Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 540, I, God of Plague

Chapter 540, I, God of Plague

"My life is really a salted fish. The life of a salted fish, the people of a salted fish." Lu Wei walked on the village road in the countryside, yawning and stuffing his pockets. Seeing that there was no one around, he immediately twitched. Here comes Xiaoyan.

When passing by, Lu Wei saw the salted fish hanging on the side, and smiled wryly: "I am very salty, how can this fish compare to me."

The smoke is burning, and the faint fireworks rise together with the smoke.

Only when walking on the small roads in the country can Lu Wei feel that he has a real sense of being alive, unlike in a big city, although he is alone, he is not there.
When Lu Wei passed by the alley at home, the aunt who was washing vegetables next to him said hello.

"Boy from the Lu family? You're home from get off work."

"Yeah, Aunt Zhao, I'm home. I got off work early today, so let's come back early, and the part-time teacher is not here." Lu Wei paused, took out some small things from his pocket and said, "I almost forgot , this is brought along for you by the way."

Aunt Zhao smiled like a flower when she saw the things Lu Wei brought, and said after receiving these little things.

"Wait a minute"

Soon, Aunt Zhao took out a big lump of pork from the house, and stuffed it all over to Lu Wei. Lu Wei definitely couldn't have it, so he quickly shirked it, but how could a young and strong man be stronger than him? If you are a middle-aged aunt, no matter how many times you push it back, the pork will still come back to your hand.

"Take it down. I have a little extra pork today, and I don't have a refrigerator. I'm afraid it will rot at home. Take it, and you don't need to be polite to your Aunt Zhao."

Lu Wei quickly shied away, but in the end he couldn't hold back Aunt Zhao, so he could only accept the pork.

"Thank you. Thank you very much."

"It's okay, your Xiaoxian is growing up and needs to eat meat often. It's okay, let's eat it."

Aunt Zhao smiled and continued to take care of the vegetables.

Lu Wei didn't say much, just bowed to Aunt Zhao, came to carry the meat and went home, and the mood that was a little messed up by these piles of things calmed down a little.

The Taoist priest passing by, the matter of getting on the same terms with the girl I like, and the messy piles of things are all forgotten.

At home, it is enough to have a cute sister who is not cute and a grandfather waiting for her.

"Today, we common people are really, really happy. We have delicious meat."

Walking on the road, I met a child, and Lu Wei was in the mood to tease him. After seeing Lu Wei's eyes, the bear child immediately sensed Lu Wei in front of him with the instinct of a bear child.

Suddenly, when the big and small children wanted to have physical communication, they were taken away by the peasant woman who suddenly appeared.

"Mom! I want to play with him"

"You beg to be beaten! I told you that you are not allowed to play with the child of the Lu family's plague god, he will kill the people around you. Be good, listen to your mother, she will not harm you."

The peasant woman didn't care about the crying brat, and just pulled him away, leaving Lu Wei alone in the wind, with no fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Seeing the little bear child being taken away, Lu Wei didn't feel much. He just yawned and walked home with a big bag of meat.

Some muddy bad roads, Lu Wei saw the tire marks on the door of his dilapidated yard, and laughed: "Hmph, is that great painter coming again? Really, no matter how many times you come, the result will not change. He can no longer find what he wants."

After giving a round finger to the tire tracks, Lu Wei returned home.

Even though it was approaching night, there was no intention of turning on the lights at home. Lu Wei habitually took out an oil lamp from the debris pile at the gate of the yard.

In order to save electricity, oil lamps are used for lighting at night unless Lu Xian wants to study.
"I'm back! Really, it's getting late and I don't light oil lamps and candles. Grandpa is afraid of the dark."

No voice responded, neither from the bear boy Lu Xian, nor from his own grandfather.

Lu Wei is used to not responding, the brat Lu Xian may be outside now, and his grandfather may not have returned to the house in the yard.

Empty, lonely, cold—

The cold wind gently brushed his face, and Lu Wei stood up quite accustomed to it, and glued the newspaper stuck on the window sill with Jianghu.

Even though it was glued tightly, there was still some cold wind blowing in, and a little bit of cold wind slapped randomly on the face.
"Tsk, the wind is blowing so hard, there's no need to glue it on." Seeing that his old sister was not in the house, Lu Wei lit a cigarette and muttered to himself, "If it is In the past, Dad would definitely use his body to help me block the cold wind. Well, the children in the city would probably just close the windows, turn on the heat, and watch TV happily."

Lu Wei was a little drunk from the smoke, and said to the portrait on the wall.

"Dad, how are you doing underground? In this hell, you're doing pretty well, right?"

"Reincarnation? A thief like you shouldn't be reincarnated so quickly, maybe? I don't know what the underground rules are like. I guess I'll know when I die. Seeing how poor I am, I'll die soon. Well, maybe the next day you will be sent to heaven by a drunk driving rich second generation?"

Lu Wei laughed at himself, and took out a slightly worn-out Huawei mobile phone. The cover was a photo of Jin Shanshan and himself, and it was the only photo.

Jin Shanshan in the photo is smiling like a flower, Lu Wei knows that this is one of the few times when Jin Shanshan laughs out loud, when she takes a photo with herself.
"It's a pity, you are Jin Shanshan, and I'm a wage earner. I'm just a piece of trash working in your father's clubhouse. We are destined not to be together. If we are forced to be together, we will suffer the same misfortune as my father and mother. "

"Maybe, I'm really like the villagers said, I'm the God of Plague? I can't control my parents, my family, and those close to me. You see, none of the people close to me will end well. This can only be done with a curse." Let’s describe it as something like that. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense, there are not many people who can be as unlucky as me.”

He lit up the cigarette, and confided to the photo that the phone was out of battery, and Lu Wei didn't charge it, muttering that when he went to work the next day, he would save another electricity bill by embezzling the charging power supply of the guild hall.

"God, it's a bit cold."

Lu Wei was a little sleepy, and wanted to sleep, so he directly lifted the newspaper next to him on his body, and shrunk the package together.
So cold
So cold
Good. Warm.

If it's just a newspaper, even if you cover up your body, you're deceiving yourself, but Lu Wei really felt the warmth this time.

It's really warm.

(End of this chapter)

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