Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 538, Master Ye He

Chapter 538, Master Ye He

Some noisy old towns are unusually deserted or quiet during the day. There are not many people, but everyone exudes a happy atmosphere. Even if you just stand here, you will feel relaxed. down.

Yang Yingying didn't dislike the environment here, instead she had a lot of fun, and even went directly to the dilapidated slide next to her to play, but it was a pity that she was too big to even enter the entrance of the slide.
"You don't need to have this inexplicable sense of self-denial. This thing is originally for children. You are no longer a child this year. It's too much if you can skate." Li Yun looked at Yang Yingying who was full of frustration, I complained wildly in my heart, you are almost 20 years old and went to play on the children's slide, aren't you looking for guilt?
"Fat sister!"

"Fat sister!"

"Sister is so fat!"

"You're so fat, so don't come to play on the slide! What to do if you're overstretched, I'm ashamed."

The brat who was playing happily next to him left the slide after being stabbed three times, leaving only Yang Yingying who was stabbed with holes all over her body
"Ahem, my old blood, have all the brats evolved so thoroughly now? It's rare for me to have a childlike innocence. Today, I remember that when I was a child, I would not do such a shameless thing." Yang Yingying put her hands on her chest , finally took a deep breath, exhaled the turbid air, and raised a pretty middle finger at the brats very roughly
Not to be outdone, the bear children directly raised a row of middle fingers. Yang Yingying couldn't stand up again, and Yang Yingying played GG
After these brats laughed, they ran away and disappeared, leaving only Yang Yingying with a helpless face.

"These bear kids... are really not ordinary bears."

"I think you enjoyed it, didn't you?" Li Yun looked at Yang Yingying and said with a smile.

Yang Yingying did not deny this, but said with emotion.

"My childhood was not as much fun as theirs. They could happily play with their peers and roll in the dirt. As for me, at their age, I could only face those unpleasant tutoring classes. How should I put it? It’s not that I’m unhappy, it’s just that I’ve never experienced this kind of happiness, which belongs to childhood.”

Li Yun said to Yang Yingying with a smile.

"So, do you still want to experience it?"

"Forget it, although the bear children are cute once, but after a few times, they will not be cute. Let's keep this cuteness for children in my heart." Yang Yingying no longer entangled with these bear children, and rolled Rolling up his sleeves, he looked at Li Yun curiously and said, "By the way, Brother Yun, what are we doing here? Are we here to find someone?"

Although Yang Yingying followed, she didn't know why she came here, so she followed blindly.

"Yes, we are here to find people, to find people who live here."

Li Yun led Yang Yingying here, and everyone opened their doors wide open, showing no intention of taking any precautions. There was nothing to steal. On the other hand, it also showed that this neighborhood was simple and honest, and no one would do anything about it.

As for the two 'outsiders', Li Yun and Yang Yingying, they just took a look at them and didn't say anything more.
The two came to a single-family self-built house, and there were a few free-roaming roosters and a big black dog outside.

When seeing Yang Yingying, the big black dog bared its teeth and barked wildly. After seeing Li Yun, it immediately began to wag its tail. After seeing Xiao Suli, it was immediately hit by the heart, and began to wag its tail crazily. Ah Er who has no morals, but Ah Er has even less morals.

Little Su Li's heart didn't fluctuate, she even wanted to laugh a little, she went straight into Li Yun's arms and fell asleep, losing interest in everything around her.

"Why are you barking at me? Could it be that Miss Ben's appearance is not to your taste? I'm really sorry, big black dog." Yang Yingying raised a round middle finger to the big black dog.

The big black dog continued to yell at Yang Yingying, his eyes were as sharp as a rabbit's, and he didn't allow Yang Yingying to get any closer.

Li Yun squatted down and patted the big black dog's head. The big black dog didn't resist, and rolled up its belly in enjoyment.

Yang Yingying felt that she had lost again
After Li Yun comforted her, Yang Yingying also squatted down, and boldly started to attack the big black dog. This time, the big black dog didn't shout or bark, but enjoyed Yang Yingying's smiling and stroking the dog's head very quietly.

A brat on the side suddenly appeared, one of the brats who gave Yang Yingying the middle finger just now exclaimed.

"Wow! Dahei actually touched you casually, who are you!"

The brat was covered in pitch black, as if he had rolled around in the dirt, and the hair on his head was cut short, but from his face, Yang Yingying knew that the brat would definitely be a beautiful little boy when he grew up. Girl, it's just dusty now
And it's not just an ordinary savage, he is so proficient at things like raising the middle finger that he doesn't want to.

"I am my different fireworks." Yang Yingying stood up, pointed at the brat and said, "Come on, come on, my sister will show you a baby."

The bear child would not be fooled into approaching Yang Yingying, he laughed, and then pouted.

"If you don't come, you will definitely spank me. My brother said that girls will gain weight if they are spanked. Just like you!"

"Hey, look at my bad temper, come on, come on, I'll really show you my baby, this time it's absolutely true!"

"I dont go!"

"come over!"

"I'm not going!"

"Come here, my sister treats you to spicy strips."

The bear boy hesitated for a moment.
"Eating spicy strips will make you fat!"

Yang Yingying: "."

"Fuck, who taught this brat, if it wasn't for the girl, she would have been beaten to death long ago!" Yang Yingying couldn't help complaining about the brat's education, she was very worried about her future.

Li Yun put on a warm smile.

"Little layman, I came to your house to look for someone. I know your elder brother and your grandfather."

"My grandpa, do you know my grandpa?" The bear child looked at Li Yun suspiciously, and his vigilance dropped a little bit.

"Well, Pindao is here to look for your grandfather and elder brother. Maybe you can wait until your brother comes home. Poor Dao can wait." Li Yun didn't dislike it either, so he sat directly on the small stone steps next to him. Big black dog with belly.

Li Yun touched the big black dog's belly, the big black dog enjoyed it very much, sticking out his tongue with a happy face
The little bear child next to him was also surprised to see the big black dog lose his morals and disarm his armor in front of strangers, and said, "Ugh, the most vicious little black in the village is so obedient to you."

After hesitating for a moment, the little bear nodded unexpectedly.

"Okay, I'll take you in, anyway, if Xiao Hei doesn't stop you, neither can I."

"The poor will not be polite."

Li Yun entered the room in a grandiose manner, and the brat couldn't help but feel a little suffocated for a while.
"Why are you more familiar with entering other people's houses than entering your own?" Little Bear complained.

"By the way, who owns that car?" Li Yun pointed to the blinding luxury Mercedes-Benz at the door. The person who looks like is waiting here.

Yang Yingying was also very curious. Although it was a bit wrong to think so, she still felt that theoretically, a luxury Mercedes-Benz should not appear here.
The little bear child looked at the Mercedes-Benz, shrugged his shoulders with a familiar face, and said, "He's a guest of my house, an old friend of my grandpa's. He often comes to our house as a guest, and he also brings me some snacks, yes A super super kind grandpa."

For that kind old grandpa, Xiongzi really likes that snack from the bottom of his heart, as can be seen from the drooling from the corner of his mouth.

Li Yun looked at the Mercedes-Benz, and the driver of the Mercedes-Benz also looked at Li Yun. In the end, he just nodded slightly and continued to wait on his own.

Not going to look at the driver anymore, Li Yun touched the little bear's head and said, "Little friend, what's your name?"

"Don't touch my head!" The little bear dodged immediately, not letting Li Yun continue to touch his head, and muttered: "I heard from my brother that if someone touches my head, I will not grow taller, so I don't want to grow taller!"

"What are girls so tall for? Petite is the cuteness that is popular recently, why don't you understand." Yang Yingying looked at the little bear child with a broken expression on her face.

The little bear child shrugged indifferently and said: "I don't care if I'm cute or not, I want to grow taller and grow up quickly, so that I can help my brother share the pressure at home. You people who have no worries about food and clothing don't understand us! "

At this time, the little bear's words were a little excited, and Yang Yingying was a little speechless, she was right, she didn't understand at all.
"Of course I understand, brother. When I was young, I was poorer than you." Li Yun paused, then smiled, "So poor that a bowl of noodles has to be divided into two meals."

"One bowl of noodles will be divided into two meals, and we will divide one steamed bun into three! One for me, one for my brother, and one for grandpa!" The little bear child pouted and raised the bar.

"The yellow//colored books that can't be found under the bed were found by the parents, and they were found out [beep] obsession, keywords, found by the parents, under the bed." Li Yun waved the whisk, still looking Calm and composed appearance.

The air was quiet for a while, and even the little bear was speechless. After a moment of silence, he said: "You won, my name is Lu Xian. You can call me Xiaoxian."

"Xiaoxian, be good, tell big brother, who is that old grandfather? How is the relationship with your family?" Li Yun paused, then added: "By the way, I just said that Xiao Huang//The book was found for a while"

"I lied to you."

Under the accusation of Lu Xian's blood and tears, Li Yun walked into this not-so-luxury small room calmly, which was filled with all kinds of sundries, except for the dilapidated children's comic strips that seemed to be products of the last era. , and a book of English mathematics exercise textbooks, these exercise textbooks are used, and the answers are corrected with correction fluid before use
In the corner are some simple magic tools, drawing boards, and oil pens, but the oil pens and drawing boards are covered with dust, at least there are no signs of being used recently.

"How about it? My house is very dirty and messy. I don't feel like a home at all. Even thieves wouldn't come to visit our house." Lu Xian was very calm and proud of his house. There is no shame in being poor.

For this, Li Yun can only praise silently. The guardian's education is really good, and it doesn't make children feel inferior
"About that old grandpa, I only know that he is a rich man, a very rich man, a friend I met when my grandpa was young, I don't know exactly how I met, I was not born at the time I don't know, maybe my brother knows what's going on." Lu Xian obediently took out two pairs of tattered and mismatched slippers, and said, "However, he is really a respectable person over the years. Ah, he will also send some condolences to our house. He heard that my brother likes magic, so he bought a whole set of magic tools for the house. Well, my brother is very stubborn, so he just doesn’t use those magic tools. Really, It's obviously such a fun thing."

Lu Xian's tone was a bit complaining, but Li Yun could hear the deep nostalgia and liking in this complaining tone.

Yang Yingying's eyes on this little bear are not so annoying anymore. In the family where siblings and grandfather depend on each other, the only warmth is the love from the elder brother.

"Wow, big sister, there are mice!"

"Rat! Where is it! Help!"

Yang Yingying was taken aback by Lu Xian's exclamation, and her face turned pale. When she saw Lu Xian's face showing a successful trick, she instantly knew that this brat was playing with her.
"Sure enough, I still can't like bear children!"

"Hahaha! I'm afraid of rats. I can kill three rats that stole my food in one night." Lu Xian looked at Yang Yingying with contempt and said, "You, oh, you, you exploded."

Yang Yingying: "."

With the police as her ideal but afraid of mice, she is not as good as a 1.3-meter-long kid. Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of frustration rose from Yang Yingying's heart
Lu Xian and Yang Yingying were playing and playing, while Li Yun looked at the messy room and gently stroked it with his hands, feeling the traces left by time.

"Here, very old is not only old things, but also old heart."

Li Yun walked slowly to the backyard, and finally saw the owner of the house, and an old man in a suit and leather shoes.

The old man in a suit and leather shoes has a handsome face and a hulking back. He was a handsome guy when he was young, and he exudes a different kind of charm even when he is old. It's no different from an ordinary demented old man. The old man next to him is demented.

Seeing this charming old man in a suit, Yang Yingying exclaimed suddenly.

"Master Ye Yehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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