Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 541, Light up the whole room

Chapter 541, Light up the whole room

Where is it so warm?


That's right, the kitchen, Lu Wei could clearly feel the warmth from the kitchen.

Lu Wei was a little vigilant. He hadn't gone home to cook yet, so why did he feel warm?
A loud noise came from the kitchen, Lu Wei grabbed a stick from the backyard and went in
But as soon as he entered, the scene in front of him made him stunned.

It was still a kitchen lit by an oil lamp, and it was not as lively as usual.

"Little Su Li, help me get some soy sauce for Dad"


"Why does the fox bark bark! Are all the things taught in elementary school deceitful?" Lu Xian looked at the barking little fox with a face full of difficulty.

Wearing an apron next to her, Yang Yingying, who was cooking, pushed the non-existent black-rimmed glasses and said, "You still have a broken picture. Foxes are canids. They learn to bark. It's probably very scientific, so don't worry about it." These details."

"I always feel like you are fooling me seriously! The real reason is that you don't know." Lu Xian scratched his head, not knowing how to answer, turned around and saw Lu Wei, and jumped over happily: "Ouch Brother! You are back."

Lu Xian was still stunned, not knowing what expression to use to face everything in front of him.
"The Daoist priest and Ms. Yang."

Yang Yingying skillfully fiddled with the fried rice in front of her, she was not surprised when she saw Lu Wei, she waved her spatula and said, "Oh, it's you, I don't have anything to do with you today, you can go to the side to eat melons and have fun, My sister is very good at cooking.”

At this time, Yang Yingying skillfully stir-fried the dishes, which made Lu Wei look confused.

Lu Wei really wants to say that this is not the main problem, the main problem is why Mao will appear in his house, and he is so skillful in making shocks in other people's kitchen
But Lu Wei still couldn't speak.

This home, this room, here, has not been really lively for a long time. In the kitchen now, everyone is very happy, and my sister who is not cute is very happy.
"Taoist. You." Lu Wei turned around and looked at Li Yun, who was skillfully cracking eggs. He appeared in front of Jin Shanshan and himself without a trace some time ago, and now appeared here again.

Li Yun smiled slightly, and while cracking eggs skillfully, he said: "Don't worry, Pindao will not make dark dishes that make people die. While being a Taoist priest, Pindao often lives alone. Definitely a qualified chef."

Then Yang Yingying glanced at the big piece of pork in Lu Wei's hand, pointed at him and said.

"you do not mind."


Lu Wei handed the pork to Yang Yingying
Even the little girl Lu Xian was cutting vegetables together, holding a kitchen knife that didn't match the size in her small hands, and skillfully cut off small pieces of meat.

Lu Xian, I have never been so happy. This little girl who usually can't eat a piece of meat is drooling when she sees such a big piece of meat today.
"Lady Lu, let us cook today, just to fulfill the old man's wish."

"My grandfather's wish? He has been demented for many years. What wish can he have?" Lu Wei looked at Lu Zhengyi outside the door with a puzzled expression.

Lu Zhengyi was still dazed and stunned in place, without any reaction at all, and it was impossible to say anything about his wish.

But Lu Wei looked at the sizzling scene inside, subconsciously wanted to believe it, and went directly to the backyard, waiting obediently, waiting for the sizzling food inside to come out.

"How long has it been since I had dinner with everyone"

Lu Wei lit a cigarette, recalling the past
At this time, Lu Xian also ran out, hugging his brother habitually.

"You're a big girl now, don't hug your brother all the time." Lu Wei looked at Lu Xian with a smile and said, "What about you, didn't you say you want to help the Taoist chief cook?"

"Ah, I just came out to take a rest, and I'll go in after a while." Lu Xian looked at the kitchen side with treacherous eyes.

Lu Wei knocked on Lu Xian's head, and immediately knew that this guy was out to be lazy.

"You little clever ghost, it's fine to bother the guests to cook, but you still come out to be lazy, I don't remember that I educated you like this."

Lu Xian touched his little head, and cried: "I am not lazy. It is true that there is no place for me in the kitchen. Do you know that fox is the little fox raised by the uncle. She actually Can chop vegetables!"

At this time, Lu Wei felt it was ridiculous: "Fox chopping vegetables, you must be hallucinating due to the impact of air. Thinking about it, you know it's impossible. Be good, read less comics and read more books in the future."

Lu Xian still wanted to struggle for a while, but think about it, maybe it was really because it was too dark, maybe he had hallucinations or something.
A burst of fragrance came out from the kitchen, and Lu Wei thought back to the past, when his parents were there.
"By the way, brother, did mom and dad feed us this way before?" Lu Xian said leaning on his brother's shoulder.

"Dad doesn't know how to cook. My mother used to cook for us. By the way, you were still breastfeeding and had rice paste. I was the only one who ate the food made by my mother." Lu Wei hugged Lu Xian said: "Mom's cooking is actually very ordinary, how can I put it, it's just not so good, it's not as good as my brother's cooking."

"Wow! Brother, you are really shameless." Lu Xiancai didn't believe it.

"It's true, my mother always puts less salt in the rice, and the taste can fade away, but if it's you, you should like the food my mother makes, less salt and not salty, and the taste is moderate, I remember You don't like to eat heavy food, but I don't like too bland food very much." Lu Wei laughed.

Lu Xian made up the taste, and then made up the brother who cooks for him every day, and the mother whose memory has long been blurred, and said while holding Lu Wei's arm.

“emmmmm I still like my brother’s food”

"Don't forget the taste of mother's food. Although she may not have the opportunity to cook for you, it's not that she doesn't want to cook for you, but she still loves you very much if she can't." Of course Lu Wei knew why Lu Xian said that , in her mind, the word mother has long been blurred and can no longer be blurred.

In her world, there is only brother, only grandpa
At this time Lu Xian said with a smile.

"I have to grow up quickly so that I can protect my brother and grandpa"

"You little clever ghost, why does my brother need your protection? It's right for my brother to protect my sister, and don't forget your parents." Lu Wei said helplessly.

"Mom and Dad, the main reason is that I don't have any real feelings. I live with my brother and grandfather." Lu Xian looked at Lu Wei curiously and said, "Who are our parents?"

"Our parents."

Lu Wei's thoughts go back to the past
"At least, my father, from the outside, is a complete scumbag."

"Our parents are scum?" Lu Xian scratched his head, curious about his brother's evaluation.

Lu Wei wanted to continue lighting a cigarette, but halfway through the cigarette, he remembered that his sister was beside him. Instead of continuing to smoke, he just said: "Our father. Even my memory is a little fuzzy. I can only remember On that day, because of my birthday, I stole an electric car and used the money from selling the electric car to buy me a birthday present”

"Speaking of which, at that time our whole family relied on my father to steal electric cars. My grandfather was already a little demented and lost the ability to work. My father had no education level and no ability. It was impossible to work part-time because No one wants him at all, not even the factory wants a middle-aged man with a weak physique. As a last resort, he can only embark on the road of stealing and become a thief who everyone shouts and beats." Lu Wei said with a smile: " Of course, my father, who was a thief, paid the price in the end, because he was caught running away and was hit to death by a passing vehicle. From an outsider's point of view, my father just died with a crime to spare. After all, there are no such things as thieves. will be recognized"

Lu Xian was a little unhappy, and Lu Wei also understood his sister's feelings. When he learned that his father was not a great person, he couldn't even be called a good person.
"Brother, don't be a thief. The teacher said that bad people have no good end. A thief is a bad person, and my father is a bad person. I just want my brother to be safe."

Lu Wei's expression froze, and he messed with Lu Xian's hair. Lu Xian didn't dodge this time, and let Lu Wei stroke his hair.

"Hey, don't you always resist me touching your hair? You say it won't grow taller."

"Today. Today is an exception, as long as brother is happy, let's make an exception and let you touch it once." Lu Xian closed his eyes, letting his hair be messed up by being touched, but he was speechless.

Seeing this look, Lu Wei couldn't laugh or cry, and turned around to push Lu Zhengyi's wheelchair out.

"This wheelchair is the last relic left by my father. I bought the wheelchair with the compensation money from passing drivers, so that grandpa can move again."

"My father may look like a scum from the outside, stealing other people's property to feed his own ants, living at the bottom of the society, without any dignity at all, he is an existence that can be trampled on at will." Lu Wei's His eyes became deep and he said: "But I always think that my father is a great hero. To me, to our family, he is a great hero to support the sick and weak mother, as well as you and me. Although our mother , passed away in the end, but still left me and my father a happy time experience."

Lu Wei closed his eyes.
【Mom, I want to eat braised pork ribs today.】

[Mmm, mom is cooking boiled cabbage today. 】

【Mom, I want to eat braised pork! 】

[Well, I ate emerald white jade soup today, it's really delicious. 】

【Mom, I want to eat today. What will I eat today? 】

【Well, today is stewed radish and vegetables. 】

"Well, it really is poverty that blinded my eyes." Lu Wei thought with a wry smile, the time he spent with his mother seemed to be something more simple than simple food.

When telling Lu Xian these things, Lu Xian really wanted to complain, isn't this more bitter than the current life, and there is nothing to remember.

"In the past, when we ate boiled cabbage, my mother would give me vegetable leaves, and I would eat soup by myself; when we ate tofu, she would give me tofu; Drink radish soup, give me radish and green vegetables"

"She may not be able to bring out the best things, but she will leave the best things to me. This is my mother, her memory in my mind."

At this time, Lu Zhengyi, who was listening quietly beside him, grinned, and Lu Zhengyi, who had been in a wheelchair for so many years, showed a smile
Lu Wei next to him was stunned for a moment, looking at Lu Zhengyi in disbelief.

Elderly patients with dementia.
Will you show such an expression?
At first Lu Wei thought it was a coincidence, but Lu Zhengyi's smile still didn't disappear, it was still hanging on his face, showing a happy expression.

Lu Wei hadn't seen him for a long time, and his demented grandfather showed a happy expression.

Ever since his parents passed away and before his grandfather became demented, he never showed a happy expression.

"It turns out that grandpa can laugh too."

"Of course grandpa can laugh, but I don't know why grandpa is smiling now. He hasn't shown such a smile for so long. Why, grandpa has been in a daze for so long." Lu Wei planned to wipe it off. own eyes.

When I saw my grandfather, I was really laughing. It wasn't an illusion caused by the impact of air.

"Could it be that Alzheimer's can heal itself now? Impossible."

At this time, a light fragrance came from the living room.

Lu Wei is very familiar with this scent.

very familiar taste
【This is Mom's Emerald White Jade Soup.】

【This is Mom's stewed radish and vegetables.】

[This is Mom's boiled cabbage]

Lu Zhengyi's hands began to tremble tremblingly, with tears running down his face, and he pointed forward with his mouth crooked.

"Little Rock."


"Welcome home."

Lu Wei and Lu Xian pushed Lu Zhengyi to the living room. This living room could no longer be more familiar. The living room could only rely on newspapers to cover the windows, and the wind blew in.

But Lu Wei felt that the living room was very warm, not so warm.

familiar dishes.
There is also the braised pork that only appears on my own birthday during the holidays, even the taste is so similar
At this time, a little bit of green fluorescent lights lit up, illuminating and warming the whole living room. This light is brighter than the bulbs of fluorescent lamps.
"It's so beautiful." Lu Xian looked at the glowing lights, bouncing around happily like a child weighing three hundred catties.

Under the fluorescent light, there are phantoms of a man and a woman.



【Happy birthday.】

Both hands were holding a big cake.

The cake is fake, woven from green neon, but who cares
"Mom and Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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