Wang Weigong Cao Cao finished the rest of the meal, went back to his room to sleep, remembered what he had experienced today, was pressed to the ground and hammered, ridiculed, denied, and finally left only confused.

"Why should I be confused. This is my dream. Why should I be confused when I move towards my dream?"

Close your eyes, turn off the lights and go to sleep, Wang Weigong's eyes became extremely firm at this time.

I want to go and find him, only to find him.
"Only by finding him can I claim to be a righteous partner. I want to learn Kung Fu! Learn Kung Fu that can save people!"

When he woke up the next day, Wang Weigong took out the hiking bag that he had put away for a long time, took out his mobile phone, and checked the location with it.

"Where are you going?"

"Sanqing. Shadow Pan, I want to find him! I want to learn Kung Fu like him! Be like him, become like my father."

Wang Weigong's gaze was unusually firm, and he walked towards the door with his backpack on his back, towards the direction named Sanqing
(End of this chapter)

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