Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 534, This is not the life I want

Chapter 534, This is not the life I want
In a securities company in the urban area, the smell of coffee and nicotine permeated the surroundings.

"Jin Shanshan"

"Ah, what are you doing?" Jin Shanshan looked at her colleague, with a piece of bread in her mouth, eating breakfast while working.

The female colleague next to her saw how Jin Shanshan was working so hard, she handed over a cup of coffee with blank eyes, and said, "You are obviously a rich second generation, why are you working so hard, touch fish with me, Pesticide has a new hero today. Hurry up and practice with me."

"Huh? What new hero? Is it a shooter? I only play shooters, so give it away if you don't want to." Jin Shanshan's eyes lit up, she stopped typing on the keyboard, and took a cup of strong black coffee.

With a sip of bread and a sip of black coffee, Jin Shanshan feels happy like a fairy
"Hey, anyway, there is a new hero, let's come and play." The female colleague next to him encouraged: "Also, can you improve your quality, give it to the shooter, the new shooter released today is very difficult. "

"Who told me to only play shooter? I'm also very desperate." Jin Shanshan thought for a while, then said with a smile: "But forget it today, I still work hard, otherwise it will cause trouble to the higher-ups if I don't finish it before tonight. Troubled."

While Jin Shanshan was eating breakfast and coffee in her spare time, she still heard the faint discussion sound from the side.

"Look. It's her, working while having breakfast, pretending."

"Tsk, that's right, it's obviously because of my father's influence."

"You said it too loudly. She may have heard it, but I really envy her. She is rich and beautiful. Being born into this family can't be happier. She is born to be the pinnacle of life, rich and beautiful."

These words fell into Jin Shanshan's ears without any drop, and Jin Shanshan's face remained unmoved, and she didn't even want to laugh.

The female colleague who was close to her also patted Jin Shanshan on the shoulder and comforted her.

"Hey, don't care what they say, don't take it to heart, these are all jealousy, do you understand jealousy?"

"Of course I don't take it to heart. If I take everything to heart, I won't be so pissed off. I'm not so narrow-minded." Jin Shanshan shrugged indifferently and said, "It's just that I sometimes I was thinking, is it really okay for me to be born in such a family?"

Jin Shanshan was really thinking about this problem very seriously, and the colleague next to her patted Jin Shanshan on the head and laughed angrily: "Not to mention, you are really acting a little bit aggressive, who doesn't know that your father is a big favorite Home, great antique connoisseur, the famous curator of Jin Yuanjin in the world of antique calligraphy and painting, you are much better off just staying at home and waiting to die than us ordinary people. .Stop chanting these slogans that make people envious, jealous, and hateful."

Facing her good friend's words of envy, jealousy and hatred, Jin Shanshan didn't speak anymore, but her thoughts went back to the past.

"Well, in fact, my previous father was also very good."

【Dad, I folded a paper airplane for you today.】

【Shanshan is so good. Come on, Dad will do a magic trick for you, I will change, I will change, I will change.】

【Dad is amazing!I want to watch it.]

【Come, come, this is Dad's favorite magic trick, and it is also the magic trick he practices the most. The name of this magic trick is 'Peace'.】

【Father, your beard hurts my face】

【Alright, dear girl, I'll shave off my beard right now and give you a kiss.】

[Only one kiss, only one kiss. Mmmm! 】

Thinking of this, there was a soft smile on the corner of Jin Shanshan's mouth, but then the smile disappeared.

【Dad, this is my handwork】

【Don't bother me, I have work to do.】

【Dad, you.】

[I said don’t bother me, don’t come into my collection room, what if you hurt these paintings?Get out! 】

"Tsk, I'm thinking of these things again." Jin Shanshan shook her head, throwing out all these messy thoughts, casually asked the colleague next to her and said, "By the way, Xiao Wu, tell me, if a man suddenly loses his temper, Big change, what's the reason?"

The girl named Xiao Wu first went to make another cup of coffee, then muttered.

"A man whose temperament has changed drastically? I have also had many boyfriends. They are different from stone girls like you. If you ask me, you are right."

"I'm sorry, is it necessary for you to add the latter sentence, little bitch?" Jin Shanshan looked at Xiao Wu in astonishment, with a look of complete friendliness.

Xiao Wu smiled and stuck out her tongue, and said with a look of a small victory, "I'll tell you now, men, the reason why their temperaments change drastically is that we women are different. Sometimes the temperament changes drastically, and for men, if they become angry from embarrassment, or they are cheated on by their wives, or their careers have a sudden setback, or it is just the nature of that man."

"Impossible. If it was his nature, he should have been exposed long ago. It is impossible to hide it for decades."

Jin Shanshan muttered to Yaoyao helplessly.

Xiao Wu shrugged her shoulders, and then said: "I don't know about that, anyway, men's personalities are basically fixed, whatever they are, that's what they are, especially when they are at home, men will unload Pretending to expose one's true nature. If you want to know a man's true nature, you can basically see how he is at home, how he treats his wife, children and parents. Don't refute, my sister is more authoritative than you in this regard I don’t know where she is so high, I found out the Ma Baonan that Xiaoxin was looking for before, and now she still thanks me from time to time.”

Now Jin Shanshan has no way to refute it. She knows that her best friend is not good at anything, but she is really good at finding a man, which is completely different from a woman with a bad personality like herself.

Xiao Wu next to her said in a somewhat mysterious way.

"By the way, there is a magic show in the hall tonight. Don't you like magic the most? When you were in elementary school, you told me every day that your father's magic performance was amazing. At that time, I was tired of hearing it." .But you still made progress later on. I won’t talk about how your dad’s magic is doing. But I know that you will never give up on things you like easily. How about going to a magic show? I heard about performing magic. The leader is a handsome guy like Guo Degang."

"You are going because there are handsome guys." Jin Shanshan gave her best friend a look, and muttered, "Magic?"

"My father, he hasn't performed with me for a long time. Since that year, he has never performed again."

(End of this chapter)

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