Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 535, Named Peace

Chapter 535, Named Peace

"Are you sure my daughter will be here?"

Shinichi Hanyu was wearing a fairly well-fitting little suit, which was not his but someone else's, and even the round cap on his head didn't fit very well.

"Sure, sure, sure, wait a minute, you just need to do what you think, do it boldly, no one will stop you tonight, but relatively, you can only meet once, after the first time, Dao Go to the sky, each side." Li Yun said calmly next to Hanyu Shinichi, seeing that everything around him was filled with a sense of ruthlessness.

Looking at Li Yun's current appearance and attitude, Hanyu Shinichi could only sigh with emotion that this is the living god in the legend, the way is ruthless, and everything is like a dog.

In fact, Li Yun just saw those tricks of the magician, and his heart didn't fluctuate. He didn't even want to laugh.
Li Yun was even thinking about what would happen if Xiaobai entered the magic hat, and if Xiaobai was pulled out of the hat, would it be too fake, like adding an indescribable stunt.

"I always feel that you have some bad and bold ideas, is it my illusion?" Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yun.

Li Yun wouldn't admit to his bold idea, he used his heart to transmit the voice without changing his expression.

"These so-called magic shows can turn the possible into the impossible in a deceitful way. For example, they are going to perform the trick of making a dove in the hat, but the dove is actually behind the magician. Wait a minute. The deceit makes the pigeon behind it act like it's pulled out of a hat."

What Xiaobai saw was half understanding, as if what you said made sense, but I was speechless.

"What's the point? I haven't taken off my feathers to look good."

"Stop thinking about taking off your feathers, you little rascal"

Li Yun patted Xiaobai on the head, and then followed Shinichi Hanyu.

"Come on, brave old age, go and make miracles"

"Huh? Wei Benlu asked you to replace him? Are you sure? Are you qualified for his position?" The old man in charge of the magic troupe looked at Hanyu Shinichi in front of him, puzzled for a while, and then said: "Forget it, you go up It’s up to you, anyway, the last time this guy cheated and asked to be found out last time, it’s almost too cold, you should show your hands first.”

Shinichi Hanyu presented his magic performance to the foreman, who watched it and commented: "Barely enough, you can go up to the level of performance. Okay, you can go up later, it will be the third scene, and then you must do it." Don't be a fool, after this one is done well, we can consider letting you take Wei Benlu's place permanently."

"Definitely. Definitely. I will definitely behave well"

Hanyu Shinichi looked at the stage with some trepidation, and his thoughts went back to the past.

My own dream was to become a magician and bring happiness to everyone.

It's a pity that in terms of magic talent, there is either one or not, and Shinichi Hanyu is not depressed, but chose another industry.
"Oh, time flies! Things are different and people are different." Hanyu Shinichi sighed with emotion, looked at the stage firmly and murmured: "Daughter, I will present you with your favorite magic trick today. Waiting for Dad "

Outside the Grand Theater, Jin Shanshan and Xiao Wu were inside together with another boy. The boy looked at everything around him with great interest, as if everything was very fresh.

The boy looked at everything around him and exclaimed.

"That's great. Is this the magic troupe?"

"Hmph, it's been a long time since this touring troupe came to our place to perform. I worked very hard to get three tickets." Xiao Wu waved the three tickets in her hand as if showing off, and then slapped the boy The chest said: "Damn you, I asked Xiaoshan out because of you. Remember to invite me to dinner next time."

The boy's face was a little red, but he turned his head and said.

"It's impossible for us, our identity is here, you can't do more."

"Xiaoshan! Look, fireworks!" Xiao Wu decisively interrupted what the boy wanted to say, and then said to the boy: "Didn't you say that you really want to be a magician? Wouldn't it be a good time to show you Is it? Die Lu Wei. You should say something, aren’t you usually very mature, don’t you think it’s in front of the girl you like?”

When Xiao Wu said something later, Lu Wei immediately sealed it with popcorn.
Jin Shanshan pretended not to hear the painting clearly, looked at Lu Wei and smiled.

"Yeah, I heard that you still have a part-time magic job every night. If you like magic so much, you should watch it."

"Ahem, you already know all this." Lu Wei said with a wry smile, "Actually, I really want to be a part-time magician, but I can't learn this kind of magic. How can I say that I don't have any talent for magic?" , I know this myself. Do you know? I can only earn 2~3 coins a day as a part-time job with him, and I have to take care of my demented and paralyzed grandfather and my sister who can’t take care of themselves. Really, I sometimes ask myself if magic is really ridiculous, or if it’s just my magic that’s ridiculous.”

Jin Shanshan looked at Lu Wei's expression, organized her words, and was preempted by Lu Wei just as she was about to speak.

"Shanshan. I'm just complaining. I can still take care of the family. You don't need to worry about anything. It's just that I won't perform street magic tricks in the future."

"I haven't said anything yet, do you know what I'm talking about?"

Jin Shanshan pouted and turned her head away.

Lu Wei just smiled wryly and didn't speak.

Xiao Wu next to him sighed, looking at the awkward two, he knew that there was a faint feeling between them, but this feeling was blocked by an indestructible wall, so that the two could only watch this feeling silently.

Sometimes love is more cruel than reality, because reality has too many problems that will cut off the relationship.

Xiao Wu also knew that now was not the time for her to intervene in the conversation between the two of them, so she just quietly went to buy a pack of popcorn and watch a play.

In the end, both of them were silent, and after discussing the topic, Lu Wei smiled and said: "By the way, I heard that there are many masters in this magic show. Let's go in quickly, and don't waste this good opportunity."


Jin Shanshan and Xiao Wu entered the venue.

Different from the performance atmosphere of the concert, the performance of this grand theater can be said to be more elegant and quiet, or it can be said that people who like magic are incompatible with people who like concerts.

Shanshan Jin enjoys the setting, the elegant technique that hovers between night and mystery.
What are the flowers that appear in the dark night?This is why Jin Shanshan likes magic, and likes the mysterious charm of magic.

Xiao Wu also concentrated her attention, stopped eating popcorn, and concentrated on looking forward to the next theater performance.

"The Magic Show Begins"

Shinichi Hanyu saw it, saw his daughter with his friends in the stands not far away.
Shinichi Hanyu was also very familiar with the man standing next to him. This man was his assistant, the man who claimed to be open on June [-]th, the assistant who would come to help even if he only got one coin a day.

At this time, Shinichi Hanyu had a strong urge to rush up to meet his daughter.

But Hanyu Shinichi still suppressed this impulse, he had to endure the impulse now, otherwise he would not even be able to think about his daughter.

Together with those members of the magic troupe, Shinichi Hanyu appeared on the big stage, and subconsciously pulled down his hat.

The elegant old man who was the foreman stood on the stage, bowed, and said with a faint smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone, good evening!"

"Today, I will present a grand entertainment feast to everyone, please stay tuned!"

Special effects of flame jets, dancers, and men with hardcover muscles danced on the stage. The fiery dance immediately ignited the emotions of the people present. Kind of wild.

Lu Wei was eye-opening, and said tut-tsk.

"Excellent. I originally thought that magic was something very elegant. Even if it starts with ballet or something like that, I didn't expect it to be passionate samba."

"Enthusiastic samba is good, I like enthusiastic samba the most, ballet is too soft, it doesn't seem to have any impact emmm, this is how I am, especially those muscular men, their figures are It's really good, there is no better body than this." Xiao Wu stared at the gigolo's chest muscles on the stage, almost drooling.
Jin Shanshan patted Xiao Wu's head, rolled her eyes and said, "Don't be so embarrassing, didn't you say you want to cultivate some kind of goddess temperament to attack male gods, your current temperament is a woman's nerve."

Xiao Wu said with a straight face.

"What's wrong with female nerves, long live female nerves! Long live muscles! Long live brother!"

Jin Shanshan resolutely ignored this shameful best friend, but looked at a person behind the stage
Lu Wei noticed Jin Shanshan's eyes, and followed to see a magician wearing a mask, with the words 'No. [-]' written on the somewhat small hat, that is, the magician who appeared on No. [-].

Lu Wei said casually.

"Shanshan, are you looking at that magician? He is quite famous. His name is Wei Benlu. The magic world calls him [-]-[-]. This young genius magician claims to be [-]-[-] with any master on any stage." It got its name because it was opened. But recently it seems that it was banned because of cheating or something. I didn’t expect it to be still on this stage.”

Xiao Wu next to him shook his head with a broken face like you, "Don't say, that 20-year-old is only in his [-]s this year, the No. [-] magician has white hair, and is a little stooped and old, obviously he is not the one." The little genius magician who was cheating. Maybe it was the magician who came up temporarily to replace him because he was banned, and now the [-]-[-] opening is going to be so cold that it can't be colder."

"I don't know what [-]-[-] is"

Jin Shanshan smiled slightly, looked at the somewhat stooped old figure, and murmured.

"I just feel that this figure is very familiar."

not familiar
that action.
Why, why is it so familiar?

Jin Shanshan really wanted to get rid of her unrealistic thoughts, but she couldn't get rid of such thoughts.

"Father? Why isn't father dealing with recent events at home? Why is that figure so familiar? Why...is that so?"

The performance was very successful. The previous performances had whetted people's appetites, and everyone was hooked on this magic show.

Big change
chainsaw attack
and bathtub escape
Even Shinichi Hanyu felt fascinated by these magic tricks. These are the real magic tricks. Compared with his own magic tricks, they are like heaven and earth.

Finally, Shinichi Hanyu
Hanyu Shinichi stood in front of the stage, facing thousands of audiences, so many people, breathing together in this venue
I never thought that I would stand on this stage, the stage I once envied, the stage where I stood without talent or talent.

Everyone is holding their breath, looking forward to what kind of performance this magician wearing a clown mask can bring to himself.

"I didn't expect it. I, Hanyu Shinichi, will also perform here one day. If my talent is the same as before, I will definitely do my best to perform."

"But today... I just want to perform a magic trick."

Hanyu Shinichi stood in front of the microphone, looking at Jin Shanshan.

The eyes of the two met, it was the throbbing of the blood, and they met each other's eyes immediately.

In front of everyone, Shinichi Hanyu took a deep breath, and then said seriously.

"Today, I'm going to show you a magic trick. This is me, the most proficient magic trick I've ever learned, for my family."

The audience fell silent, looking forward to Hanyu Shinichi's next performance, but the foreman felt that something was wrong, and asked the staff next to him: "It's strange, it seems that I didn't say this."

The staff understood, and immediately turned on the walkie-talkie to remind Shinichi Hanyu.

Hanyu Shinichi didn't answer, but talked to himself.

"This magic is the magic that I learned when I performed it for my lovely daughter. It is also the magic that I am most proficient in now. It is a very ordinary magic in your opinion."

"I haven't performed magic tricks for my daughter for 15 years. I don't know if she's here or not. I want to tell my daughter that your father never forgets you."

Shinichi Hanyu took out a slightly small magic hat, and with a flick of his hand, the black magic hat twirled around in his hand.

It was this lap that made Jin Shanshan's heart tighten suddenly, and she immediately squeezed her seat tightly.

"Why. Why does this feel so familiar"

"Next, I will present to you, the most mundane, worst street, and most boring magic tricks."

Bad acting, bad acting, bad magic, the magic hat goes round and round.


The ribbon flew out of the hat, and with it, a little white dove
The white dove, with a colored ribbon, flies into the sky.
"The name of the magic."

"It's called [Peace]."

(End of this chapter)

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