Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 524 So, what is the price?

Chapter 524 So, what is the price
"Will he really come?" Han Xiang looked at Bai Chen with some doubts.

"He will come, he will come. If he really obeys the guidance of his heart, he will appear at the door of Sanqing Temple today." Bai Chen's mouth was a little absent-minded. A ballpoint pen, writing lines of words on the white paper.

Although Hanxiang didn't know what he was writing about, she could barely catch a glimpse of the title of the paper, which said "Song of Lolicon" in big characters
"It's okay to let that kid have a little bit of superficial strength, so that he can fight against the little gangsters, but even a little bit of strength can make ordinary people suffer so badly. Let's see if this kid is He is the key to the return of Donghuang Bell." Bai Chen muttered, and then tore up the score of the first version of the lolicon song in distress, with a serious expression on his face. dissatisfied.

Li Yun held the Kunlun Mirror with both hands and said.

"Sister Jing, please do us a small favor later. There may be a young man coming over later, please leave a sign on him. He has an inseparable connection with the Eastern Emperor Bell."

After telling the plan to Kunlun Mirror, Kunlun Mirror immediately sent a message saying.



"Huh? What conditions." Li Yun said.

【Jay Chou】


Li Yun: "."


Li Yun knew what the Kunlun Mirror meant, and it meant to cycle through Jay Chou's major albums.

This Kunlun mirror doesn't have any other hobbies, it just likes listening to music, otherwise it wouldn't be hiding in a place like the piano room. After all, if you really want to find a reliable hiding place, hiding in a dilapidated warehouse is better than the The room is much stronger, but the classical music that is often played in the piano room is already tired of hearing it.

Nowadays, I especially like Jay Chou's songs, among which blue and white porcelain and hair like snow are my favorites. There is a high probability that I will ask to repeat these two songs.

"Now we just need to wait for him to come to Sanqing Temple by himself."

Wang Weigong saw the navigation location on his mobile phone, looked at the Taoist temple in front of him, and wondered if he really came to the right place.

"Three Purities Temple, is it here?"

It doesn't look like Wu Shi everywhere, and it doesn't smell like a philosopher mixed with muscle and sweat.
"It's much more ordinary than expected"

Wang Weigong swallowed his saliva, and stepped into the Sanqing Temple, and once he stepped into the Sanqing Temple, almost all the troubles accumulated before were swept away, and his mood was peaceful, as if he wanted to forget all the troubles, but here Behind the troubles, he still did not forget the purpose of coming here.

In order to apprentice, become Wu Shi like that figure
"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, layman, do you burn incense and pray? Or burn incense and pray? Or burn incense and pray?" Li Yun came to Wangwei Palace and said with a smile on his face.

Wang Weigong looked at Li Yun in front of him, and felt a drum in his heart. This driving is wrong. What about the good muscles?What about Wushi?Why does it look so weak.
"Uh, I'm not here to pray or offer incense. I'm here to find someone." Wang Weigong took a deep breath and said, "I'm here to find Master Zhu Tafeng. I want I learned Kung Fu from him. I came here with awareness to learn Kung Fu that can help people. No matter what I pay, as long as I can learn Kung Fu, I can learn Kung Fu that can help people.”

Speaking of this, Wang Weigong was a little dazed, feeling that he had said too much, if Sanqing doesn't mean the Sanqing Temple?Then this beep beep is embarrassing.
What Wang Weigong didn't expect was that Li Yun said with a smile.

"Come in and have a glass of water."

Wang Weigong paused, nodded and followed.

In front of him was a cup of hot tea.
"Wait first."

Time passed quickly, about two hours passed, and Wang Weigong did not wait, the hot tea in front of him had probably turned into cold tea.

Wang Weigong didn't rush impatiently, but just waited silently in place.
With nothing to do, he still looked at the pilgrims passing by from time to time, and found that this place really didn't seem to be some legendary martial arts school.

But there is an intuition telling Wang Weigong that there is nothing wrong with the place where he came, and it is right to wait here.

No one came until night fell.
The first day passed, and Li Yun brought food and water to Wang Weigong.

Wang Weigong thanked him, ate his food, and continued to wait.

the next day.
Day three.
Finally on the third day, Ah Da appeared in front of Wang Weigong.

After seeing Ah Da, Wang Weigong was finally relieved.

"Wish the Wind Master"

"You, do you want to learn Kung Fu that much?" Ada stared at Wang Weigong with a deep expression.

Wang Weigong nodded solemnly, knelt down directly, and said: "These days, I am not only waiting for Master Zhu, but I am also thinking whether my choice is right or wrong, but I have thought about it for a long time or I can’t convince myself to go back and live an ordinary life like my father said.”

"It may be easy to live like an ordinary person, but in that case, am I still me? I want to realize my ideals, and realize the ideals that my father did not complete."

"Please teach me kung fu"

Kneel down, kowtow, all in one go.

What you do is worshiping teachers, what you worship is Ada, what you worship is heaven and earth, and what you worship is your own heart.

Facing such a firm Wang Weigong, Ah Da's eyes burst into divine light, and he shouted: "Okay! Since you want to learn Kung Fu so much, then I will teach you. But, this Kung Fu is not so easy to learn Yes, and it will waste a lot of time, do you really want to learn? This is not something that can be done just by talking.”

"Well, I want to learn Kung Fu, no matter how much time and energy I have to spend, I can do it."

Under the moon is the promise between father and son
[When I was young, I wanted to be a partner of justice. 】

【Since Dad, if you can’t do it, it’s fine if I finish it instead of you】

Li Yun, who was silently watching from the sidelines, operated the Linghai, and a wave of spiritual power shot out into the sky.

All things in sight, Kai——

Wang Weigong didn't notice that the space around him had been distorted, and the place he was in was both the Three Purities View and not the Three Cleans View.
The sun shines on the earth, everything around is so warm, so warm that Wang Weigong wonders if this place is actually the earth
"Why did you appear here after sleeping?"

"I brought you here." Ah Da, who was hanging on the big tree next to him, said in a deep tone: "Here is your martial arts training place, your parents and the school I have After discussing it, you can practice martial arts here with peace of mind, and when you have achieved something in your studies, you can probably go out of the mountain."

Wang Weigong was a little dubious about discussing this with his parents, so he still said.

"How long will you be training here?"

"Who knows? It's possible in one year, two years, three years, or ten years. I won't send you back until you have learned something." Ada took a sip of his strong drink and said in a slightly mocking tone: " Or, you already want to go home now? It doesn't matter, if you want to go home, I can send you back."

Wang Weigong shook his head resolutely, since he has already decided to come, he will not choose to turn back
Wang Weigong is also confident that he will not be caught up in his studies. Even if he takes the college entrance examination now, he can get good grades, so there is no need to worry too much about this aspect.

"I've already awakened, master, come on, let all the stormy training fall on me, I can bear it."

At this time, Ah Da jumped down from the nearby tree. This strong but light footwork attracted Wang Weigong's fascination for a while, and he vowed to learn this trick.

"First, 100 push-ups! 100 sit-ups! 100 squats! Then run 10km! Stick to these every day!"

"Did I hear wrong? These... are the next training content?" Wang Weigong felt that something was wrong. Isn't this a very ordinary physical training.

"Three meals a day should be eaten well. You can eat bananas in the morning. The most important thing about this training is to exercise your willpower and break through your spiritual and physical limits. No matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult it is, you will persevere every day! Even if your feet are heavy If you can’t move, you must insist on doing squats. Even if your wrists make strange noises, you must insist on push-ups! You must know that I even stepped under the waterfall and endured both physical and mental oppression. You can understand these things Is it?" Ada said to Wang Weigong in a very serious tone, making Wang Weigong feel that this is really not a joke.

"You want to be as strong as I am, these are the things you have to go through."

I mean it
Wang Weigong looked at his slightly thin body and knew that he was too ambitious. If he couldn't even do these physical training, how could he become a qualified Wushi!

"Let's start now, eat breakfast and these three bananas first, and then start today's training."

"Yes! Master."

At the beginning, when he heard the sparse and common training methods such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running, Wang Weigong refused. He just thought it was too simple, but when he officially started doing it today, he realized that this thing It is not simple at all.

From the end of the first [-] push-ups, Wang Weigong has been like a dead dog
"If you can't even do this, you have the nerve to say that you are enlightened? If you only have this level, you are not qualified to accept the short-haired magic fist. Even if this skill is lost, it must not fall into your hands."

Short-haired magic fist, it sounds like a very powerful kung fu
"Don't worry, master, I didn't cry tired."

My feet were so heavy that I couldn't move them, and my wrists started to make strange noises. Especially when I was sleeping, I could only sleep in the haystacks, which can only be described as uncomfortable.

However, this pain has gradually eased with the passing of time. In the end, I can even easily do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and jog for [-] kilometers with ease.

Wang Weigong didn't know how long he had insisted on this kind of physical training, and he didn't ask Ada when he taught him to become fist wet, but Wang Weigong could also feel that his body was getting stronger gradually.

Don't say you want to hit ten, at least now you won't be beaten to the extent that you can only lie down and be beaten.

Ada also came to this place from time to time, just to bring food, and Wang Weigong took care of the rest.

There is no time in the mountains, and Wang Weigong didn't feel the passage of time, only felt as if 1 years had passed, and it seemed like it was still yesterday.

Repeating the same thing every day makes him directly blur the sense of time and space
Until one day, Ah Da finally came in front of Wang Weigong, and his expression was very formal.

"You can learn the Short-haired God Fist now, and you will be reborn soon. What do you want to say to your past self?"

"I want to say..." Wang Weigong looked at his callused hands, then at the wounds on his body caused by exercise, and gradually became firmer, and said: "I have been thinking about it these days, is it too lucky?" It's hard, do you want to give up, I have been shaken, I have been confused. But now I am very glad that I have not given up on this decision, and I have not given up learning from your short-haired magic fist, master."

"Then let's start, the 250th generation successor of the Short-haired Shenquan. Finally, let me remind you that there is a price to pay for learning this boxing technique. This price may be very heavy. It is not impossible to change your body structure. Are you willing to accept it?" Ah Da said coldly.

Wang Weigong nodded and said firmly, "No regrets!"

Ada began to swing his fists, seemingly real and unreal, violent like the Big Dipper rain
This stormy boxing made Wang Weigong feel a moving yearning in his heart.

Short-haired magic fist, like a starry dipper——

The fist wind surged, and the mask was blown up. Today, Wang Weigong finally saw the face under the mask——

Wang Weigong looked at the ceiling in bewilderment, the cup of cold tea was still in front of him, he took out his mobile phone to check the time, only less than an hour had passed.

Did I just have a long dream?

"Am I dreaming?"


Wang Weigong stood up and noticed the changes in his body, he became stronger and stronger, both his abdominal muscles and skin became much firmer.

The most important thing is that the 'price' I paid to become stronger was truly presented to me.
"Master's teaching, I will always remember it in my heart."

Wang Weigong took a deep breath and kowtowed three times to the Taoist temple.

At the same time, go back in the direction you came with your backpack on your back
This trip has been reborn——

Bai Chen and Li Yun silently watched his disappearing figure.

"Is it worth it?"

"This is his own choice, if he uses the secret method to stimulate his body's potential without paying any price? Isn't this funny?" Bai Chen looked at Wang Weigong's back with a mocking face, and said lightly: "He still I thought my kung fu was learned, but in fact it was just a little bit of strength inspired by the secret method. Everything in the illusion is just a dream."

"It's his choice, isn't it? His body changes have been permanently fixed. Even if he wants to give up at any time, his body has undergone irreversible changes, and the imprints will be branded on his life." Bai Shen road.

Li Yun sighed softly and said.

"It's just that the price is a bit high."

(End of this chapter)

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