Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 530, the day is dark, the night is vast

Chapter 530, the day is dark, the night is vast
Regarding the matter of a Taoist priest attending a high-end club, what should I do? Waiting online, I am a little anxious.

As soon as Li Yun appeared in these so-called upper-class circles, he attracted a lot of attention.

However, after these people cast their gazes, they politely retracted their gazes afterwards, and some even smiled kindly.

"Tsk, I thought there would be rich second generations coming to trouble me or something." Li Yun was not surprised, he didn't even have the quality of tolerance, and he still called himself an 'upper class', he just called himself a third class.

Yang Yingying also appeared next to Li Yun in a fine attire, like a dog's tail grass in full bloom in winter, the splendor and beauty gave Li Yun the feeling that compared with the mature and noble beauties around her, it was just a foil, the dog next to the flowers tail grass.
"I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude, is it my illusion?" Yang Yingying muttered.

"It's just your illusion. Pindao just thinks that you are so gorgeous today, and you are so beautiful." Li Yun smiled slightly, his face was full of brilliance, and he didn't mean to lie at all.

"I'm not that good."

Yang Yingying was also very happy. After all, she was praised. She took Li Yun to walk around the venue. Li Yun also understood the feeling of the legendary high society venue, champagne, classical music, and women in noble dresses. A man in a suit and leather shoes.

When Yang Yingying and Li Yun appeared at the venue, a little brother dressed like a bartender came out and smiled slightly.

"Excuse me, sir, can I help you?"

"Oh, we're here to see the art exhibition. Here, here's the invitation letter." Yang Yingying took out Li Yun and her own invitation letter.

The bartender brother looked at the invitation letter, then nodded and said.

"Then please come with me, both of you. My name is Lu Wei. It's a great honor to be your guide." Lu Wei respectfully led the two of them towards the exhibition hall inside the clubhouse. All kinds of people, including Yang Tianhu.

After Yang Tianhu saw Li Yun and his daughter, he just nodded slightly, didn't say much, and continued to chat and laugh with his business partners.

Li Yunze and Yang Yingying visited everywhere under the guidance of brother Lu Wei. They didn't understand anything, and they had to pretend to understand it.

"This art exhibition is mainly based on oil paintings. Most of the works here are paintings of Ye He's school, with their own unique style. It can be said that they are the great masters of contemporary oil paintings." Lu Wei smiled and respected , pointing to the painting in front of him and said.

At this time, Yang Yingying reminded Li Yun intimately.

"Love and family are Ye He's famous works."

"Well, will Master Ye appear in this art exhibition today?" Li Yun asked.

Brother Lu Wei glanced at Li Yun, shook his head with a smile and said, "Master Ye He won't be here today, he doesn't really like this kind of vanity fair, but today his friend, the host of this art exhibition, is also The owner of the painting of love and family will appear here, sir, if you want to know about Master Ye, you may wish to ask the curator."

Li Yun didn't answer, but still smiled, looked at the oil painting in front of him with a serious look, and gave an unintelligible evaluation, in fact, he couldn't understand it at all.
Pretending to understand is the deadliest——

The finale, Love and Family, has not yet been exhibited, but there are many people who have come to admire the paintings and are already standing here, hungry and thirsty. In the end, they can only watch Master Ye He’s other paintings to relieve the loneliness of not seeing Love and Family. .

As for the popularity of this Mr. Ye He's painting, Li Yun can now see it. It is really popular. There are even many foreigners who come here and come to Huaxia just to see this painting. .

"Brother Yun, do you think these paintings are really as good as they are flocking to?" Yang Yingying whispered in Li Yun's ear: "I always feel that many people come to this exhibition for the sake of seeing this exhibition, and they don't understand at all. Why is this painting so beautiful? For example, I am at a loss when I look at it, what are these arts?"

Li Yun would not say that he also pretended to understand with a bewildered face, but he still said with a smile.

"Tell me, is Pindao's appearance good or bad?"

Hearing Li Yun's question, Yang Yingying blushed and turned her head a little shyly, but she still said, "Brother Yun, you are so handsome."

"Then." Li Yun looked at Lu Wei next to him, and asked with a smile: "This little layman, tell me, is the poor Taoist handsome? Answer honestly."

"Not handsome at all."

Lu Wei replied with a smile, his eyes were clear and sincere, and he didn't appear to be lying. That's right, he didn't lie.

The expression on Li Yun's face did not change, but he was still angry in his heart that Lu Wei had no vision, and he greeted him about his aesthetics.

"That's it. Neither of you lied. There are a thousand me in the eyes of a thousand people. This artwork, in the eyes of a thousand people, also has a thousand paintings. The so-called [art] is to present What is in front of that person, not what is presented in front of you and me." Li Yun smiled slightly: "For us, this may be just a painting that makes people unclear, but for them, In this painting after painting, there is more beautiful things to be seen, more things we can't see"

Yang Yingying next to her seemed to understand something, and she looked at the tourists around her like she was looking at a criminal.
Since so many people admire it, there must be something special about it.

But Li Yun knew that there must be a lot of pretenders who don't understand and pretend to understand.

As soon as Li Yun finished speaking, an old man in a suit with a white beard came over, applauded and said, "What the Taoist priest said makes sense."

This white-bearded old man looks about 60 years old, full of energy, with a cane and a single-rimmed glasses, indescribably wild and elegant, giving Li Yun the feeling of an old gentleman. A real gentleman.

"We are often misunderstood, and people think that the so-called art is just a toy for people to hype and play with. In fact, it is not the case. The so-called art is to make artists and those who appreciate art resonate in the soul, and the melody of the soul. , This is the true meaning of so-called art." The old man with white beard took a sip of red wine gracefully, and said to Li Yun: "I am the curator here, and I am called Jin Yuan. You call me Curator Jin That's fine."

"Pimpedao Daohao is a cloud character." Li Yun said, knowing that the person in front of him is what Lu Wei said. The curator who keeps the painting of love and family is the owner of this painting, the collector, The artist, the owner of this guild hall, the partner Yang Tianhu said.

"Grandpa Kim"

Yang Yingying also greeted her very respectfully, pretending to be a real lady.

Curator Jin looked at Yang Yingying and said with a smile.

"Xiao Yingying, Grandpa Jin hasn't seen you for a long time, how is your grandpa doing?"

"My grandpa, it's pretty good, both physically and psychologically." Yang Yingying said in a tone similar to complaining: "He went climbing again recently, and he climbed Luofu Mountain in one go. Really. , I clearly know that my heart is not good when I am old."

After hearing this, Curator Jin said with an elegant expression.

"The old guy can still climb mountains, but I can't. I can only wander around in the clubhouse of Nuoda every day. Facing the emptiness brought by luxury and money, life is really lonely."

Li Yun silently complained about Curator Jin's emotion, this kind of words is not the same as [This is not the life I want. ] What's the difference between chicken soup and chicken soup?

"By the way, Curator Jin, Pindao has something to ask."

"You can ask Taoist Master Yun if you have anything. If you can answer, I will tell you the truth." Curator Jin said.

"What Pindao wants to ask is, under what circumstances was this pair of love and family created or where was it created?" Li Yun casually asked Director Jin.

Curator Jin didn't answer right away, but recalled a bit, and finally said.

"This... As for where it was created, I don't know very well, but under what background it was created. Back then, it was because his wife and child died accidentally in a fire. In memory of his daughter and The park in the background of the work painted by the deceased wife was the favorite park for the family of three. Oh, what a depressing fact.”

Curator Jin sighed for a while, but then he said: "How could such a perfect painting be born without that fire? As his friend, I feel sorry for him, but as a collector, I am also delighted at the birth of this perfect painting. It is really contradictory."

Yang Yingying, who was on the side, felt a little uncomfortable. She regarded her friend's tragedy as joy. She couldn't understand this kind of emotion, and she wouldn't understand it.

After chatting for a while, the two stopped talking. Director Jin had to go to other places to socialize in the high society, and Li Yun and Yang Yingying looked at this dizzying painting together.

Li Yun is not interested in the paintings around him, only the paintings of love and family.
That pair of works with Kongtong printed in it.

"Mr. Yun, Ms. Yang, the exhibition of love and family will start soon. If it is convenient for you, please come here with me to watch it."

Lu Wei continued to respectfully lead Yang Yingying and Li Yun to the infield.

The environment in the inner court was quieter than that outside, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the scene of love and family.

A canopy of tempered glass wraps the curtain.

Under the black curtain is the famous painting that makes people crazy , like a tiger.

"My friends, thank you for traveling so far to visit the paintings of old friends in this humble house." Director Jin came to this love and family, took a deep breath, and said, "As we all know, this is In order to miss his wife and daughter, a friend drew the ultimate memorial work, which entrusts his grief and our expectations for art."

"The emotion that is ready to come out, the strong emotion. I believe that it is very difficult for everyone to let go of that feeling, to feel the feeling of intense emotion."

Almost everyone around nodded, agreeing to Director Jin's words.

"I'm afraid I'm the one who resonates the most among the people present. I almost lost my daughter once." Yang Tianhu looked at the black curtain with emotion, and then the landlord touched Yang Yingying's shoulder and said, "Now, it also makes me want more Cherish my daughter, everything is so insignificant in front of my daughter, even if I lose everything, I don't want to lose my relatives."

Yang Yingying smiled happily, her tail almost raised to the sky, and said.

"So you agree with me being a cop? Great."

"I agree, but it doesn't mean I agree with you to do this. If you want to continue to live your previous life, as a father, I am very happy." Yang Feihu paused and said: "But I know, you Same as my temper, they are the type of never turning back against the wall, you will not give up your ideals, although I disagree, I will not stop you from realizing your ideals."

Yang Yingying froze for a moment, expressing her agreement with her father's statement.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will protect myself. You don't have to worry."

Li Yun looked at the black curtain silently, his eyes narrowed.

"There seems to be something wrong with this painting."

"Now, let's reveal that this most perfect painting comes from Master Ye He's masterpiece!"

Director Jin carefully took out a black key from his pocket.


Twist the lock to unlock the glass cover, turn off the infrared alarm next to it, and then use another lock to open the door of the glass secret room.

"Next is the time to witness the miracle!"

Curator Jin's face was obsessed, he opened the black curtain, and he was a little nervous to see the perfect artwork again.

The air was suddenly quiet, everyone around was stunned, the sound of the shutter stopped taking pictures, looking at the things under the black curtain, even the red wine in Yang Tianhu's hand almost fell to the ground, looking at the stuff Confused and overwhelmed.

Curator Jin couldn't stabilize his crutches with his hands, and almost fell off. Fortunately, the two black bodyguards next to him had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and supported Curator Jin.

"What's going on here? Why did it become like this?"

Love and family no.

Instead, there was a white drawing board with crooked characters written on it.

【The day is dark, the night is dark】

【The ghosts and ghosts, there is nothing to hide from】

(End of this chapter)

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