Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 532, Mistakes I Made When I was Young

Chapter 532, Mistakes I Made When I was Young

Li Yun was walking in the Central Park, where many old people were playing happily with their children. An inexplicable sense of peace and harmony came to his heart, quietly humming a song of unknown meaning, singing to the sleeping Little Su Li listened.

Sleeping little Su Li in her arms, even in a dream, would shake her head and tail along with the music, giving Li Yun a subtle massage feeling
This Central Park is probably the background of Ye He Dashi's painting of love and family——

"Love and family? Did you draw such a picture here?" Li Yun looked at the harmony of the surrounding families, and couldn't help but think of the old man Xuandaozi who left as soon as he said, and he didn't know what happened to him now. Is it okay to eat dirt outside?Are you happy to eat?

Well, Li Yun thinks that the old man Xuan Daozi, who has no skills and no savings, can only eat dirt besides cheating and abducting people to tell fortunes.
Yang Yingying, who came along with her, also held her chin with her hands, and she also had some inexplicable feelings when she saw the harmony of the families around her.

"My dad never went out to play with me. It's been like this since I was a child. It's true that I have been trafficked once, but I still don't care about it."

Facing Yang Yingying's complaints, Li Yun just smiled without saying a word, turned his head, and looked behind him at a short-dressed beauty in a small suit and sunglasses who was pretending to read a newspaper. There are N kinds of weapons hidden in the body, including radial, stabbing, and spreading
She is Yang Yingying's bodyguard, not a close-fitting one, as long as any strange uncle dares to approach casually, she will definitely be inserted into a sieve.

Li Yun still knows that Yang Tianhu cares about his daughter, at least it's a secret protection, isn't it?
"So, do you want your father to send a bodyguard to follow you around the clock?"

"No, absolutely not." Yang Yingying thought about the scene of being under 24-hour personal protection and felt a chill, and said, "I will feel uncomfortable physically and psychologically, just like being followed by a stalker."

"Isn't that enough?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"No, I don't want bodyguards to protect me or something. I know you may think that I have too much self-awareness, but I really feel that someone is following me. I don't know if it's a pervert." Yang Yingying Some looked around suspiciously, looking for possible abnormalities.

Li Yun just wants to say that the guy following is the bodyguard
In this regard, Li Yun couldn't help admiring Yang Yingying's instinct like a wild dog-you know there is a stalker when you sniff your nose.

After thinking for a while, Li Yun whispered in Yang Yingying's ear.

After listening, Yang Yingying suddenly realized.
"What, it turns out that it's really a bodyguard. No wonder I feel uncomfortable both psychologically and physically."

"A father is always good for his daughter, but there is no doubt about it." Li Yun said with a smile, Xiao Suli immediately got out of her arms when she heard the word father, which is why she is sleeping in her arms these days Waking up for the first time.

According to Bai Chen, Xiao Suli is about to transform, and the sleep time may be a little longer.

Yang Yingying was immediately overwhelmed by Xiao Suli's cuteness, and she acted decisively.

"What a cute little fox."

As soon as Yang Yingying's palm approached, this little Su Li dodged it very skillfully, and ran to Li Yun's head, her big furry tail was still attacking Li Yun's eyeballs.

However, Su Li's expression is not disgusted or anything, it's different from facing Bai Chen, not letting Yang Yingying touch her just wants to have fun with her.
"Little fox, do you want to play with me?" Yang Yingying looked at the child beside her who was eager to play with the pet dog.

Little Su Li hesitated for a moment, pretending to be a fox barking.

Fearing that the air would suddenly be quiet, Yang Yingying's eyes suddenly became puzzled.

"That's what the fox calls it?"

Xiao Suli looked at Yang Yingying with a bewildered expression, as if saying [Isn't that what a fox calls? 】.

"What a clever little fox. It seems to be human. Emmmm, well, that's what a fox calls, there's nothing wrong with it!" Yang Yingying quickly comforted herself, this is a very normal fox call.

"Go if you want."

Li Yun touched Xiao Suli's head.

Little Su Li immediately went to play happily with Yang Yingying, the beautiful little fox immediately became the focal pet in the central park square, and those huskies, samoyeds and so on became nothing worth mentioning.

Today's little Su Li can already control her charm, but it still makes almost all the men, women and children present have the illusion of doubting life
Beauty and presence can be recycled, but appearance cannot be changed——

There was a faint chattering sound from the side.

"Hey, hey, that little fox is so pretty."

"Damn it, don't you have a girlfriend?"

"What about you? Are you also searching for something? Who is the Sad Wind Emperor? What kind of bold idea do you have?"

"It seems that playing with people of the same age is much better than playing with me as an adult." Li Yun watched Xiao Suli and Yang Yingying play happily, and felt a sense of relief as a father watching his daughter find a friend.

Soon Li Yun put this idea behind him, once this kind of uncle's mood arises too much, he will really become an uncle!
"I don't want to be an uncle in a handsome man's skin, absolutely not"

At this time, Li Yun felt a fluctuating feeling in the Faxiang
It's not the stand-in messengers who are attracting each other——

There was an old man next to him, holding corn in his hand and feeding the passing pigeons.

The pigeons gathered beside the old man, and they were not afraid of the old man. There was even a pigeon standing on the old man's crutches, gently pecking at the old man's palm.

The old man looked at the pigeons with a gentle face, and poured the last grain of rice on the ground.

These grids flew away without any nostalgia after eating the rice grains on the ground
Goofy left without leaving a trace.
The old man was beside Li Yun, looking at the high-flying pigeon alone, his eyes fascinated, and then he smiled softly at Li Yun.

"Doves are said to symbolize peace, but after achieving the goal of peace, they will not pay attention to what happened before again."

"But the dove is a symbol of peace after all, isn't it? After peace is achieved, no one will pay attention to the pain that happened before. At least, this is the case for those who yearn for peace." Li Yun responded to the old man with a smile. gentlemen.

"Yeah. No one knows what the so-called pigeons did to make peace come and bring the olive branch of peace." The old man turned around, looked at Li Yun and said, "It's you, young Daoist, My mentality is similar to my husband’s.”

The mentality of a ghost is similar to yours. I learned that sentence just now.
Li Yun complained silently that he had directly upgraded from uncle to uncle, and the speed was like a racing car.
"It's great, young and full of energy." The old man looked at Li Yun again and said with a smile.

"You don't want to say that it's nice to be young." Li Yun shook his head and said softly, "You want to say that it's nice to have a family."

Little Su Li was still playing happily with Yang Yingying, the old man just looked at Yang Yingying blankly, his eyes were full of nostalgia and longing, but this longing and nostalgia were different from that evil desire
"Yeah, it's really good to have a family. I used to have a family too." The old man stood up tremblingly, with a cane, limped to where Li Yun was, and took the He took out a piece of chocolate, handed it to Li Yun, and said with a smile, "My name is Shinichi Hanyu, and I'm a little magician who lives nearby."

Li Yun took the chocolate and thanked him, swallowed it directly, and said.

"The old man speaks Chinese Mandarin more proficiently than Pindao, but it can't be seen that he is Japanese."

"Haha, I've lived in China for a long time, and the language has naturally become the perfect Mandarin. Don't speak Mandarin, I can speak even Hakka." Hanyu Shinichi seemed to show off after finishing speaking. He dragged a few words of Hakka dialect. It's really very standard, but Li Yun couldn't understand what he was talking about.
Li Yun felt that, as a local, he could not speak the local language to whom should he apologize.
"Since Mr. Hanyu, you want to see your family so much, why don't you meet them? It won't waste much time to meet you." Li Yun stared at Hanyu Shinichi's cloudy eyes and said.

Hanyu Shinichi giggled, and did not answer Li Yun immediately, but asked instead: "Master Xiaodao, how do you know if my family members have passed away so you can't see them? If my family members passed away, wouldn't it be just me? You have to die to see them? You're trying to persuade the old man to die."

Li Yun just said lightly.

"Birth and separation, sometimes, is more painful and more obvious than death. Your situation, layman, is obviously life and separation, isn't it? Or is it that Pindao is wrong?"

Shinichi Hanyu was at a loss for words and fell silent.

At this time, Hanyu Shinichi just lowered his head, his face was full of pain, the veins burst out in the palm of his hand clutching the crutch, and he said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, life and death are more painful than death. I have a deep understanding of this."

"Since it's life and death, why are you so obsessed with not going home? Maybe your wife and children are waiting for you to go home?" Li Yun said with a slight smile, using the meditation technique on the whisk to make Shinichi Hanyu a little calmed down a bit.

But meditation can't calm down after all. Now Hanyu Shinichi's heart fluctuates a lot, and he even wants to cry, but he just shook his head silently and said: "They don't want me to go home. Or, what's the use of me going home now What? After all, this place does not belong to me.”

"Thank you for chatting with me, this bad old man. I have to go home. Back to my current home. I only belong to that place."

No more to say, Hanyu Shinichi stood up tremblingly, and left the park with a cane. His back was bleak, and he was alone. His thin body could only lean against the wall from time to time. Li Yun could see that it was not because of fatigue. But heart tired.

A widowed old man who doesn’t even have a dog——

Tired from playing in Central Park, Yang Yingying finally returned to Li Yun's side, holding a bottle of pulsating energy drink in her hand, and next to her was Xiao Su, who was not blushing or panting, and looked at Yang Yingying with disdain. dripping.

"I'm sorry. The physical strength of this little fox is really not average. Why am I so stupid to think of competing with wild animals in physical strength."

Xiao Suli jumped onto the chair with her head upright, rubbed her limbs to remove all the dust on the small pad, and then continued to return to Li Yun's arms, with the big tail finally stuffed in.

Relieved, Yang Yingying finally looked alive, looked at the back of Hanyu Shinichi who had gone away and said, "By the way, Brother Yun, what did you talk to that old man just now? Do you know him?"

"Talking with him about family matters"

"Oh, I know that old man. The Japanese in China is an old gambler. He gambled with others more than ten years ago, and then lost everything. His wife and children have left him. Now he is quite pitiful. , but who told him that he made a mistake in the past." Yang Yingying looked at Hanyu Shinichi's back with only a little sympathy, she was very clear about the dangers of gambling, it can be said that it directly destroys a person's life, this kind of thing It's happening on the news channels every day.

"A mistake you made when you were young. Are you familiar with Mr. Hanyu?" Li Yun asked.

Yang Yingying nodded, finally breathed a sigh of relief, trotted to throw away the bottle of the pulsating drink, and said while teasing little Su Li in Li Yun's arms with her hands.

"That old man, he comes to this park to feed pigeons almost every day. I heard that his wife and children liked pigeons very much. They said they symbolized peace. He usually lives by performing magic tricks. When he doesn't recall sad things He speaks nicely, like an old gentleman. There are quite a lot of people who know him, and he should be quite famous in the vicinity. After all, he is a gambler with magic skills, and he is still a foreigner. These characteristics add up to let him It's hard for people not to pay attention. Really, a good life is not good, so I have to quit gambling, brother, and I will end up in the current situation. However, if he can really successfully quit gambling, he might have returned by now. Let’s go home, I guess I’m still gambling now.”

Li Yun just shook his head and said.

"Sometimes, whether he quits gambling or not has nothing to do with whether he can go home."

My heart moved slightly.

A row of white crane feathers floated down from the sky
The appearance of the elegant white crane in the park immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. The white crane fluttered like a fairy.

If the dove is a symbol of peace, then the white crane is a symbol of nobility, which is particularly eye-catching.

It's just that Li Yun didn't think this thing was noble at all. He knew through his heart that Xiao Bai just now was peeking at someone taking off his feathers, and he was watching with great interest. It was a little hooligan wearing a white crane skin.

"Ahem, Xiaobai, do me a favor."

(End of this chapter)

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