Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 537, find someone

Chapter 537, find someone
In Central Park, it is still the same place, quiet and late at night, deserted, there is no happy scene during the day, and there are only two people, one old and one young.

After gathering Shinichi Hanyu's wish power in his hand as a stand-in, Li Yun continued to look at the decadent old Shinichi Hanyu in front of him, and said, "Don't you really want to see your daughter? Tell her yourself that you are her father."

Hanyu Shinichi showed a happy smile and said.

"My wish has been fulfilled. After seeing my daughter grow up healthily, I am also very happy. She has grown up and has a good man to accompany her."

In fact, Li Yun wants to say that that man is more than a friend, not a lover at most.
"Well, it seems that you are quite satisfied now, if this is really just your wish." Li Yun paused, looked at Hanyu Shinichi and said: "By the way, old layman, Pindao has a question I want to ask you."

"I thought you knew everything." Shinichi Hanyu was a little surprised.

"The poor can only know what can be known, and the unknown needs to be explored." Li Yun covered his face with a folding fan and said, "Then old man, do you know who is the Black Feather Kaitou? He is the pickpocket of the cos Kaito Kidd. "

Hanyu Shinichi felt a little weird, why did Li Yun look so low when he said this, he is obviously a famous thief overseas
His thoughts went back to many years ago, and he said with some emotion.

"Black Feather Phantom Thief. Of course I know this name. Frankly speaking, I was still a fan of him back then. I used my superb magic skills to steal precious paintings and antiques. I am a real magic thief. In everything else, I am not even a billionth of him, he is really amazing."

At this time, Hanyu Shinichi's admiration was beyond words, his face was full of fascination
Seeing Hanyu Shinichi's expression of admiration, Li Yun thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Well, there's no problem, you have to remember, if you promised the poor thing, you can't miss the appointment"

"Of course I won't miss the appointment. For integrity, I value it more than life. It's just that I have surpassed it recently." Hanyu Shinichi's expression was a little unnatural.

"Don't lie to the poor, what you see is more important than life, only your daughter"

Li Yun nodded with a smile and disappeared in Central Park
Just like when it came, it disappeared into the air, coming and going without a trace.

Walking in the bustling commercial street, little Su Li poked her head out, stared at Li Yun with big watery eyes, and said cutely.

"Dad. I want to eat octopus balls"

"As a father, I have a piece of advice to tell you. If you eat octopus balls unscrupulously, you will become like them. Is this what you intended to see?" Thai day of the ball.

Tairi Tianxin came over with a feeling and looked confused, trying to throw Li Yun down, but was directly stopped by the master.

"Really, I want to go up and twitch twice when I see everything. If I knew it, I wouldn't buy you." The dog owner complained about his dog, then apologized to Li Yun and left.

Little Su Li was stunned for a moment after watching this operation, and then reacted, shaking her little head immediately, and said with a look of fear: "I don't want me to become like it! It's like a ball, so ugly! "

"That's right, getting fat will ruin everything, even small octopus balls."

Li Yun stroked Xiao Suli's big, fluffy tail, the warm feeling was very comfortable.

Resisting the temptation of the octopus balls, Xiao Su Li began to speak in a ignorant manner.

"That old man just now. Why did he reject his family? Obviously his relatives are in front of him, and his family misses him very much."

"There are always many difficulties and helplessness in this world. Sometimes these things are beyond my control." Li Yun's solemn and serious education Xiao Suli said: "I will tell you about this old grandpa, little Gambling makes you happy, big gambling hurts your body. Well, it’s best not to even gamble, or you’ll lose your family, your life, and be separated from your family, with your daughter in front of you, just like that old grandpa. And can’t recognize each other. Losing everything, living in a daze every day, performing cheap magic tricks at night and getting cheap rewards, this is the price, little brother.”

After returning to the hotel, I found that Yang Tianhu was still working here, and Yang Yingying was reviewing English in the lobby, but what Li Yun could see was a series of Sanda and beating skills under the English book.
Now Yang Yingying is preparing for arresting criminals after becoming a policeman in the future——

"Why don't we let Bai Chen teach her the real short-haired magic fist. No, the short-haired magic fist is too much." Li Yun shuddered when he thought of the power of the short-haired magic fist described by Bai Chen at that time.

Use qi to penetrate other people's acupoints, and then the qi rushes in the body and sprays out from the acupoints, causing the bloody special effect of exploding to death. It is known as the strongest assassination at the end of the century. Li Yun feels that this is no different from death .

"Ah, I really want to go to school. Going to school makes me happy. If I knew it, I wouldn't go out with my dad to see some art exhibitions. What about love and family? In the end, something like the style of Kaitou Kidd ran out and took the paintings away Now, we are still detained here as suspects and cannot leave the city." After seeing Li Yun coming, Yang Yingying complained wildly, thinking that this could not be more painful.

"Actually, it's okay for your father to want to leave. As Curator Jin's strategic partner, your father stayed here to prove his innocence. The rich people present also did not leave here to prove their innocence. "Li Yun looked at Yang Yingying and said with a smile: "Also, your father may just want to get in touch with you. If you are at home, I am afraid there are many feelings that cannot be unfolded. After all, it is necessary to maintain the dignity of the parents."

Just as Yang Yingying was about to refute, she noticed her father's gaze. He was clearly chatting and laughing with other businessmen, but his gaze was projected over from time to time. Looking at her side, Yang Yingying immediately had to admit Li Yun's statement.

At this time, Yang Yingying secretly made up her mind that she should also have a good communication with her father today.
"That's right, after all, whether it's love or family affection, any kind of relationship needs to be maintained." Li Yun said with a smile, and looked at the restless and irritable Curator Jin who was wandering in the distance. Who, said to Yang Yingying: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Yang Yingying's eyes lit up, she was really bored here.
"Go find someone."

(End of this chapter)

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