Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 539, warm tea

Chapter 539, warm tea

"It's really Master Ye He!"

Yang Yingying stared at the handsome old man in front of her eyes with twinkling stars, the face of a little girl can fascinate you even if you are a lot of age, and the elegant temperament that fills the whole body, it looks like an old nobleman, with a shining temperament Almost blinding Li Yun's dog's eyes - the suit is really shining with gold powder on it
The old handsome guy Ye He stared at Yang Yingying, and then suddenly realized: "You are the youngest daughter of the Yang family?"

"Yeah, my name is Yang Yingying. Please sign me, master! I like your paintings very much, especially the one about love and family." Yang Yingying took out a piece of paper and a When the pen comes, the small eyeballs are rolling and thinking about something.

Li Yun felt that he should know Yang Yingying quite well, and there is a high probability that this autograph will be sold to other people at a high price
Ye He just smiled slightly, and signed his name on it.

"Thank you, master. Hee hee, I got Master Ye He's signature. That little girl is probably going to envy me to death. She can sell so many cough coughs." Thumbs up and said: "Hey, I'm impressed with you, I didn't expect to meet Master Ye He here, he is a real dragon who sees his head and sees his tail."

"Haha, painting needs inspiration, so I often go out to find inspiration for creation when I am away from home. Otherwise, one day the inspiration will dry up and Jiang Lang will be exhausted. It will hurt not only myself, but also those friends who appreciate my paintings. Isn't this what I want to see?" Ye He smiled, still looking elegant, and from time to time helped the demented old man beside him tidy up his clothes.

"Master Ye He is so gentle. It's almost one-tenth of Brother Yun's level." Yang Yingying whispered the last sentence.
Li Yun stared into Master Ye He's eyes, with a face as calm as water, and said with a smile: "Master Ye He, who has admired his name for a long time, is the master of the Sanqing Temple of the Poor Dao, and is Yingying's friend. He happened to travel here today, so he came here to have a look. I didn't expect to meet Master Ye He, and it's really lucky for me to be poor."

"Hello." Ye He also stared at Li Yun, and said, "The Taoist leader has an extraordinary temperament. I think this Sanqing Temple is also a place of great spirits in the mountains."

That is necessary, can you give birth to a person like brother, can you not be outstanding?Of course, Li Yun would not speak out his inner thoughts, but said: "Since Master Ye He is here, I have something to ask."

"If I can answer well." Master Ye He smiled, helped the demented old man next to him straighten his body, and then came to Li Yun.

"For your famous painting "Love and Family", master, if you have any understanding, if you have some feelings, I want to feel your mood and feelings about creating this painting together, master." Li Yun stared at Master Ye He's The eyes said: "Or master, can you tell me what you experienced when you created this painting in Central Park."

Ye He faced Li Yun's eyes that were as clear as water and seemed to be able to see everything. He didn't have any intention of dodging, but his thoughts returned to the past, and his facial expression gradually changed from elegant and delicate to a little sentimental. He didn't speak, but just looked up first. Head 45 degrees sad.

"Actually, in the process of painting, the last thing I want to talk about is love and family. Although this painting is my best work, it also bears too much sadness and pain for me. If you want to know, I can tell you."

"I would like to hear the details." Li Yun didn't shy away from it at all.

"What about my family members, they all died in a fire a year before I created the painting, leaving me alone, looking for inspiration to create paintings outside but not affected by the fire, but unfortunately they did not escape and wait for me to return When I arrived at the house, there was already a piece of ashes, only the remains of my wife and children were lying in the middle. My child was only 11 years old at the time and had a lot of time to squander."

When Ye He said this, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. It can be said that the tears were old, and there was no intention to cover up his sadness.

Yang Yingying next to her couldn't bear to see Master Ye He like this, she pulled Li Yun's Taoist robe and said quietly: "Brother Yun, let's forget about it, Master Ye He doesn't seem to want to recall that incident and lose his relatives, but he is very happy Painful."

Li Yun didn't ask any more questions, but just apologized sincerely.

"Then I'm sorry, Master Ye He, it was Pindao who said it, and you shouldn't be reminded of these unhappy memories
"It's okay, sometimes thinking of these painful things can inspire more creation. Since Love and Family was created, I have no more paintings that I can sell, which is very fatal for a painter Yes, I want to thank you instead. No one else dared to mention this incident to me, so I couldn’t recall the pain that happened at that time. The extreme inspiration brought by the extreme pain made people feel sad, but also It makes people sink." Ye He wiped away his tears, and returned to the appearance of the calm old gentleman just now, without any flaws.

After Master Ye He took out a piece of chocolate candy and handed it to Lu Xian, he smiled.

"It seems that you have guests at your house today, so I won't stay here any longer, Mr. Ye, and entertain your friends well."

"They are not friends! Especially this eldest sister, who is clearly an enemy, the enemy of enemies! And this uncle, who lied to me just now, I thought that uncle and I were on the same boat! Liar, liar Big liar!" Lu Xian stuck out his tongue and looked at Li Yun and Yang Yingying.

He said he hated it, but he didn't hate it in his heart. Lu Xian seemed to want to play with Li Yun and Yang Yingying, especially Yang Yingying.
Lu Xian showed a very obvious smirk at Yang Yingying.

At this time, Yang Yingying shuddered, she was really a little scared facing the bear boy Lu Xian, really afraid that this super bear boy would really throw a mouse to scare her.

Ye He didn't say any more, and turned around.

"I also left first. Just now, the words of Xiao Daochang gave me some inspiration. Look forward to the birth of my new painting. Next time, please visit my art exhibition, and I will be there at that time."

"Most definitely."

Li Yun waved goodbye to Ye He and made a salute.

Master Ye He came quietly and left quietly, bringing a piece of chocolate and not taking a cloud.
Lu Xian was still struggling to wave goodbye to the kind old man who brought the chocolate.

"Look at the family! When you come to visit, you will bring souvenirs and gifts. What about you? You don't have anything! You have the nerve to visit! I'm ashamed." Little Lu Xian also stuck out his little tongue at Li Yun to express his dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, Lu Xian still made two cups of the best tea leaves in the family. It can be seen that this is really the best tea in Lu Xian's family.

Yang Yingying is a little embarrassed to drink this tea, looking at the floating tea dregs always feels sad
Seeing Yang Yingying not moving the tea leaves, Lu Xian became even more unhappy
Li Yun drank the tea without hesitation, then looked at Yang Yingying and said, "The way to be a guest is to respond to the host's hospitality with all your strength."

At this time, Yang Yingying also suddenly realized, and swallowed the broken tea in one gulp, and she looked very happy after drinking it.

This time, Lu Xian's expression changed from cloudy to sunny.

"I'm really envious. Master Ye He is actually a friend of your grandfather. Many people want to see Master Ye He but can't see it. You can see Master Ye He from time to time. I don't know how many people are envious."

"How should I put it, I only know that he is my grandfather's friend. I heard that he was a very good friend before." Lu Xian filled up the tea obediently, and then said puzzledly: "By the way, you haven't said that you are here to look for him." Whose. Are you really just casually strolling around when you come to my house? You know the situation in our house, let alone strolling, outsiders will feel uncomfortable even if they stay there."

Yang Yingying just looked at Li Yun, she didn't know what she was doing here, she just followed Li Yun around
Li Yun just looked at Grandpa Lu Xian who was sitting there quietly in the backyard, a little silly and drooling.

Demented, silly, just silently looking into the distance, not knowing what to think, maybe not thinking about anything——

"How long has your grandfather been demented?" Li Yun asked.

"Ah, I'm not very clear about this. It seems to be before I was born." Lu Xian looked at his grandfather with his chin in his hand, came to him, and straightened his body so that he could look at the backyard better. Yuanfang: "Uncle, did you come to see my grandpa? Do you know him?"

"Pindao naturally doesn't know your grandpa. Besides, you should call me brother, don't call me uncle, don't call me uncle, don't call me uncle, important things should be said three times, I'm still very young, little classmate, At least a little older than your brother." Li Yun continued to smile and stroke Lu Xian's dog's head.

Lu Xian wanted to dodge, but Li Yun's big hand was directly pressed on his head, and he could only surrender immediately: "How do you know my brother? I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, I shouldn't call you Uncle's, big brother. Big brother, I was really wrong."

Li Yun finally let go of the evil claws.He said lightly: "A man's age is not something that can be blasphemed casually. Remember this truth, and you will make fewer mistakes when you enter society in the future."

"Hey, Brother Yun, did you make a mistake? The age of a woman is the little secret! What is the age of a man?" Yang Yingying complained, and found that she was a little helpless.

Lu Xian also wanted to complain, but he was afraid that Li Yun's hand touching his head would cause his growth to be short, so he endured it abruptly and restrained his desire to complain.

Li Yun made another cup of tea with the remaining tea dregs, and came in front of Grandpa Lu Xian.

When the tea dregs water was brought close to Grandpa Lu Xian, the eyes and body that had been dulled by dementia had some fluctuations, and the whole person approached the tea water.

There were still some words with unclear meanings in his mouth, some of them were like babbling, no one could understand them, and he seemed to be demented, but his hands that were not moving very much were slowly approaching the tea.

Lu Xian also came over, held his grandfather's hand, and said as a matter of course: "I heard from my brother, the former grandfather, the favorite is this tea residue, said it tastes very weak, a little tea, no Bitter, cheap and delicious, you can buy a lot for a few dollars”

At this time, Lu Xian was also very sensible to feed his grandfather drinking the tea.
After taking a sip of tea, the demented Grandpa Lu Xian showed a satisfied smile
"Little Lu Xian is so good." Yang Yingying looked at Lu Xian's filial piety, and also took out a piece of high-end chocolate: "Come here, this is a reward for you, usually I am not willing to eat it."

Lu Xian took the chocolate, peeled it off and ate it.

"Well, it's really rare for this little bear to say thank you." Yang Yingying shrugged.

"Pindao came to see your grandfather. Or rather, it was your grandfather who asked him to come here." Li Yun said with a smile: "Pindao came here by fate, your fate, your grandfather's fate, your brother's fate." come by fate"

Lu Xian couldn't understand so many things, he only knew that the uncle in front of him seemed harmless.
"You were just wondering what happened to the uncle in front of you, right? Forget it, don't worry about it with a kid like you." Li Yun looked helplessly at Lu Xian with a surprised expression. It seemed that the label of uncle in the little girl's heart was It's hard to get rid of, what a sad story.

Li Yun turned around and looked at a group photo hanging on the wall, black and white, it was a group photo of everyone, a couple who were not too young and plainly dressed, the man was leading a little boy, the boy was ignorant, Looking in the direction of the photo curiously, the woman caressed her bulging belly with happiness and kindness in her eyes.

Behind this couple is an old man, and one can tell that this old man was young when he was young.

This is a family portrait, the Lu family, the family portrait of this once happy family——

The current situation is just like what Lu Xian said, only myself, my brother, and my grandfather are left.
"Do you want to meet your parents?" Li Yun looked at Lu Xian and said.

"My parents. It's enough for me to have my elder brother. I don't need my parents at all." Lu Xian pouted and muttered, "I haven't seen them anyway, so whether they are here or not is none of my business."

He said he didn't want to see him, but Lu Xian's eyes were still longing to see, to see the parents who didn't know if they existed.

The tea was still warm, exuding bursts of heat.

A faint golden thread floats out from the tea water and tea dregs
Li Yun continued to stare at the demented grandpa.
Gently tap his old wrinkled forehead with your fingers.

When Li Yun pointed his fingers at the old man's forehead, a tear flowed from the corner of his eyes, and the originally dull eyes became less dull, and the babbling with no clear meaning disappeared, replaced by clear words.

"Little Rock."


(End of this chapter)

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