Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 531, Little Famous Thief

Chapter 531, Little Famous Thief

"Shocked, the famous painting "Love and Family" by Ye He, a master of Chinese oil painting, was stolen."

"The Mysterious Thief Left Two Words"

"This thief is a very well-known thief in foreign countries in the past. He was named [Black Feather Monster Thief]. He disappeared for 20 years and unexpectedly reappeared."

Looking at the news feeds refreshed on the phone, Yang Yingying couldn't help complaining.

"I'm afraid Director Jin is going to be so angry that he has collapsed. I heard that he paid a huge price for this love and family. I didn't expect it to be stolen today. I'm afraid it's because the underwear is so bad." There's nothing left."

"This thief is called Black Feather? Why don't you just call him Black Feather Kaito or Kaitou Kidd to make it more meaningful. Is there any detective to find out who this guy's real identity is?" Li Yun also looked at his hand I also went to search for this strange thief Hei Yu, a righteous thief who was active decades ago. He ran amok in Miami, USA, and no police could catch him. He is quite legendary as a thief.

When the Kaitou Heiyu steals things, he always leaves two lines of poems, that is, [The day is bright and the night is boundless.Demons and ghosts, there is nowhere to hide. ] These two lines of poems have become the standard means of this thief. In the name of being a hero, he does things like stealing chickens and dogs.

"It is said that this black feather is still a righteous thief. The things stolen in foreign countries will be sold into money, and some of them will be anonymously donated to the children of poor families. Of course, this is just a rumor, but I don't know if it is true or not." Yang Yingying talked about the information that was not found on the mobile phone search, and said: "The media are so sure, I am afraid that only the legendary thief can steal that painting under this strict guard. You must know that the level of guards in the clubhouse at that time was simply amazing. It can be compared to a bank, except that there are no guns, and those bodyguards are brothers and sisters."

Li Yun and Yang Yingying haven't left the area yet. The police are now investigating. The current situation is that everyone present is suspected of being Hei Yu, but the problem is that everyone present has an alibi.

However, surveillance shows that no one has ever left this area, let alone the famous painting Love and Family. Such a large painting was probably stolen before entering the venue, or it is still in a certain place in the hall. in the corner.

"I'm sorry, Daoist Yun, I originally invited you to the art exhibition this time, but I didn't expect such a moth to happen. Why don't I send you back to the Taoist temple first?" Yang Tianhu apologized quickly.

"Lady Yang, why bother to apologize, this time was just a minor accident, and the poor way didn't come from the painting itself, it's just that I have some questions to ask the curator Jin." Li Yun smiled and shook his head.

Li Yun thought that if he could meet Ye He Dashi here, he would be able to ask some questions, but what he didn't expect was that he couldn't find him, and his painting was still missing.
As for the thief named Heiyu, Li Yun also found it quite miraculous. Looking at this guy's life story is like watching the famous Detective Conan. There are only two possibilities for stealing this painting, or the Kaitou Kuroba is really like Kaito Kidd, possessing all kinds of magic skills comparable to magic, and using a seemingly very scientific but very unscientific way to draw the picture. Steal it, or there is an inner ghost to respond.

"Which one stole this painting? Everyone present at that time may be the real culprit."

Li Yun pushed the black frame//glasses that didn't exist.

"there is only one truth."

Curator Jin slumped on the chair, looking at the photos of love and family in front of him, feeling unwilling. Red wine, white wine, and some messy alcoholic drinks were scattered all over the floor, and the black bodyguards beside him bowed their heads silently. , has been sprayed from the beginning to the end.

In the end, curator Jin started to smash the antiques around him angrily, hysterical and crazy.

"Why. Why was my painting stolen, my painting! Damn my painting, what went wrong?"

"You guys! Did the monitoring find anything?" Curator Jin stared at his subordinates fiercely.

The black bodyguards next to each other looked around, only one of the white bodyguards stood up weakly and said: "Boss, we have adjusted the video, but... nothing was found, and we don't even have the slightest idea how it was stolen. "

"You... what use is it for me to raise your eggs? Are you bodyguards? Are you also worthy of being called bodyguards???" Director Jin could only sigh dejectedly in the end.

The bodyguards around did not answer. What the curator Jin said was the truth, and he was wronged if someone stole it right under his nose. Of course, no matter how wronged they were, they felt that they were not wronged by their own boss. Forced to be stolen, simply inexplicable.

These bodyguards knew that they were wronged, but they just silently got sprayed and couldn't talk back.

After a wild spout, Director Jin finally sat back on the chair tremblingly, and then said impatiently.

"You go out and step up the guard. I still have a lot of famous paintings here. If you get more paintings stolen by that damn thief, the loss will not be worth the loss. You can't afford to sell these paintings with your lives."

After finishing speaking, the bodyguards instantly cheered up and hurriedly ensured that the paintings would not be lost again.

For a moment, Director Jin was the only one left in the hall of Nuo Da, with a cane, a weak face, and the appearance of being played badly.

"Probably this is what Huaxia said about being sad than being dead. Sigh," the white bodyguard thought silently, thinking it's better not to bother his boss.

Ten minutes after the bodyguards left, Director Jin stood up, but this time he didn't use crutches, but stood up directly, without the previous trembling and lameness, with his head held high, and he walked like the wind, The hysterical expression on his face has also disappeared, replaced by a calm and wise thinking.

He came to his room, opened the mechanism behind the closet, and came to the hidden basement.

"Tsk, how is it possible that someone dares to use this name to steal, is it aimed at me?"

Curator Jin looked at the secret room in front of him with a puzzled face.
The crime news of the Black Feather Phantom Thief is posted all around, and in the far corner, that set of black dress, magic hat and iconic walking stick.

Beside the black dress, there are business cards that have already been covered with dust.

[The day is bright and the night is vast.Demons and ghosts, there is nowhere to hide. 】

Curator Jin murmured.

"How can I steal from myself."

(End of this chapter)

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