Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 533, One piece is wrong, and the whole game is lost

Chapter 533 One mistake, all losses
After returning home, Hanyu Shinichi couldn't calm down for a long time, so he just silently made a pot of strong tea and drank it straight away.

"Family? Hehe, do I look like someone with these things?"

Thinking about this, Shinichi Hanyu took out his small pendant, opened the lid, and there was a black and white photo of a man and a woman, surrounded by a little girl in the middle
Looking at this photo, Shinichi Hanyu's face gradually became gentle, full of all kinds of indescribable thoughts.

But soon, this impulsive fantasy of wanting to see his wife and daughter was shattered, and he hung this small pendant around his neck with great care. He took out various small props from the box, took out his broken mobile phone, and made a call.

“Time to go to work”

In the park at night, the warm and harmonious atmosphere of a family during the day has all disappeared, replaced by couples of men and women who act as lovers.

Shinichi Hanyu is wearing a small suit that is completely different from the daytime, and there is also a slightly funny magic hat. Next to him is a smiling young man in a housekeeper's uniform. Beside the fixed small table, there are passengers who stop and look forward to Hanyu's arrival. Shinichi's next performance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the magic I am going to perform for you today is called [Peace], and it is my favorite magic trick. The dove is a symbol of hope and a symbol of peace. I hope that the white dove tonight can give Everyone brings hope and peace." Like a real old gentleman, Shinichi Hanyu took off the hat on his head, and then said to everyone present: "Look, there is nothing going on here, just to witness a miracle time."

The people around all showed a lack of interest, especially the younger ones.

"Oh, I know, it's the magic trick of turning into a pigeon."

"Yeah yeah, let's go, it's so boring. Magicians from decades ago got tired of acting."

"Well, there is hard work without credit, right? Let's talk about it after reading it."

The expected performance did not show any deviation. Shinichi Hanyu transformed a small white dove out of his hat, and what he got in return was only a few applause and a few small pieces for buying instant noodles. It's just coins, and these are still delivered by old men who are greedy for freshness.

After the first magic show was over, the popularity of this small stage withered away, and only some old men who were watching the excitement were left here. For these old men, it doesn’t matter where they are, and they are just watching for free here. Just a few shows.

Even if there is no audience, even if there is nothing, Hanyu Shinichi still performed the planned magic content tonight.
After the performance, Shinichi Hanyu put away the coins in the hat, and at the same time distributed half of the poor coins to his young assistants.

The young assistant shook his head and smiled.

"Forget it, the money is not enough for you to eat instant noodles by yourself, and you can't even afford instant noodles if you give it to me."

"I can eat two meals together, can't I? Accept it, these are the rewards you deserve, if I forcefully take away your rewards, I will feel uncomfortable." Hanyu Shinichi smiled, insisting Stuffed two coins into the youth assistant's pocket.

Faced with Shinichi Hanyu's stubborn behavior, the young assistant did not resist. As an assistant, he knows Shinichi Hanyu's temper best.
"Just say what you say, you really are a very moral magician." The young assistant put the two coins away.

"You too, why not, you have to come to me to do a part-time job, your family is also difficult, let me tell you, you'd better leave early and find a suitable part-time job by yourself, part-time job with me is not only a waste You waste your life and get nothing." Shinichi Hanyu shook his head with a smile, put away his magic tools, and prepared to go home. He counted the coins he got. He really couldn't afford instant noodles. However, Hanyu Shinichi still has a way, to buy the little raccoon crispy noodles, it can eat two meals, it is really flattering
As soon as he said it, Shinichi Hanyu went to the canteen next to him to buy two bags of Raccoon Noodles, and the boss also sent an extra bag of Raccoon Noodles because of Hanyu Shinichi's old customers.

Shinichi Hanyu sat on the steps and ate the raccoon noodles with cold water.

The young assistant looked at the crispy noodles in Hanyu Shinichi's hand and said with emotion: "This thing is my childhood memory. Are you really Japanese? Japanese people don't know such an unpopular snack, but it is really right to buy this crispy noodles." The choice is large, the taste is sufficient, and it is still full."

"Hey hey hey"

Hanyu Shinichi didn't answer right away, but just chuckled, gnawed off the little raccoon's noodles, and wiped his mouth with a look of satisfaction.

The young assistant looked at Hanyu and clicked his tongue.

"As for me, I also came to be your assistant because of my interest in magic. At the beginning, I didn't expect so much profit or anything. I just wondered, when can I learn one or two magic tricks?"

"It's just that you haven't learned anything until now, have you? Being my assistant really wronged you. Or in other words, what you learned from me is just very ordinary magic." Shinichi Hanyu said with emotion.

"No, my intuition tells me that you should have more powerful magic that you didn't use, but maybe you are really just a down-and-out magician," the young assistant muttered.

"My magic skills are like this, but I met a very good magician back then. He was very good, very good. There are two extremes of power for a down-and-out magician like me. Actually, My specialty is appreciating antiques and famous paintings, and magic is really just my hobby." Hanyu Shinichi said silently to himself: "It's just that I have to live by magic, it's necessary. This is my stipulated in the game of life."

The young assistant didn't know what was going on here, but silently took away his two yuan coins, and then said.

"Okay, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow. Let me remind you. If you have time, you still have to spend it with your family. After all, every day in your life is one day less, and the place to get together with your family will be one day less. You Cherish it, some people can't cherish the time with their family even if they want to cherish it, at least you still have a daughter, you are very happy."

"Every day in life is one day less. Time with family" lingered in Hanyu Shinichi's mind, lingering.
Afterwards, Shinichi Hanyu looked at the back of the young assistant and said, "By the way, you have been my assistant for so long, and I still don't know your name."

"You call me by my nickname, June Fourth is ready"

The back of the young assistant gradually fades away
Back home, Hanyu Shinichi kept thinking about that sentence
"Family. I also want to see. I also want to see my family before I die."

The wind blows slightly.
curtain swing
A snow-white white crane stood in front of Hanyu Shinichi's window sill, looking down at Hanyu Shinichi.

The moment Baihe appeared in Shinichi Hanyu, Shinichi Hanyu felt that his figure seemed to disappear in an instant.
Lost the existing body shape, as if disappeared from this world.

Not a physical disappearance, but a sensory disappearance.

After the illusion, Baihe did not leave Hanyu Shinichi's side, his appearance of not being afraid of people made Hanyu Shinichi a little confused.

"This white crane doesn't seem to be afraid of people. It's really like the legendary crane." Shinichi Hanyu boldly touched Xiaobai, but Xiaobai didn't feel any resistance, and only gave him a look of "you hurry up and finish the job"
Hanyu Shinichi didn't quite understand Bai He's meaning, but he had a feeling that now was the time for him to meet his daughter.
You can bypass those people. Bypass those who monitor themselves!

Gathering up his courage, Hanyu Shinichi walked out of the house, and Xiaobai followed him. Just as he walked out of the house, he ran into a middle-aged man next door.

Shinichi Hanyu, an old man, couldn't hit this middle-aged man, but he was hit all over his arms and fell to the ground.


At this moment, Shinichi Hanyu was about to apologize, but the middle-aged man stood up like a ghost, trembling.

"Strange. There is obviously no one here. Could it be that he has run into a ghost?" The middle-aged man trembled and hurried back home.

Seeing this scene, Hanyu Shinichi stared blankly at the middle-aged man, and then at the white crane next to him who looked like an exile, as if he understood something.

"thank you"

Baihe didn't answer, but just straightened his feathers and followed Shinichi Hanyu himself.

The night is dark, the bright moon is in the west, Hanyu Shinichi walks alone on the street, a little cold, because others can't see him, so he has a lot of accidents, and bumps into children from time to time, Hanyu Shinichi can only do this Full of apology, he helped the child up, and the result was that the child cried like a dog.

Hanyu Shinichi was also helpless, he could only walk on the small road with few people, and he didn't meet people.
Beside the small pavilion where Shinichi Hanyu walked in the front, a priest in white robes was looking at the endgame of Go on the table and thinking hard.

When he saw Li Yun, Hanyu subconsciously wanted to say hello

"Little Taoist, let's go again"

Halfway through the talk, Hanyu Shinichi thought again that his current state might not be visible to others
"Mister, it's a coincidence that we met again, isn't it?" Li Yun looked at Shinichi Hanyu with a slight smile.

Hanyu was at a loss for words, and didn't know what expression to use to face him. He only saw Baihe Xiaobaifei landing on Li Yun's shoulder, and instantly understood something.

"You little Taoist priest, you helped me hide? Why did you do that?" Hanyu Shinichi said hesitantly. He didn't know how Li Yun did it, let alone why he did it. Well worth the value of being so helpful.

Li Yun just pointed to the chair in front of him, motioning for Shinichi Hanyu to sit down.

Shinichi Hanyu sat obediently on the stone chair next to him.

"Hanyu layman, can you understand this chess game?"

Black and white moves, Go strangulation, looks full of power
"I don't understand." Shinichi Hanyu looked at the chess game carefully, paused, and then said, "I know a little magic, but I can't understand Go. Little Master, if you have any instructions, you might as well Just say it."

Li Yun took out a white paper fan, covered his face, pointed at this powerful endgame, and smiled proudly.

"Actually, Pindao doesn't understand either."

Hanyu Shinichi: "."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air——

"Pindao knows what the layman is thinking, you must be thinking [you can't understand and put on a wool!] or something like that. It's just that the poor seldom tells lies. If you don't understand it, you don't understand it. This is not a shame matter."

Li Yun blatantly made the embarrassing situation even more embarrassing. Just when Hanyu Shinichi wanted to use his age advantage, which has experienced many battles, to end this topic with clever words, Li Yun said indifferently: "Poor!" You know, this chess game is just like life, if you make a mistake, you may lose the whole game, don't you?"

Hearing Li Yun's words, Hanyu fell silent for a moment
Looking at this incomplete chess game, I seem to understand something.

Bai Zi has a great advantage. If Bai Zi goes up to A, how can Bai Zi lose if he rides the face?However, if you lose, you lose. If you take one wrong step, you will lose everything.

"Life is like a chess game. If I hadn't gambled and lost. No, if I hadn't gambled, I wouldn't have ended up where I am now. I was really wrong."

"If, 15 years ago, instead of gambling, I was at home, having a nice dinner with my daughter and wife."

"I didn't resist the temptation, I didn't resist the temptation of those antiques, I wouldn't have lost everything and ended up like this."

Without witnessing the growth of his daughter, he couldn't even visit Jiefa's wife when he passed away. Perhaps life and death are more painful than parting.

Hanyu Shinichi knelt in front of the chessboard, his expression unprecedentedly determined, this time, even if he abandoned everything, he had to go meet his family.

"If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game. Since I have already lost, let me lose more completely and with more dignity."

"Master. Let me see my daughter. If I can see my daughter, even if I die now, I am willing. I am willing to give everything."

Li Yun looked at Hanyu Shinichi's expression of resolutely and generously going to die, and was speechless. He didn't want you to die, and it was misleading to put on such an excited expression. He had to use invisibility to eliminate the sense of existence, otherwise he would Maybe passers-by will think it is a usury Taoist who wants debt and usury. Thinking about it, this picture is not ordinary beauty, it is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

"Well, Pindao does have something to ask for, but it's not as exaggerated as you said, what do you want to die, or something"

Shinichi Hanyu looked up at Li Yun, and quietly listened to Li Yun's next request.

"Poverty, I want you to go."

(End of this chapter)

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